A large number of players walked out of their houses, and a boulder fell in their hearts. .

And without a house, people outside can also relax.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, who had not slept all night, were finally able to remove the tiger skins from their bodies.

Both of them were breathing heavily, suffocating before.

"This rain is horrible!"

Yang Qingqing made such a sigh.

Because at this time, you can see that the scene in front of you is a mess.

Some trees with thick arms were directly broken by the blow, not to mention those bushes and the like, which were even more tragic and tragic.

Some earthworms can be seen on the ground, dead.

You know, earthworms will drown in water, and this creature cannot breathe in water.

With such a heavy rain, many places on the island were flooded, which also led to the death of earthworms.

Little Mimi has already gnawed on an earthworm.

In addition, you can also see a few dead birds on the ground, all of which died in this storm.

"Qingqing, let's go quickly."

"I still can't make a fire now, let's move forward first."

Tang Hong moved his muscles and bones and said.

Now the trees in the jungle are all wet and cannot make a fire at all.

Have to wait for the sun to dry again before it can burn.

"Well, what I want to do most now is to go back and have a good sleep."

Yang Qingqing yawned and greeted Xiao Mimi, and the two of them started to head back.

This scene also made many viewers feel relieved.

"Gold medal team, women are not allowed to be men!"

"It's really not easy for the two female generals. They survived the biggest storm on the island in the wild!"

"My dear, it's hard to imagine how long you've been outside!"

"The players who can win the gold medal may have a certain talent, but they definitely need hard work and sweat. Their perseverance is not comparable to ordinary people!"

"Not much nonsense, brothers, give a reward, you must support!"

"Yes, if I give my wife a reward, it's like giving money for a dowry!"


In the live broadcast room of the gold medal team, there were a lot of barrages.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye and De Ye are also doing summaries.

"This storm is a disaster."

"Players from all over the world have fully demonstrated the struggle between man and nature in this storm!"

According to the requirements of the program group, Lord Bei spoke beautiful words.

"Now let's summarize the situation!"

Then, the big screen began to show the summary of this time.

The Korean contestant, the house collapsed, was injured and retired, and the entire Korean army was wiped out.

Rwanda's tree house group player, the tree house fell from the tree, but the two were fine and continued to compete.

The Swedish player, the house collapsed, was injured and retired, and the whole army was wiped out.

Canadian players, two groups, the house collapsed, injured and retired, leaving only one group.

Vietnamese players, the house collapsed, one person died, one person was slightly injured, and the whole army was wiped out.

A total of six groups of players' houses collapsed and one of them died.

Except for the treehouse group, the two players were fine, the other players had some injuries to some extent.

Only the treehouse group stayed and continued the game.

This result is similar to what some viewers infer.

So there were a lot of words like a knife and a prophet in the barrage.

"Now that the rain has stopped, the players in each group have started to act."

"Someone has picked up the carcass of an animal! Although the storm is terrifying, if you survive it, it will be a rainbow!"

Finally, Bei Ye also summed up this sentence. Then began to explain.

Except for Ye Han, the other players basically didn't eat their lunch, and just came out to pick up the corpses.

Ye Han had lunch here, and then walked out of the kitchen.

Now the rain has completely stopped, and the island is full of sun, scorching the earth.

"Boss, where are we going to pick up corpses?"

Su Xiaoqi asked.

All over the place, in fact.

But Ye Han thought about it and finally decided to go in the direction of the small volcano.

The reason is very simple, there are less people going there, so there will be more animals.

Everyone knows this.

And besides that, Ye Han also plans to collect some sugar liquid, because there is not much sugar left at home.

As a result, the team was mighty and began to head towards the small volcano.

Ye Han also thought about whether he should go to the small volcano or not.

But he finally decided not to go there first, the place is too far, and if he wants to go, he has to spend the night outside.

"We're not short of food, just take a walk outside and see what we can gain."

"The main goal is to collect some sugar liquid."

Ye Han led the team ahead.

Everyone followed in Ye Han's footsteps, only Da Huang, sullen, was at the end of the team.

Thanks to Damei coaxing it all the time, it gradually became happy.

Being beaten by Ye Han is nothing.

But it was mainly interrupted at critical moments, and that feeling made Rhubarb very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, the audience is also paying attention to the situation of other players in China.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi set off to collect the sugar liquid and pick up the corpse.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong continued on their way back.

Leng Feng and Li Guang finally got out of the shack that was difficult to turn over. Leng Feng demolished the shack immediately, and then the two continued to work and build a house.

The two of the Buddhist and Taoist groups are fine, and now they have returned to their normal lives.

The two of them moved here recently, and the house was newly built, very solid, and there was no problem.

Two people, each in a wooden house, sleep separately, no one can affect the other.

On Wang Heng and Zhou Yan's side, the situation was not bad, but it was too boring, so there were not many audiences.

Finally, it is Zhang Haoran's side, and the number of viewers on his side is quite large.

The reason is also very simple, because the rain stopped, he took Sirius and began to explore the basin.

This basin is very new to everyone, and many people find it mysterious and worth seeing.

So the audience all ran over to watch Zhang Haoran's live broadcast.

"Sirius, don't run too far."

Zhang Haoran greeted him. He was also afraid that there was danger here, so he let Sirius follow him all the time.

Sirius is also very obedient, and once something is wrong, it will report to Zhang Haoran as soon as possible.

For the time being, nothing has happened.

The audience is staring at the environment of the basin, constantly discussing.

At the same time, outside.

Hippo rider Batu, wearing a mask and sunglasses, fully armed, accompanied by bodyguards, came to the hospital to visit his teammate Bileg.

When he was on the island, Batu scolded Bileg, not once or twice.

And now, with Batu getting rich overnight, of course he won't miss such a good opportunity, he is going to pretend in front of Bileg!

As the saying goes, wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.

For Batu, now that he is so rich, he must show off in front of this idiot Bileg!

He entered the ward and saw Bileg lying on the bed.

"Hahaha, look who is this?"

"Hey, isn't this Bileger?!"

As soon as Batu came in, he shouted in a very exaggerated tone.

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