Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1543 Preparations For Smelting Gold

Ye Han's words made the audience look forward to it.

Live smelting gold, making gold jewelry, and still on the island, which is naturally enough to watch.

And like the iron smelting before, although it is also very exciting, but the audience feels that it is not as good as gold.

Some people say that it may be because gold is more expensive than iron, which is really reasonable.

Who doesn't like gold?

Glittering gold, it looks extravagant.

"By the way, what are the three golds and other things needed for marriage?"

Ye Han swallowed the mutton in his mouth and asked.

He doesn't quite know these things.

Because he has never been married, and has basically never attended other people's weddings.

I have attended other people's weddings in my previous life, and most of them were Western-style weddings. I really don't know the customs of three golds.

He didn't know, and neither did Su Xiaoqi.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"I'm not in a hurry to get married, what do you want to do?"

Su Xiaoqi asked cautiously.

She stared at Ye Han with joy in her heart.

Isn't this guy Ye Han planning to propose to her on the island?

The island will be simpler, but it is also very romantic to propose marriage with gold jewelry made by yourself!

And they still have a rare pink diamond in their hands, this Su Xiaoqi has never forgotten.

"The big news is coming, Ye Han is going to propose to Xiao Qi on the island!"

"So what are the three golds and the like?"

"I've never been married, is there a big guy who has been married to tell me?"

"Me, me, me! I've been married three times, and many things are clear! Three golds generally refer to rings, necklaces, and earrings!"

"Don't you have a bracelet? You should have a gold bracelet too, right?"

"Yes, when I watched the video last time, I saw a bride with gold bracelets all over her body and a happy smile all over her face."

"With so much gold, can you not be happy?"


Everyone started to discuss.

And the marriage customs all over the country are also different, and each place has its own saying.

In some places the dowry is very high, and in some places the dowry is very small.

On Ye Han's side, he didn't think about it so much.

"Do whatever you want."

"You can give Rhubarb the whole gold chain. No, the gold chain should be more difficult to make. I can make a gold collar and put it on Rhubarb's neck."

"Get a gold ring for the beauty."

Ye Han poured another glass of wine and said.

Su Xiaoqi: ? ? ?

The old lady has been looking forward to it for a long time. Tell me, are you going to get it for the monkey?

What a waste of emotion!

Ye Han, you will lose me like this!

Seeing Su Xiaoqi's appearance, Ye Han suddenly laughed and almost couldn't hold back a sip of wine.

"Okay okay, just kidding you."

"I'm thinking, I don't have enough experience in this matter, so I'll get some for Rhubarb and Damei first, and then I'll have the experience, and then I'll make something better for you."

Ye Han quickly explained.

"It's almost there."

That's when Su Xiaoqi said Tsundere.

But soon, she reacted.

I fell into Ye Han's trap again.

Doesn't this performance prove that he really wants gold jewelry made by Ye Han?

Forget it, I already wanted it, no matter what.

Su Xiaoqi continued to eat mutton skewers.

The rhubarb at this time was already jumping up and down greedily, desperately wanting to take a bite.

"Rhubarb, be honest with me." "You start to be quiet for a minute now, and I'll give you a bunch. Can you do it?"

Ye Han said to Rhubarb.

Da Huang scratched his head, as if pondering the meaning of Ye Han's words.

But this requirement is too high.

Although Rhubarb is smart and spiritual, he can't understand what it means to be quiet for a minute.


Da Huang called out two more times.

"You little black man!"

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing.

The ambience in the kitchen is very nice and full of cheerful air.

And today, they need to continue to live in the kitchen.

Although the bamboo building hasn't collapsed yet, Ye Han hasn't pulled out his hands to deal with this problem.

So they still can't live in the bamboo building, they can only continue to lay the floor in the kitchen.

But to be honest, their kitchen is actually better than the living environment of most players.

This is a brick building!

On the island, to be honest, it is not particularly difficult to come up with brick and tile buildings.

Just burn bricks and tiles, then build it up and build a house.

But other players have no such conditions.

Still the same sentence, everyone is still worried about food, who has the heart to think about burning bricks and tiles?

Only people like Ye Han, who have never been short of food, would do this.

For other people, it is enough to have a wooden house to live in, and there is no need to build any brick and tile buildings.

The same thing is true of paper.

In the end, rhubarb got his wish and ate mutton skewers.

But it doesn't get as much as the big pretty.

After all, Damei is a new member, so she needs to be treated preferentially.

But the audience also knew that with Ye Han's nature as a capitalist, the beautiful days might not last long.

Maybe one day, Ye Han will start to let Damei work, or military training and so on.

After eating this dinner, Ye Han was full of food and drink. After cleaning up and washing, he lay down and slept with his arms around Xiao Qi.

After a night of silence, the time came to the 239th day of the competition.

In the morning, Ye Han woke up and did the math in his heart.

Xiaoqi's birthday is the 243rd day, so looking at it, the time is quite tight.

I have to get the gold thing done as soon as possible and give it to Xiao Qi on her birthday.

As Xiaoqi's birthday is getting closer, many viewers are also discussing this matter.

"Xiao Qi's birthday is coming soon, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Tell me, does Xiao Qi still remember her birthday? Will she forget it?"

"I feel like she may have forgotten, and I don't always remember my birthday."

"Hahaha, me too, every time my wife reminds me, I remember."

"Hey brother, your id looks familiar. Didn't you scold your wife in the live broadcast room last time?"

"Hey, I guess it's just to hack his wife, but if he really wants to leave his wife, he has to kneel on the ground and cry."

"It makes sense. I am such a person. After breaking up with my girlfriend, I only remembered her goodness, but unfortunately it is too late, alas!"


The storm was over like that. Apart from the excitement of the day, there was nothing else to do.

The live broadcast was back to normal.

The audience wandered around the live broadcast rooms one by one to watch, and found that there was not much to watch.

Ye Han had breakfast here and started some preparations.

The set of iron smelting equipment last time, after a few rains, basically can not be used.

Things like furnaces, blowers, etc., need to be recreated.

As for the charcoal used for ironmaking last time, there is no need to continue preparing, because now Ye Han has coal.

At the burning temperature of coal, coupled with the furnace, it is hot enough to melt gold.

And something like some kind of crucible, it really can't come out, Ye Han intends to try it with something like a clay pot first.

It stands to reason that clay pots can withstand such high temperatures, but Ye Han's clay pots are simple to make, so I don't know if they can withstand it. ..

Anyway, try it first!

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