
Bileg lay there and saw Batu, his originally unwavering eyes flashed a touch of complicated emotions.

He has already learned about Batu's situation on the Internet, and he can't accept it until now.

A idiot like Batu actually made a fortune?

It directly crossed the class!

Just outrageous!

Bileger guessed that, with Batu's character, he would probably come over and pretend to him.

But he didn't expect that Batu came so quickly.

Loser is not lost!

Beleg sneered.

"Hehe, isn't this Batu?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, I almost don't know each other!"

Bellegue said.

At this time, Batu was simply wearing gold and silver, for fear that others would not know that he was rich.

Bileg glanced at it, and he didn't know the brands of those clothes and shoes.

But on Batu's ten fingers, he can't wait to wear gold rings and gemstone rings, which are very dazzling!

There is also a big gold chain around the neck, no, it can already be said to be a gold chain!


There are a few stinky money amazing!

Bileg's heart was sore.

"Hahaha, Bileg, Bileg, I told you to stay and hunt hippos with me!"

"In the end, you insisted on going your own way, which led to the withdrawal of the two of us. Do you know what's wrong?"

Batu got straight to the point.

He came today, not only to show off, but also to make Bileg bow his head and admit his mistake!

On weekdays, the team's decisions are basically made by Leger.

He also knew that Bileg had better brains than he did.

But so what?

This time, Bileg's choice was wrong!

He Batu is right!

"What can I do wrong, Batu, you don't think you have money, so you can let me admit it to you?"

"Hehe, you're on your way."

Bilege gritted his teeth and said, mad in his heart.

He is jealous!

Why? !

Why does this idiot Batu get so much money, it's not fair!

It's like some Internet celebrities, with no culture or quality, pretending to be crazy and selling stupid on the Internet, shouting indiscriminately, but they are still popular, and they have made a lot of money!

This makes people who work hard and live hard, how can they live?

It's so unfair!

At this time, when he heard Bileg's words, Batu was stunned.

Okay, I didn't expect you to be so tough!


Batu snapped his fingers.

A bodyguard behind him suddenly opened a suitcase in his hand.


The sound of the buckle being opened was very pleasant, and then Bileg saw a box of money inside.

"Stupid Beleg, see the money?"

"Want it?"

"Apologize to Laozi if you want!"

Batu said arrogantly, his chin turned to the sky.


This is going to hit me with money!

There was a flash of ecstasy in Blegg's eyes.


he shouted immediately.

Batu: ? ? ?

What about your manners?

Where was your arrogance just now?

Why do you change your face when you see the money?

"I was wrong!"

"I was really wrong, give me the money!"

Bellegue shouted.

Who can't live with money!

"No, your apology is not sincere!"

"There are five million in this box!"

Batu felt that he was at a disadvantage. Five million bought such a few words?

"Dad, I was wrong, I was an idiot!"

"If it wasn't for my stupidity, we wouldn't retire. I even quarreled with you about it. I'm very sorry now, I repent, I reflect!" "You're right, I'm so stupid, I have such a good teammate, but I don't know how to cherish it, which leads to the division of the team, it's all my fault!"

"If God can give me another chance, I will listen to all your words and all your orders!"

While speaking, Bileg sat up, got out of the hospital bed, and walked in front of the bodyguard.

He reached out and took the box from the bodyguard.

The bodyguard looked at Batu, who was also sweating on his forehead now.

The script is wrong!

In fact, he didn't intend to give the money to Bileg.

Because he felt that Bileg would die without admitting his mistake, then humiliated him, and then walked away.

Only the remorseful and angry Blegg was left angry in the hospital.

But now, he didn't expect that Bileger would admit his mistake so decisively and call him Dad!

How to do?

Batu didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, this box of money also arrived in Bileg's hands.

"Thank you dad!"

"It is the greatest honor of my life to meet you!"

Bileg said with a smile on his face.

"Don't call me Daddy!"

"You wait for a while, I'll slow down!"

Batu said, beckoned.

Immediately, a bodyguard took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit him on fire.

Batu took a deep breath and felt that the world was too absurd.

At this time, a nurse walked into the ward, smelled the smell of smoke, and immediately shouted.

"Smoking is not allowed in the hospital, so quickly put it out!"

She looked at Batu and said.

Batu shook his hand.

A bodyguard immediately took out a wad of money and threw it on the nurse.


The nurse was stunned for a moment, then picked up the money, turned around and left.


This scene made Batu even more emotional.

Money has infinite magic power!

It can make Bileg call himself a father, and let the beauties who have never imagined before rush to serve him!

It's been such a comfortable day!

After smoking a cigarette, Batu finally came back to his senses.

"Blegg, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Batu let out a smoke ring and said.

He didn't know what to do now.

Just leave?

That five million, he always felt that it was too much of a loss!

How many beautiful women can you find for this money!

In the end, it was given to Beleg?

Big loss!

"Actually, there are more unknown sides of me!"

"Are you still missing someone like a driver, or a cleaner?"

Bellegue continued to ask.


Batu immediately felt good that he could make Blegg work for him!

"Alright, I'll think about it."

Batu said.

He always felt that something was wrong, as if he was being controlled by Beleg.

Obviously it should be his Master's dominance!

"Don't think about it, you can pay as you see it!"

"Mainly because I adore you, and I want to work for you!"

"I will be discharged from the hospital now, and I am willing to serve you!"

Bileg didn't give Batu any time to react at all. He carried the suitcase, and he didn't even go through the formalities for discharge from the hospital, and immediately walked out of the ward.

In the end, Batu didn't know what was going on, so he accepted Bileg in confusion.

For the time being, I haven't arranged any work for Bileg, so I'll be a valet first, serving tea and water.

On the drive back to his newly bought mansion, Batu always felt a little less interesting.

But looking at Bileg's flattering expression, calling his boss and praising him, he was still very useful.

What Batu didn't know was that he was already being targeted at this time!

Far above a cruise ship on the high seas, in a room.

A man is looking at the data on the computer.

"Hehe, the typical behavior of the poor after they became rich."

"This Batu is a total idiot, he doesn't deserve so much money."

"Leave this to me. Within three days, I will let him spit out all the money!"

he opened his mouth to speak.

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