On the island, Wen Song is here.

After pressing the distress button, Wen Song immediately felt relaxed, and the whole person felt a lot more comfortable.

He lay on the ground, let out a breath, and began to wait for rescuers to arrive.

"Finally can retire!"

Wen Song thought in his heart.

At this time, his heart was very relaxed and happy.

As everyone knows, this group of rescuers who came to rescue is happier.

A golden avenue to get rich is just around the corner!

"Quick, quicker!"

"Yes, hurry up and get to the place!"

"I took a look just now, and Wen Song still has a lot of meat left in his hand, about two kilograms!"

"Only two pounds? Much less than Batu's hippo meat."

"Nonsense, Wen Song has never gotten a large prey, so the two kilograms of meat are still pieced together."

"Okay, if you can get these two catties of meat, you can also make a fortune!"

"We can't just grab it directly, it's better to buy it from him."


On the helicopter, this group of rescuers discussed.

In the end, they decided to use the poor information to buy the meat in the hands of Wen Zong.

After all, Wen Song now has no idea how much the meat is worth.

But this group of rescuers knew very well that it was an absolute sky-high price, even more expensive than gold!

Before, they envy Ye Han for finding the gold mine, but now, in their opinion, the meat in Wen Song's hands is a good thing even more valuable than gold, it's a treasure!

Boom boom boom!

The helicopter roared, with air waves, cutting through the sky, and rushing to Wen Song's place at the fastest speed.

However, just as the helicopter was about to arrive at its destination.

The leader of the rescue team received an order from a superior.

"Recover all the materials in Wen Song's hands and hand them over to the state!"

"If anyone is found to have detained any materials without permission, they will go to court and take legal measures!"

What? !

All the people on the plane laughed just now, but now, no one can laugh.

How could this be?

Submit to the country?


The country wants these things, and has asked Wen Song if it belongs to Wen Song. Why can't Wen Song sell these things?

"What should we do now?"

A rescuer was unwilling and asked.

"I have a plan, let's take everything and fly directly abroad!"

"The country has cut off our financial path, and we will betray the country directly!"

Another rescuer came up with his own ideas.

Immediately, everyone else present looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

This plan cannot be said to be unreasonable, only that it is purely cerebral palsy.

Without cerebral thrombosis for more than ten years, I can't think of such a good solution.

"There's nothing you can do, just follow the orders."

"Everyone present also has family members and friends, so you can honestly listen to the command and do things beautifully. Maybe there will be some rewards from the above."

The captain said with a sigh. ..

we can only do this.

But thinking about it carefully, such an order was issued above, which is also an unexpected and reasonable result.

Now, anyone who can surf the Internet already knows the value of the goods on the island.

How could the state leave a hole for them to exploit?

They were too naive before.

Everyone's mood has dropped, and life's great joys and sorrows, ups and downs, are often so sudden. Even the speed of the helicopter has slowed down.

As if losing momentum.

Next, they arrived at Wen Song's place and connected Wen Song to the plane.

Wen Song was still happy that he could finally leave the island.

But he noticed that the attitudes of these rescuers and medical staff were very cold and even ugly.

It's as if I owe them money.

What's going on here?

Wen Song didn't understand and didn't dare to ask.

He lay down on the plane, only to find that the plane hadn't left.

Those rescue workers are moving the supplies in his wooden house.

Including the food he stored, animal skins, some pottery pots that were fired before, and even some thatch on the ground!

In the end, he also saw that the leader of the rescue team actually grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and put it in his pocket!

Others saw this and followed suit.

Is this crazy?

What do they want the mud on the island for?

Wen Song was puzzled.

In the end, the helicopter left here, and it was three feet away from digging into the ground.

At the same time, the Siam country where Wen Song is located is negotiating with the major powers!

Beautiful country has called to buy Wen Song's supplies at a high price.

Shenzhou also sent people to contact Siam, not only giving high prices, but also giving some foreign trade benefits.

After careful consideration, the senior officials of Siam Kingdom finally decided to pack all Wen Song's materials and sell them to Shenzhou Kingdom.

In this regard, the beautiful country said, does your little brother want to be beaten?

Siam is also very tough!

If there is no benevolence and righteousness in buying and selling, and if I don't sell it to you, you want to come and beat me?

You have a way to give it a try, Xiaopa Cai!

The person in charge of contact in Beautiful Country smashed the phone on the spot.

If he did not complete this task, he might also face some punishment, which is really miserable.

At this stage, all countries in the world have understood the importance of the island's materials.

And started trying everything to buy it.

If the national strength is not enough, then sell their own materials to powerful countries.

Not only can we reap a lot of benefits, but also the friendship of powerful countries.

If the national strength is strong, then continue to acquire!

Take it all back for research.

Ordinary people thought that the hippo meat was bought by the bosses and eaten into their stomachs.

Only a few people who have access to the truth know that the meat of these hippos is all used for research and no one eats it.

Even these retired contestants had their blood drawn, some hair pulled, and sent to study!

In the field of human research, the country that is at the forefront has to be the beautiful country.

Why, because the beautiful country is inhumane and has no bottom line.

Shenzhou Kingdom is still using some animals for experiments, such as mice, monkeys and the like.

But the beautiful country goes directly to the living!

Even some prisoners, but this goes against humanitarianism.

Once exposed, it will be reviled by the whole world!

In fact, some of the other experiments that Beautiful Country is also conducting are even more frustrating, involving things like biological and chemical weapons.

The ambition of this country has never stopped!

Wen Song was sent to the hospital for treatment, and all the materials he brought back have been sorted and packed by professionals and packaged and sent to China.

That night, these materials had already been delivered to the research base where Aleju was located.

"I'm busy again. I really envy the first year of the first year. I can still watch the live broadcast. I haven't watched the live broadcast for a long time!"

Aleju scratched his head and found that he had lost several more hairs.

I've been really tired lately!

The research on hippo meat is continuing, and now a new batch of materials has arrived!

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