This person is actually Sol!

The player of the White Elephant Kingdom, Sol!

In the early stages of the game, Sol and Jasanyi were a group, hired by Jasanyi's family to protect Jasanyi on the island.

But Jasanyi died not long after, so Jasanyi's family sent a killer to the island to assassinate Sol.

This also brought the pistol in Ye Han's hand.

Later, Sol withdrew from the race and left the island, and has since disappeared.

But what everyone didn't know was that he went back to his old business and became a dangerous mercenary again.

During this time, he even killed several people! M..

Now he has received a request to let him deal with Batu!

According to the rules of the industry, he does not know the identity of the employer, and he will not ask more.

But he had guesses in his heart.

This may be the handwriting of the beautiful country.

You must know that the hippopotamus meat in Batu was basically divided up by the Shenzhou Kingdom and the Beautiful Country, and they were taken back for research.

But in order not to cause any impact, both sides kept a low profile and chose the method of high-price auction.

No state power is used to oppress people.

Now it should be the beautiful country who wants to settle accounts in the autumn, and does not intend to let Batu get the money so comfortably.

Sol believes that China should disdain to do such a thing, but that is not necessarily the case with Beautiful Country.

In fact, he guessed quite right.

Years of mercenary career brought him a keen intuition.

This time, it was the leader of a special department in the Beautiful Country who was looking for him to carry out this task.

He was responsible for paying for the hippo meat in Batu, but now he wants to get the money back.

Originally it was the public money, but now he hired someone to take it back, the money is his own, how wonderful!

So he posted the task, and Thor took the list.

At this time, Batu didn't know that he was already being targeted!


On the other side, on the island.

Each group of players went out to pick up corpses, and each gained something.

Ye Han led the team forward and reached the sugar palm tree.

After eating some sugar palm fruit, I began to collect sugar liquid.

During this period, Ye Han also picked up some animal carcasses.

Some of them have been soaked, and he definitely doesn't want them, but some of them are not bad, so they can be taken back.

For example, a pheasant, a lamb, a forest musk, but unfortunately there is no musk, and finally there are a bunch of birds.

"Lin musk ate this last time, and the taste is not bad, very unique."

"Now I got another one, hahaha!"

"And I didn't expect that there are sheep nearby! Next time, you can come specifically to hunt!"

Ye Han was very satisfied with these gains and said with a smile.

"Well, we don't come to this place very often, and there must be a lot of prey hidden!"

Su Xiaoqi also nodded.

She was already thinking about what to do for Ye Han tonight.

Next, Ye Han didn't plan to continue picking up corpses, so he just waited at the sugar palm tree to collect the sugar liquid.

Idle and bored, Ye Han greeted Rhubarb.

"Rhubarb, come here!"

Hearing Ye Han's voice, Da Huang came over reluctantly.

"Look at how unlucky you are."

"Why, you're still unconvinced?"

Ye Han smiled and touched Da Huang's head.

"I told you not to disturb me in bed. You were disobedient and beaten. Isn't that normal?"

Ye Han said to Rhubarb.

Rhubarb was silent.

If the child has a temper, it's fine if you don't coax, and continue to blame?

"Okay okay boss."

"You beat and beat, and you scolded, so don't talk about rhubarb."

"I'm afraid that Rhubarb is depressed." Su Xiaoqi came over to smooth things out, and coaxed Rhubarb again.

Xiao Qi was still gentle, and Rhubarb's mood improved a little.

This scene made the audience burst into laughter.

"We Da Huang are really wronged!"

"I can probably guess the truth. When Ye Han was sleeping last night, Rhubarb probably pulled Damei to do something bad, and then he was beaten by Ye Han, hahaha!"

"I looked at the harvest of other players picking up corpses, and they are not as good as Ye Han's, but Ye Han!"

"There was a group of players who picked up a cow, but it took a long time to die."

"Ye Han encounters a corpse that has been dead for too long, so he doesn't want it, he just wants fresh."

"By the way, what's going on with the little wolf dog, family?"

"Brother Feng and Mother Guang don't know what they were talking about. Now there are more words between the two, are they reconciled?"


In Ye Han's live broadcast room, there were a lot of barrages.

It is worth mentioning that our Lu Zhishen, Master Wu Chen is here.

He took advantage of the great harvest after the storm was over.

In terms of quality, it is definitely not as good as the prey Ye Han got.

But there are many!

He didn't let go of any meat he could see, and brought it all back and smoked it with a fire.

The smoke was so thick that I thought it was a fire!

The poor dust-free layman can only hide far away.

But he could still smell the smell of cigarette smoke and meat in the air, which made him very distressed.

"Everyone, Zhang Haoran found this place, and he is almost gone now."

"This basin is directly connected to the groundwater veins on the island, so there is no standing water."

"And now it can be basically concluded that this is after the start of the game, because the geology of the island has changed into the landform that appeared."

"In general, it's no different from the rest of the island."

In Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room, Xiaoliang was explaining.

The audience also watched Zhang Haoran walk around the entire basin.

The size of an ordinary community, it is usually very fast to walk in a circle. It is not easy to walk on the island, and Zhang Haoran also spent an hour on it.

He also got something, got some prey.

Now he is making a fire and having a meal with Sirius.

"Is there nothing else here?"

"Yeah, I thought there would be some meteorites, treasures and other adventures here!"

"I'm looking forward to it, alas!"

"This basin should have appeared because of the previous earthquake, so why did the earthquake sink the ground here? There is no doubt that there may be an ancient tomb underground!"

"Brother, you have read too many tomb robbery novels. I don't think Feng Shui is good in this place."

"You still know Feng Shui, is it true or false?"

"If Kristofsky were here, he would have said that it was made by aliens."


The audience kept talking in the live room.

There was also a mention of Kristowski, the alien-addicted contestant.

There are many fewer people who are still scolding him on the Internet. This wave of Internet violence is basically over, but some people mention it from time to time and scold him.

Christovsky also recovered and returned to normal life after the counseling of the psychiatrist hired by the show team.

He could have been discharged early, but he did not choose to be discharged.

Instead, he has been taking care of teammate Tompkin in the hospital.

After all, Tompkin's arm was broken because of him.

At this time, they were watching the live broadcast and eating in the hospital.

Basically, all players who withdraw from the competition will eat a lot, which is a kind of retaliatory behavior.

What they can't eat on the island, they have to eat.

Now what they are watching is one of the remaining two groups of players in their Maoxiong country.

Of course, they are more concerned about the situation of their own players.

And this group of players is now facing a dilemma.

Although their house did not collapse in the storm, it was on the verge of collapse. They were not injured and retired from the game, which was considered good luck.

And in this area where they live, there is no food left, and there is not much to gain from picking up corpses!

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