After Nikolai and Victor had eaten this dinner, they were both full, their stomachs were bulging, and they kept burping.

"Wow, I haven't eaten so full in a long time, burp!"

Nikolai picked his teeth with a thin branch and said.

"So satisfying, so cool!"

"It would be great if you could eat like this in one meal!"

Victor said while patting his stomach.

The audience was also watching the two feasting, and some people were already stunned.

"This is too edible!"

"How can their stomachs hold so much meat, aren't they afraid of dying?"

"It's better to die than to starve. If you starve for a few days, you'll know."

"Yes, I was buried in an earthquake for three days, and I survived by drinking my own urine. Since then, I have never wasted a grain of rice, and every meal is full! "

"Brother, you'd better get over this shadow. It's not good for your body."

"The two of them are hungry. No wonder many retired players have gained weight after returning. They are hungry on the island!"

"By the way, can Nikolai be able to sleep tonight? It seems that he hasn't slept well for a long time. I'm afraid he will die suddenly."


The audience continued to discuss in the live broadcast room and sent a large number of barrages.

There are also audiences rewarding and supporting these two players.

"Have enough to eat and drink, it's time for bed, Nikolai."

"Which one of us will be at midnight?"

Victor asked.

Hearing this, Nikolai looked embarrassed.

"That...I'm feeling sleepy right now..."

Nikolai said with some embarrassment, hesitating.

Seeing him like this, Victor suddenly laughed.

"Brother, we have had a deadly friendship, what else can I be embarrassed about?"

"Sleep first, sleep more, if I can't stand it, I'll call you."

Victor punched Nikolay in the chest, causing him to scream in pain.

"It hurts, take it easy!"

"I'm still bruised here, and I was strangled by that python!"

Nikolai cried out in pain.

Although the two did not suffer the kind of injury that required retirement this time, they were both seriously injured.

Mainly because of the traces that were strangled by the python everywhere on his body, which looked blue and purple, very terrifying.

If nothing else happens, they will feel more pain when they wake up tomorrow.

It will take at least a few days, or even longer, to slowly return to normal.

Next, Victor guards the bonfire and conducts a vigil.

Nikolai was lying on the side, covered with some animal skins and covered with a piece of skin. Not long after closing his eyes, he started snoring, talking in his sleep, grinding his teeth, and farting!

"Good guy!"

Victor, who was on vigil, stared at this scene with wide eyes.

The audience couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not that this guy can't sleep, he's just not sleepy!"

"The case has been solved. If Nikolai is still afraid of death and worried at this time, then he will definitely not be able to sleep."

"It can only be said that he is not exhausted to the extreme, exhausted to the extreme. As soon as his head touches the pillow, he can fall asleep immediately. I have experience with this!"

"Yes, I broke up in love and couldn't sleep. My dad took me to the construction site to move bricks for a day. Good guy, I didn't take a shower at night. I lay down and started to sleep. I slept soundly!"

"I realized, I just happened to be broken up, and I feel very uncomfortable. I'll go find a construction site to move bricks!"

"The players are all sleeping again. I'm very lonely this long night. Are there any lonely young women to chat with?"

"Bah! You Cao thief! For a person like you, I just want to say one thing. If you have a suitable one, please send me the contact information."


At night, many spectators began to behave erratically. Of course, it's not necessarily how serious they are during the day...

There was nothing to say that night, and the whole night, the island was relatively calm.

Of course, among the audience, there are a few more big grievances who have been cheated of money by online chat.

The sky was bright, and the time came to the 240th day of the competition.

Early in the morning, Nikolai opened his eyes, stretched, and was very satisfied.

Although his body was still relatively sore, and there was basically no comfortable place, his mental head was very good.

He ate a big meal of snake meat last night and slept well. He feels very good now.

Then he saw Victor sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree trunk, tilting his head and drooling.

Victor didn't call him up for a vigil all night!

It was estimated that he could hold on until the end, but Victor couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep accidentally.

Fortunately, there were no beasts visiting, otherwise the two would be in danger!


Nikolai was very moved, and then he decided to start his life again and make breakfast for Victor.

During this process, Victor slowly opened his eyes.


As soon as he moved, he felt a burst of pain in his body, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"you're awake?"

"I was going to make you breakfast!"

Nikolai said.

Hearing this, Victor shook his head.

"Just do your own share, I'm not hungry."

"I ate too much last night, so I'll go for convenience first."

With that said, Victor turned off the live broadcast and walked to a corner.

When he said this, Nikolai also felt that he was not hungry at all!

And he also wanted to be more convenient, feeling that his stomach was full.

So, he also closed the live broadcast, went to Victor, and squatted down beside Victor.

"I shit why are you here!"

Victor is numb.

"Together, together!"

Nikolai smiled and squatted down and said.

He is grateful to this good teammate from the bottom of his heart. If it weren't for him, he would have died yesterday.

Moreover, in order to let himself sleep a little longer, he didn't call himself up to watch the night.

What a good teammate!

The wind knows the grass, and adversity sees the truth. This sentence is indeed true.

Nikolai suddenly had an idea in his heart, should he marry his daughter to Victor?

If Victor knew what he was thinking, he would definitely be able to scold him.

Lao Tzu treats you as a brother, but you want to be my father?


Next, the two soon resumed the live broadcast, and began to pack their things, intending to continue on their way.

They all carry a lot of snake meat on their bodies, which are very heavy, and they can't walk fast.

But when they thought of having so much meat to eat, they both felt that their bodies were full of power.

Pain and happiness.

"Okay, now our fear-to-death team, submachine gun team, and nicotine team, they have once again embarked on the journey of moving."

"Let's see the situation on Ye Han's side next, he should have almost finished breakfast."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye explained.

Then, the director screen was sent to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Sure enough, in Ye Han's live broadcast room, he and Su Xiaoqi had already finished breakfast.

Su Xiaoqi packed up the tableware and went to clean it, while Ye Han started smelting gold!

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