Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong took out all the animal skins they were carrying, wrapped them as much as possible, and squatted on the spot to avoid the rain.

During the period, I also changed the place, because the place I chose for the first time was relatively empty and safer, but it was easy to accumulate water.

After changing to a more suitable place, the two took Xiao Mimi to continue sheltering from the rain.

"Little guy, if it rains heavily, how do you avoid it?"

Yang Qingqing reached out and touched Xiao Mimi's body.

Although both of them were protecting it, there was still a lot of rain on its fur.

At this time, Mimi shook the water on her body, and then began to lick her hair.

In any case, animals with fur are always better than humans when dealing with rainy days.


The island seemed to be leaking, and this time the rain was heavier than ever.

And the wind is also the biggest one.

A large number of players were in a panic all day long, for fear that the house would collapse.

The screen returned to Ye Han's side.

At this time, Ye Han, with a deep kick and a shallow kick, led the team forward.

From time to time, I have to stop to check if there are any left behind, if there is any problem with Xiao Qi, if there is any problem with the animals.

And the situation at home, he was also quite worried.

This time the wind and rain are too heavy, I am afraid it will also have a certain impact on the animals at home.

"In extreme weather, there is no way around it."

"Just hope that nothing happens."

Ye Han thought to himself.

Seeing him in such a difficult state, the audience also beat drums in their hearts.

"Ye Han is too difficult, don't let the wind blow him away."

"This is not possible, but it is really difficult for him to walk now."

"I'm worried about the animals in my hometown, but don't have any problems."

"How could such bad weather suddenly appear, the players were not prepared, and the audience was not mentally prepared at all."

"It's all because of the damn show crew, who can't even do a bad weather forecast!"

"Trash show group, don't do it if you can't do it!"


After the chat, the audience began to scold the program team again.

This program group is used to it.

I've already apologized. If you still want to scold, then scold. What can I do?

At this time, houses finally began to collapse on the island!

You must know that there are many players whose houses were still built when they first arrived on the island. They have lived here for more than 200 days.

If there are no surprises, it is still able to persevere.

But with such extreme weather, their house finally started to have all kinds of problems.

It's just leaking rain, that's all for fun!

Someone's house just collapsed!

The house that collapsed this time was a group of players from Korea, which was the only group of players in this country.

Their house collapsed directly, burying both of them inside.

The program team immediately sent a helicopter to the location of this group of players, and at the same time, a large number of viewers were constantly pouring into this live broadcast room to watch the excitement.

"It's a Korean player!"

"Hey, there is such a country, I didn't pay attention."

"You don't have to pay attention in the future, they will be wiped out directly."

"What's the situation with the two players now, aren't they dead?"

"Although I haven't paid attention to this group of players, I still don't want to see dead people on the island, except for those in the beautiful country and the neon country."

"+1! Heroes see the same thing, and I think so too."

"Look, a player has climbed out!" Among the large number of barrages, some viewers saw a fat man struggling to climb out of the ruins of the house.

At this time, the fat man was soaked all over, and he had a hole in his head, and blood was flowing.


Fatty howled, and at the same time began to scrape at the ruins of the wooden house, trying to rescue his teammates.

Fortunately, their wooden house is not big, so after he moved a few pieces of wood, he soon saw his teammates.

There was no blood on his teammates, but they were in a coma.

Fatty looked at his teammate's live broadcast bracelet and found that there was no alarm, so he was relieved.

The live bracelet did not issue any alarms, which means that the problem is not big.

"Ouch, it hurts to death!"

The fat man covered his head and wiped the blood from his face.

He has already pressed the distress button. In this situation, it is definitely impossible to hold on.

You can only choose to retire and go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

After choosing to retire, Fatty looked around again, trying to find a place to hide from the rain.

But he quickly gave up.

Is there any place to hide from the rain?

As a last resort, he turned the backpack out of the ruins and put it on his head.

The pot was also on the side, but he didn't dare to use it, because the pot was metal and he was afraid of being struck by lightning.

"Okay, this wave is very detailed!"

"The details are full, brothers, this fat man even knew that he washed his feet in the rain."

"He didn't care about his teammates, hahaha, teammates are still lying in the mud."

"It's okay, both of them can't die, just wait for the show crew to come over."

"It is recommended that the program team send more planes to patrol, because there may be players withdrawing from the competition at any time."

"I said a number, five groups! There may be at least five groups of players withdrawing today!"


A large audience was talking.

Afterwards, the helicopter of the program group finally arrived at the scene and picked up Fatty and his teammates, announcing the annihilation of Korea.

Similarly, before the helicopter took them away, the rescuers came directly to a ransack, and even the wood of the collapsed house was taken away.

This gave the fat man a stunned look.

"What are you doing with this wood?"

The fat man asked while being bandaged by the medical staff.


A rescuer said to the fat man.

Seeing this, the fat man didn't ask any more questions. He picked up some food and water from the plane and ate it.

As for his teammates, after inspection, it has been confirmed that the problem is not serious. At most, it is a slight concussion. They can wake up and recover soon, and there will be no sequelae.

And after the helicopter picked up Fatty and his teammates, it didn't take long for the second collapsed house to appear.

And this group is everyone's acquaintance.

Treehouse group!

Morgan and Ke, who were lying in the newly built tree house, were sheltering from the rain.

The two talked and laughed, looking forward to a better tomorrow.

"When the rain stops, a large number of animals will die and make a fortune, hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, worms can be eaten casually, and some dead birds and the corpses of other animals may be picked up!"

Both Morgan and Ke were waiting for the corpse to be picked up after the rainstorm.

There is no doubt that with this posture, there will be a large number of animal deaths after this storm.

Then there will be a harvest.

However, before the two were happy for a long time, an accident happened!

This newly built tree house, I don't know where the problem is, actually started to make a creaking sound.

Immediately afterwards, the entire treehouse fell directly from the tree and fell to the ground!

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