The treehouse of the treehouse group fell from the tree!

Suddenly, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room of the treehouse group.

"Come here, family!"

"Just came over from Ye Han, what's going on here?"

"I came over from Qingqing's wife, how is it, are the people in the treehouse group dead?"

"Morgan seems to be dead!"

"Don't talk nonsense here. If you didn't hear the alarm sound of the live bracelet, you said that someone is dead?"

"Let's talk about rumors, Morgan will be killed one day in his life, hahahaha!"


Everything is said in the live broadcast room.

The audience is very busy. After watching this live broadcast room, they hurried to see that live broadcast room.

At this time, the tree house group is here.

It can be seen from the live broadcast that the tree house fell apart after falling from the tree!

All kinds of wood were scattered all over the ground, the house cover was scattered, and it bounced on the ground.

The two people who were lying in the tree house were still lying there.

They weren't hurt, they were just dumbfounded.

"What happened?"

Morgan asked.

As he spoke, he wiped the rain off his face.

If he coughed, he coughed twice.

"We fell from the tree!"

Cough was very flustered, and quickly looked at his limbs and found that they were all there, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ouch, my ass!"

Morgan tried to get up, but it was a little hard.

This time he fell to his butt, and he feels a pain in his ass now.

"I support you."

Cough helped him, and they both stood up.

They both looked at the wood in front of them, all dumbfounded.

And then, Ke looked directly around, trying to find out if there were any traces of activity.

Because of the fact that the wooden house was burned last time, he suspected that this time it was also man-made.

But this time, it was clearly not man-made.

Finally he shook his head.

"It was a terrible storm and it blew our house down from the trees."

"What should I do now?"

Morgan sighed.

In just over a minute, the two of them were soaked all over and turned into chickens.

"Let's use these woods and build a new canopy."

Cough offered his own suggestion.

Morgan also felt that this method was good, so the two began to work hard in the rainstorm.

The audience continued to talk.

"Who said Morgan was dead just now, come out and beat me!"

"I almost believed it, motherfucker, these rumormongers are so damn good!"

"However, the two of them fell off the tree, are they all right?"

"These two people are very skinny, and their physical fitness is better than ordinary people."

"But they eat worms, how can they have a good body?"

"Laugh to death, do you know how nutritious bugs are, it's all protein!"


In the midst of a large number of barrages, Morgan and Cough work in the rain. ..

After seeing that they were okay, many viewers also left the live broadcast room.

I thought that the players would withdraw from the competition again, so everyone rushed over to watch the fun, but they didn't think so, neither of them were injured.

A bit outrageous indeed.

"There are already two groups of players whose houses have collapsed!" "And this is definitely far from the end. We have noticed that there are several groups of players who have some problems with their houses!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

"The players from the country of Korea left the stage sadly. Fortunately, there were no major problems with their bodies, but they were all minor injuries."

"And our tree house group fell off the tree without losing a single hair!"

Dee explained.

However, a reasonable analysis should be like this. The two of them are cushioned with wood, which acts as a shock absorber.

And if you replay it, you'll find that their treehouse fell from a slant.

It was a corner that landed first, so the impact on both of them was relatively small.

If the two fell directly from the tree, it would not be so simple.

Next, the live broadcast continues.

The audience ran through the various live broadcast rooms, observing every group of players who might retire.

"This group of players will definitely retire. Their houses have the most leaks."

"I can't say that. My house is also leaking, but my house has not collapsed for so many years."

"Brother, your house has been leaking for so many years, don't you know how to fix it?"

"I think this group of players is a little overhang. Their house is shaking, doesn't that mean it's about to collapse?"

"I think the next group of players to retire should be Ye Han, hahahaha!"

"Little day, don't bark here, be careful grandpa will tear you apart!"


In the midst of a lot of discussions, some people who hated Shenzhou Kingdom kept speaking and cursing Ye Han.

Doesn't it mean that Ye Han is the favorite to win the championship, doesn't it mean that he has already locked the championship in advance?

Maybe a lightning strike will kill him now!

Who can say for sure?

In the face of these people, there is nothing to say, just scold them and it's over.


And then, as time passed, Si Xuanju in Ye Han's live broadcast room had already given away a lot of goodies.

There are lucky audiences, the whole family goes to battle, it can be said that all the home appliances are replaced with new ones!

If there are viewers who do not need these appliances, they can also choose to directly discount, exchange for money, and directly credit the account.

While everyone concerned about the situation of the players, they happily drew the lottery.

Really busy, but also very happy.

"It's almost noon now. Just now, Tian Ai Xiangzhu sent a message saying that employees have been arranged to deliver hot pot."

In the live broadcast room, Duan Xiaomei said.

Hearing this, Si Xuanju nodded.

"Well, thanks for the generosity of Mr. Xiangzhu, I can also eat Hanqi hot pot!"

he opened his mouth to speak.


This remark immediately made the audience all puzzled.

Didn't he eat Han Qi hot pot before?

Seeing the question on the barrage, Si Xuanju sighed.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten Han Qi hot pot yet!"

"On the one hand, it is usually really busy, on the other hand, even if there is a little time, it is not enough to queue up!"

"Here I strongly recommend Xiangzhuju to expand its scale as soon as possible, and strive to open two stores in each business district."

Si Xuanju said.

"As far as I know, Xiang Zhuju has been very busy recently because she has to prepare for the college entrance examination."

When the little sister said this, her face was a little weird.

Who would have thought that the owner of the hottest hot pot restaurant in the country is still a student preparing for the college entrance examination? !

"I feel that Xiangzhuju can actually do this."

"Don't take the university entrance exam, just open a university by yourself, be the president, and be a student!"

Si Xuanju said with a smile.

It was a joke, of course, but it made the audience laugh too.

Next, his lottery was temporarily stopped and he started to eat hot pot.

At this time, Ye Han's side, although it was said that he had not rushed back to his hometown, but the journey was not far away.

It is estimated that when Si Xuanju finishes eating the hot pot, he will be able to go home!

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