Although he was very tired, to be honest, Ah Liao Ju was also in pain and happy.

She would have liked the job very much, otherwise she would not have achieved what she is now.

Her biggest wish now is to quickly finish her work and find time to be a guest in the program group.

In fact, she herself is very rich, and her family is well-off.

And he has been doing this kind of critical work for China, and he has been paid a lot of wages.

She doesn't care how much money she has in her bank card. Anyway, she takes a look at it every few months. Hey, it seems that there is an extra 10 million?

For such high-end talents, the state is very willing to give money.

Because they were reluctant to give money before, some people ran away and went to work for the beautiful country!

Now that the country is strong and powerful, such a thing is naturally not allowed to happen.

"Hurry up and do it!"

"When the time comes, I will also go on TV and give benefits to the audience."

Aleju said while continuing to be busy.

"Sister, then you'll have to go behind the scenes and leave the grand prize to us."

"Yes, sister, you are beautiful and kind, and you will definitely take care of us!"

"Sister is the best, and she is just three years older than me. The third female junior holds a golden brick. Sister, what do you think of me?"

"Kai Kai, people are not interested in a brat like you, you have to be a mature man like me."

"Come on, you are in the Mediterranean, who would like to be with you!"


A group of researchers began to continue their research while bragging.

On the first day of the first year, he was in the same research base, but he was very leisurely.

At this time, he was holding Erlang's legs, drinking Vita lemon tea, and eating pork jerky.

The leisurely first day of the first year was humming a song and watching Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Today Ye Han has been playing and resting at the beach.

Under the leadership of rhubarb, Damei has been thoroughly familiar with the environment here, and she enjoyed playing.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were also very relaxed, with smiles on their faces.

Now they have just finished a seafood barbecue dinner, washed and cleaned up, and went to sleep in the log cabin.

"Rhubarb, young people need to know self-control, otherwise it will be bad for your health, take it easy."

"But don't you die before the game is over."

Ye Han spoke earnestly and spoke to Da Huang.

But rhubarb, who is in a period of love, where can he hear such words?

As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, it pulled Damei to the grove.

In this regard, the audience in the live broadcast room are also full of complaints.

"Suddenly I feel very sad, rhubarb has a sex life, and I'm still stupid here watching the live broadcast."

"I haven't even held a girl's hand. The woman who usually talks to me the most is my mother."

"Be content, my mother ran away when I was very young, alas!"

"It would be great if I could receive express delivery on the island. I'll give Rhubarb some Liuwei Dihuang Pills."

"Send some kidney treasure, and make a pair of iron kidneys for Rhubarb."


Once this topic was discussed, the audience in the live broadcast room all opened their chat boxes.

Just like anything, once the word "spleen-boosting" is added, it will definitely sell better.

The oysters and leeks on the barbecue stand said that I am familiar with it.

Afterwards, Ye Han instructed Jiutian, Da Niu'er, Xiao Hanhan, and Er Niu'er to keep an eye on them at night.

If a crocodile dares to come, it will be trampled to death.

In fact, it doesn't need to be warned at all. Since the last time the three cows stepped on a big crocodile to death, these three guys seem to be a little addicted.

I wish I could step on a crocodile every day!

Perhaps it was because of fear of the terrifying lineup on Ye Han's side, but the night was very peaceful, and no crocodiles visited.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was bright, and the time came to the 237th day of the competition.

Early in the morning, Ye Han and Xiao Qi got up and found that the weather was not very good. Maybe it's going to rain.

And the wind is not too small today, and the waves are bigger than usual, constantly slapping the coast, making people daunting.

At this time, if you want to take a photo with the waves, there is no doubt that you will be drawn into the sea immediately, and even the body will not be easy to find.

"Let's go, Xiao Qi."

"Let's hurry back to the bamboo building."

Ye Han picked up speed to pack up.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast, boss?"

Su Xiaoqi also planned to make breakfast for Ye Han.

"Don't eat, it's okay to eat less."

Ye Han said.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoqi had no choice but to nod and pack up with Ye Han.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the audience was also discussing the weather.

"I'm tired of scolding the show crew."

"Actually, the weather forecast doesn't seem to be very accurate, so I never read it."

"But the lineup on the show team must be quite luxurious. Is it impossible to accurately predict the weather?"

"I remember when the game first started, the program team's weather forecast was quite accurate. What's going on now?"

"Don't worry, Ye Han still has the tiger skin in his hand anyway, even if it really rains, just cover the tiger skin over his body, it's fine!"

"That's true, but I feel like if it's going to rain, Blegg will have to retire."


The audience is constantly talking and sending a lot of barrage.

At this stage, there are still some players who are still active outside.

Like stupid Blegg, who's been out and about trying to find a suitable place to live.

There are also Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, who have obtained enough venom and are walking back.

Zhang Haoran and Sirius have also been active outside.

And Lengfeng and Li Guang's house hasn't been built yet!

On Ye Han's side, start walking back as fast as possible.

The sky was getting gloomier, the wind was howling, and many trees were dropping leaves and insects.

When the players on the island saw this, they all became solemn.

The weather this time looks quite bad, it may be a typhoon!

But if it is really a typhoon, it is impossible for the program team to predict it.

In this regard, the official program team also issued an urgent notice.

"I'm sorry for not predicting the bad weather this time, and the program team would like to express our sincerest apologies to everyone."

"Then explain that this time the wind is indeed relatively strong, but it has not yet reached the level of a typhoon, please rest assured."

At this time, on the side of the weather monitoring department of the program group.

"I quit!"

"Whoever likes to do this job, I'm quitting it anyway!"

"I have worked in meteorology in my whole life, and I have never encountered such an outrageous thing!"

"It can't be predicted until the weather starts to change. What else does the weather monitoring department need to do?"

A department manager angrily threw the coffee cups in his hands on the ground, untied his tie and roared.

This is not reasonable, this is not scientific!

He quit immediately.

Because his proud work experience seems to have failed directly, this is not a big blow.

And the senior management of the program team, as well as the senior executives of the world, especially some powerful countries, have already reacted at this time.

This strange phenomenon should be related to the radiation on the island.

It can be basically concluded that it is because of the influence of this radiation that the weather changes are impermanent, and some of the previous prediction methods are basically useless.

But this kind of thing, can't tell the audience, it's really helpless.

There is no good way, just let the audience scold. No matter how much they scold, why not continue watching the live broadcast?

And on the island, the wind is getting stronger!

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