Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1542 Nicotine Is Afraid Of Death Submachine Gun Team

In this wave, a large number of gamblers lost their money.

Unexpectedly, this Nicholas, who was afraid of death, did not choose to retire, but moved!

As a result, many casinos and gambling sites have opened new deals.

Will this group of players be eliminated in the process of moving?

Will there be death?

Can they find a suitable place to live, and if so, how long will it take?

There are so many problems that can be used to gamble.

Someone has started to continue betting again, and this kind of person is no longer saved.

"I saw a lot of people talking about gambling in the studio."

"Yellow gambling and poison are all fierce, but you must not touch them!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye reminded.

Lord De on the side shook his head.

"It's useless."

"Once you get caught up in it, the immortals can't be saved. Many people gamble to the point of selling their wives and children, and their hands are cut off, and they can't help but continue to gamble."

"We can only advise viewers who have not participated in gambling, don't participate, how good it is to participate in the lottery of the program group, you don't have to pay anything, and you still have a chance to win."

Dee said.

But his remarks immediately aroused the audience's abuse of the program group.

"In the trash show group, Laozi played with the whole family every time, but never won the prize."

"People in China often send money, houses, and cars. Can the official program team compete?"

"Do not participate in the draw for the official program group!"

"Don't worry about it, I just want to know, is the old man who sold the kidney all right?"

"I'm afraid people will die, hahaha!"

In the midst of a lot of discussion, Nikolai and Victor set off and left the place where they had lived for more than 200 days.

Nikolay turned his head, glanced reluctantly at their house, then sighed, turned and moved on.

"People have to look forward."

"That house, I guess it won't be long before it completely collapses."

"After a while, it will be covered with plants, and eventually there will be no traces at all."

Victor sighed.

During this period of time, they did have a certain impact on this area.

But with their departure, the ecological cycle here will be restored quickly.

Compared with nature, human beings are too small.

"Don't be emotional, we must be careful."

"Look, these grasses may contain highly poisonous poisons, and they will die on the spot after being bitten!"

Nikolay tapped the grass with a large branch to start the operation.

It can be seen that he is really afraid of death.

To take a step requires at least three beatings.

At this time, the audience was discussing how to call this group of players.

Then they discovered that there were so many names available, they didn't know which one to choose.

For example, if you change the name of Nikolai, you can change it to Nicotine Team.

Or according to Nikolai's fear of death character, called the fear of death team.

And Victor's name, you can call the submachine gun team.

In the end, everyone still felt that it would be better to call the submachine gun team.

But some spectators insisted on calling the nicotine team.

So they each called their own.

"Okay, now our nicotine-afraid submachine gun team has officially embarked on the journey of moving."

"And the players who moved because of this storm are definitely not in this group."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

Dean on the side nodded.

"Yes, I can see it too. There are several other groups of players who are also thinking of moving, but they have not made a complete decision yet."

Many viewers have noticed this. Due to the storm, many players had problems with their houses, and due to the lack of supplies around them, they all had the idea of ​​moving.

Inside the team, it is still in the negotiation stage.

The screen returns to Ye Han's side.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were in the area of ​​the sugar palm trees, handling the prey they had picked up by a creek.

Now it is waiting for the sugar liquid, just to deal with the prey.

"This lamb is very fresh. It should have been picked up by us shortly after it died."

"I think about it, you can eat mutton kebabs and drink some wine at night."

Ye Han said.

He hadn't drank for a while, and was thinking about having a drink.

"Is that Tiger Whip Wine Boss?"

Su Xiaoqi smiled and asked Ye Han.

Ye Han's brows were about to stand up.

"Your boss, do I still need that stuff?"

"Xiao Qi, are you kidding me?"

Hearing Ye Han's words, the audience all laughed.

"Hahaha, Ye Han shouldn't need it, but I think Rhubarb really needs it."

"Yes, you can give Rhubarb some tiger whip wine to make up for it."

"Forget it, if rhubarb is drunk, it has to be from morning to night?"

"So what did Ye Han and Xiao Qi do behind our backs?"

"God knows! But I guess they haven't taken the last step yet."

"Ye Han is a responsible man. Several of my ex-boyfriends are nothing, causing me to have eight abortions!"

"Eight times is a bit exaggerated, Miss, can you still have children in the future?"

A large number of barrages are constantly surging.

It is already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and many players have obtained a lot of food by picking up corpses, and they are happy.

Although this storm is dangerous, as long as it is overcome, it will bring a lot of harvest.

For example, in the current tree house group, they get a lot of food and eat bug burgers directly at night.

Many viewers said that you can't get out of this live room alive.

Too heavy.

At the same time, the two are also discussing, and plan to start building a house again tomorrow.

This is also the third time they have built a house.

The first house, a tree house, was set on fire by the cold wind.

The second house, the tree house, was destroyed in the storm.

The next third house, the two discussed it, and planned to build it on a tree.

This is in conflict with the tree house, you have to live in the tree house.

At this time, there are still audiences staring at Dibbs.

The few new lone wolves that appeared before have basically all retired, and only Dibbs is left.

At this time, Dibbs had also gained something from picking up corpses, and was dealing with the prey at hand.

"I don't know what happened to Hillman."

"I'm the only one living on the island by myself, it's so lonely!"

Dibbs sighed and muttered to himself.

A survey has shown that most of the players who become lone wolves on the island have a tendency to talk to themselves.

Humans are social animals and need to communicate with others. If they are too lonely, there will be problems and it is unhealthy.

Next, time continued to pass, and the sky began to gradually dim.

Basically, every group of contestants ate meat, thanks to the gift of nature.

On Ye Han's side, he also led the team back home, where Su Xiaoqi was serving him kebabs.

For the sugar liquid, due to time reasons, it is not charged too much, only enough for a period of time.

But it doesn't matter, the sugar palm tree is there, and it won't run on long legs. It's good to go to pick it up when you need it.

"Tomorrow, the smelting of gold will officially begin!"

Ye Han drank on a skewer and said.

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