The wind blows!

A violent gale swept the entire island, covering the entire island.

All the players still on the island became nervous.

Especially those who are still out and about.

Under such bad weather, without the protection of buildings, people's hearts are not at ease!

"Qingqing, it's definitely impossible for us to rush back."

"Now we must find a suitable place as soon as possible, shelter from the wind and rain!"

Tang Hong said with a solemn expression.

At this time, she and Yang Qingqing had just set out, and it was impossible to return to their bamboo house.

So just look for a shelter outside.

"The wind is too strong this time, and the previous method is not expected to work."

Yang Qingqing's face was also very ugly.

The previous method was that they used animal skins and branches to temporarily build a canopy, and then hid in it.

But the current situation is clearly not feasible.

I'm afraid this canopy can't be built at all, and it will be blown away by the wind.

On Bileg's side, he looked at the sky and grinned.

But this smile is even more ugly than crying.

"This ghost weather, is to play Laozi!"

Bileger cursed, and then quickly began to look for a suitable place to shelter from the rain.

On the side of the treehouse group, Morgan and Ke looked at the sky and hurriedly started looking for food around.

"Fortunately our new house has been built, hahaha!"

"Look, the strong wind blew down a lot of bugs from the trees, hurry up and pick them up!"

Morgan and Cough were delighted.

Thank you for the gift of nature!

On Lengfeng and Li Guang's side, the construction of their house only started yesterday, and even the foundation has not been done.

"Guang, speed up and create a small shack that can accommodate people first."

"At least you can go ahead and take shelter from the wind and rain."

The cold wind looked at the sky and said.

Li Guang nodded and took the time to work.

The tiger was terrified. This was the first time it had experienced such bad weather since it was born!

The little guy followed Li Guang every step of the way.

Li Guang almost stepped on it several times.

"Tiger, come!"

Li Guang picked Hu Zi up and put him in his arms, which gave Hu Zi a strong sense of security.

After a while, it actually fell asleep in Li Guang's arms, and was still snoring.

The audiences all over the Internet are also discussing the situation this time.

"This weather is really bad. I feel it is the worst weather since the start of the game, right?"

"Weather like storms used to be frequent, but this time it was the most violent."

"Make a bold prediction, this time many players will retire because of this!"

"I don't care about others, Blegg will definitely retire anyway, where can we start?"

"Blegg is such an idiot. Batu has become a billionaire, yet he has lived such a miserable life, tsk tsk."

"Stupid Bileg will eventually pay for his own stupidity!"

"One by one, they all fell into the trap, right? They were once called wise men, hahaha!"


Massive discussions swept the entire network.

This time the audience is not bored anymore, all of them are waiting for something to happen on the island.

According to this situation, within half an hour, it will start to rain heavily on the island.

Storm is coming!

Whoa whoa whoa!

At the seaside, not long after Ye Han left, the wind and waves became stronger, and the waves crashed on the tidal flat with great momentum.

And the sea level is also rising, gradually approaching the wooden house by the sea. Maybe after the bad weather this time, that wooden house will no longer exist!

There are some anomalies happening in places that many viewers can't see.

For example, the location of the small volcano that Ye Han hadn't been to in a long time.

The wind is howling, but the temperature inside the small volcano is rising.

The hot springs inside the cave are also rising in temperature and still bubbling!

On the side of Bisheng Mountain, the water flow of the waterfall has also become larger!

A series of chain reactions occur!

"Little Qi, cover the tiger skin, don't catch a cold."

"You go and lie down on the big girl, don't be afraid."

Ye Han took out a tiger skin and put it on Su Xiaoqi's body.

Then he hugged Xiao Qi, holding Xiao Qi's butt with one hand, and pushed Xiao Qi to the eldest girl with all his strength.


"Boss, you are bad!"

Su Xiaoqi blushed, lay down on the eldest girl's back, and directly covered her head with tiger skin.

There is no doubt that Ye Han took advantage of it just now.

The audience scolded Ye Han for being a beast, while Ye Han smiled and recalled the feeling just now.

Gee, that's great!

Every group of players on the island is preparing for the coming storm.

Those who have a house hide in the house, and those who are still outside quickly find a place to hide from the rain.

At the same time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, there was a big guy.

Si Xuan!

According to what the Shenzhouguo program team notified, he should have come to the live broadcast room as a guest on the 236th day.

But because of a change in his schedule, it was delayed by a day.

At this time, he walked into the live broadcast room and greeted everyone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Si Xuan."

"I should have come yesterday, but because I have to sign a contract, I was delayed for a day. I'm sorry."

"But I also prepared a generous gift for everyone!"

Big Si Xuan said.

His height is about 1.9 meters, which is really tall, and the little sister standing next to him looks very petite.

And he is also very handsome, making the audience envious and jealous.

Why are these people so rich and so handsome?

There are so many tall, rich and handsome people, and they don't give life to ordinary people!

"Si Xuanju, as soon as you come, the island will start to storm. This is a big scene!"

The little girl said with a smile.

"No no no, this storm has nothing to do with me, I don't bear the blame."

Si Xuanju waved his hand quickly.

Everyone laughed too.

The old rules, after a few simple chats, Si Xuanju began to draw a lottery and give gifts to everyone.

The so-called appetizers in his mouth are actually a large number of home appliances!

There are small appliances, such as humidifiers, rice cookers, induction cookers, electric grills and the like.

There are also major appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, everything, and they are all big brands.

"Great, I just took out a loan to buy a house, and my family lacks these things!"

"These appliances in my home have been used for almost ten years, and they should be replaced long ago, but I have no money, so this is it, I hope you can win me!"

"The boss is invincible, can you arrange a full set for me?"

"Yesterday, my wife scolded me, saying that I am incompetent, and I can't even afford a double-door refrigerator. I beg the boss to give me one!"

"I am willing to sacrifice the entire life of Bileg in exchange for winning the jackpot!"

"Blegg: Are you polite? You *****!"


The audience immediately turned on the mode of swiping the screen, and kept sending the barrage.

Next, the lottery started, and a large number of lucky viewers won the prizes prepared by Si Xuanju.

At the same time, on the island, with a thunderclap, raindrops the size of beans began to fall, sweeping the entire island!

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