Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1525 People Are Stupid And Money Comes Quickly

In fact, this incident has an inside story that Batu never imagined.

This auction has already been completely locked, and it is no longer a competition that ordinary people can participate in.

Even if there are some wealthy businessmen who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy hippo meat on the island, they all received calls after the auction was successful.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up their hippo meat.

This is the power of the country at work!

Among them, the biggest participant is the beautiful country!

This time, more than 60% of the hippo meat was bought by Shenzhou Kingdom.

Twenty percent were bought by the beautiful country.

The rest are bought by the rich.

And these rich people also received threats from the beautiful country, and had to give up the hippo meat.

In other words, these hippopotamus meat can basically be said to be divided between the beautiful country and the Shenzhou country.

And just after the auction ended, staff from both sides came to the hospital, picked it up at the door, and took the hippo meat.

This is good, Batu even saves the cost of postage!

Batu: I somehow lied down and won and became a billionaire.

He didn't understand this matter, but since he didn't understand it, he didn't want to.

In the ward, Batu's laughter and laughter from Batu's mother soon came out.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Wait for that idiot to retire, I will stand in front of him, I will say, I am a billionaire and I will showdown!"

Batu roared with laughter.

"Yes, son!"

"Mom wants to buy a villa and hire two more nanny, do you have any opinion?"

Batu's mother said happily.


Unexpectedly, Batu directly refused!

Batu's mother's face suddenly sank. Could it be that her son is reluctant?

"What kind of villa to buy, let's buy the manor directly!"

"Mom, you raised me, how much hardship did you endure, how can two babysitters be enough, I'll hire someone to wipe your butt after you shit!"

Batu interprets the appearance of the nouveau riche vividly.

"Forget it, Mom can just wipe it by herself, hahahahaha!"

Batu's mother laughed again.

The little nurse at the door of the ward did not dare to come in!

But this time, the head nurse came.

"Give me the medicine, and I'll change Mr. Batu's medicine myself!"

The head nurse also put on a special make-up to attract Batu!

But before the head nurse came in, the vice president came!

Behind the vice-principal is the dean. The dean's legs and feet are not easy, but the speed is quite fast! .

"I'm here to see our honored guest at our hospital, Mr. Batu!"

"Mr. Batu is in this ward. See if my tie is crooked?"


good guy!

Batu suddenly became a sweet pastry!

Many people contacted him before, wanting to buy hippo meat.

Now there is a lot of news, and I want to come to Batu to borrow money!

"Batu, in fact, after that night, I was pregnant with your child, I don't want more, just give me 500,000."

"Batu, the teacher beat you when you were in school. Do you remember that you gave the teacher 100,000 yuan, and the teacher knelt down and asked you to call back!"

"Old classmate Batu! I'm selling insurance now. Buy one and help me. If I can't sell insurance again, I'll be fired."

"Are you interested in Mantou 13? The little girl will serve you at your doorstep, and keep you cool!"


A large amount of information bombarded Batu's mobile phone, and Batu directly shut down.

"Cool, hahaha, so cool!"

"Is this what it feels like to be rich?!"

Batu had a complete orgasm.

Compared to Batu's one step to the sky, Bileg on the island is now very miserable. He had nothing to eat, and his eyes were turning green now.

At this point he picked a few leaves and chewed them in his mouth.

But he felt it was too bitter, he vomited the leaves and chewed on a piece of bark.

"Batu lay down and became a millionaire, but Bileg was eating bark!"

"Now I'll admit it, Beleg is a real idiot."

"It can't be said that if Bileg stayed and the two dealt with the hippo and transported the hippo meat together, Batu wouldn't retire."

"That's right, if Bileg doesn't leave, they will eat all the hippo meat, how can they sell it for money?"

"So, Batu has to thank Bileg?"

"Yes, it is so."


Netizens are discussing and sending barrages.

But now Batu has no intention of taking care of these things.

His mobile phone was turned off, so naturally he didn't know the comments of netizens.

At this time, he was fooled by the director of the hospital. With a wave of his hand, he directly invested 2 million in the hospital.

The dean walked out of the ward satisfied, and quickly called his friend.

"People are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly!"

Then he went back to his office and opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

In the days that followed, Batu was completely surrounded by these money-seekers!

In the end, it was his mother who realized that something was wrong, and took her son out of the hospital overnight to escape, and she didn't dare to go home!

These money-seekers, relatives and friends, can't find Batu anymore.

For the sake of safety, Batu also found a security company and hired ten bodyguards!

Of course, that's all for later.

At this time on the island, the picture came to Wen Song.

Bei Ye and De Ye in the official live broadcast room were also staring at Wen Song.

"Wen Song may retire."

"Acute gastroenteritis is very tormenting and needs to be taken care of, but there are no such conditions on the island."

Bei Ye shook his head and said.

He was not optimistic about Wen Song, and felt that Wen Song was going to die.

"Actually, he shouldn't eat so much today. I think he cooks some broth and drinks it, and it's better than eating meat."

Dee commented.

It does make sense, but it's too late to say anything now.

That's the way it is.

In fact, Wen Song is now regretting it.

It's a pity that regret is useless. Wen Song is suffering from stomach pain, and he can't hold on anymore.

Do you want to retire?

This thought appeared in Wen Song's mind, and it was out of control.

In this way, he struggled until the evening.

"Forget it, retire!"

"It's really uncomfortable!"

Wen Song wiped his tears and pressed the distress button.

At the same time, a group of rescuers set off immediately, all with smiles on their faces.

"Very well, it's getting dark."

"Overtime and night shifts cost more money, hahaha!"

"Let's find a way to buy the meat he hasn't finished eating from Wen Song's hands, and then sell it, won't we make a fortune?!"

"It's a good idea, but this has to be done quietly and can't be discovered, and the show team will definitely not let it."

"Yes, yes, can you turn over to see this time!"

The group of rescuers were all excited and discussed on the plane.

Now the news of Batu getting rich is sweeping the whole network.

No one thought that those hippopotamus meat could sell for sky-high prices!

And some sensitive people have already noticed that this hippo meat was probably bought by the state and used for research.

But ordinary people don't think about this. They only see so much money and find the world of the rich incomprehensible.

With hope, this group of rescuers set off to Wen Song's place.

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