Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1530 The Conversation Between Leng Feng And Li Guang

Bileg withdrew from the competition and was picked up by the helicopter of the program group, and the matter was settled.

It is useless to scold those who lost the bet, this matter has already come to an end.

They can only accept the facts.

There are some people who have won the bet, so naturally they can go unrestrained.

Still in the mood to check out other live broadcasts.

Those who lost were not in the mood at all, and the popular ones smashed their phones.

In the official live broadcast room at this time, the situation of a group of players is also being explained.

"Blegg player regretted leaving the field."

"But our game is still going on. Now let's take a look at the situation of the scenery CP group in China."

Bei Ye looked at the big screen in front of him and said.

At this time, the picture came to the scenery CP group.

"We can see that in the recent period, although the situation of the scenery CP group is not very good, there have been differences between the two players."

"But once something happens, the two players are also very united."

Dee opened his mouth to explain.

In the picture, Leng Feng and Li Guang are working together.

The two of them were already soaking wet, but the speed of work was not slow at all.

A simple shack is about to be completed.

As far as the two of them are concerned, it is not a big problem to deal with this sudden storm.

"Okay, Aguang, come in!"

The cold wind shouted.

At the same time he wiped the rain off his face.

Li Guang bent down, got into this small shack, took off all his coat and trousers, and lay in the shack.

Then the cold wind came in.

Inside the shack was a sleeping bag, and then some animal skins.

These things are not wet yet, at this time they can bring warmth to the two and wipe the water off their bodies.

Hiding in the shack, as soon as the door was closed, the storm outside had nothing to do with them.

But at this time, the atmosphere in the shack began to become a little awkward.

The two lay there side by side, and it was difficult to turn over.

He didn't have any clothes on yet, each with a pair of big trousers, and his body was wet and covered with some animal skins.

It was time to say something, but neither of them knew what to say.

"Aguang, I'll sleep for a while, call me if something happens."

Leng Feng broke the silence and said.

"Okay Brother Feng."

Li Guang responded.

Then Lengfeng closed the live broadcast, and Li Guang also closed the live broadcast.

The live broadcast room of the two fell into darkness.

This immediately made the audience anxious.

"Why is the live broadcast still closed?"

"I was thinking just now, can the relationship between the two be eased, alas!"

"They have different ideas about the game, and this conflict is estimated to be difficult to ease."

"It's also true that when the storm is over and the house is built, Brother Feng will probably fly solo."

"Brother Feng, don't go, you can't leave Mother Guang!"

"Not necessarily. The two of them turned off the live broadcast, and they might reconcile after a sleep."

"Yes, yes, it's like a quarrel between husband and wife. Isn't that all quarrels at the head of the bed and reconciliation at the end of the bed!"


Some viewers speculated that the two of them would not fall asleep, but would turn off the live broadcast and have a chat.

This guess is indeed correct.

After both of them turned off the live broadcast, Leng Feng sighed.

"Guang, we haven't talked properly for several days."

"I'm really sorry, I know it's my fault."

Cold wind said.

Hearing this, Li Guang thought for a while, then shook his head.

"It's not your fault, Brother Feng."

"If you are a person who likes comfort, then you can't have the achievements you have today." Li Guang said.

"I'm all out of the army, what's not accomplished is a thing of the past."

"Let's not mention the brave man back then, I'm struggling to beat Thomas now, and I almost got killed by him."

Cold wind said with a smile.

Dude, this is what pulled Thomas out and whipped it!

"Brother Feng, I know you don't like to hear it, but I still want to say it."

"Our game is not for ourselves, but for China."

"So I hope you can think about it again."

Li Guang thought for a while and continued to speak.

Hearing that, the cold wind was silent.

It was obvious that he was hesitant.

On the other hand, Li Guang moved in his heart, striking while the iron was hot.

"Brother Feng, no audience can hear it now, let's talk about what's in our hearts."

"You think, there are only more than 100 days left in the game, you just grit your teeth and it's over. It's not difficult."

"It really doesn't work, I accompany you to practice boxing every day!"

Li Guangneng said that, he really paid a lot of sacrifices.

You know, practicing boxing with Leng Feng is purely for abuse.

"Hahaha, what should I do if I'm afraid I'll kill you?"

"I'll think about it, Aguang."

Cold wind said with a smile.

"I can guess that the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom must be watching our live broadcast every day, hoping that we can win the championship."

"You know it in your heart, Brother Feng, among the players in our country, the strongest, I think it's our group, because you are here!"

"If you don't play well, it's too rough, then there will definitely be a lot of spectators disappointed."

Li Guang meant to let the cold wind stabilize the waves.

"I actually just wanted to do something, and I didn't think about how to make trouble!"

"Aguang, think about it, this is actually not a conflict!"

Leng Feng thought for a while, then said.

"When the house is built, you can just stay here."

"I'll go out and look for it. If there are other players' houses, I'll set it on fire and run away. Maybe I can steal something, isn't it delicious?"

"Look at Zhang Haoran, he has a lot of standard materials, all of which he stole!"

said the cold wind.

It makes sense, he said.

Li Guang was unable to refute for a while.

"You know my skills, and the general situation is fine, so don't worry about it."

"I go out for a trip, and I'll be back in half a month at most, but it doesn't affect anything."

Cold wind continued.

Li Guang didn't think it was right. Didn't he want to persuade Leng Feng to hold on to Bielang? Why did he end up being persuaded by Leng Feng instead?


Before he could think about it, Leng Feng punched him on the shoulder.

"Okay, Aguang, don't get angry with me."

"When this storm is over, let's go out and pick up dead bodies. Many animals must have died because of it!"

said the cold wind.

Seeing this, Li Guang had no choice but to nod his head.

There is no other way but to do this first!

And as their live broadcast room fell into a black screen, a large number of viewers left.

They came to the live broadcast room of the gold medal team.

It's not that hard to find a shelter outside.

Beleg was not found, and he quit the race because of hunger and cold.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were also unable to find a suitable place.

But how could the two of them be willing to retire?

As a last resort, the two of them found a relatively open place, then took out the animal skins, wrapped them tightly layer by layer, and began to shelter in place from the rain.

It's a no-brainer, but it's better than being outside in the rain.

As for whether it can survive, it depends on the will of God.

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