Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1552 Gold Bricks Cover The Toilet

Ye Han was very much looking forward to this.

This is the first time I have done gold smelting in my past and present life.

The audience also felt very interesting and wanted to see Ye Han refining gold jewelry.

At that time, the entire team will be arranged, and it will be overwhelming!

Some viewers have already begun to imagine this scene in their minds, and they are full of expectations.

"Mister Fire!"

Ye Han came to the stove to make a fire. For the sake of safety, he also built a canopy to prevent the rain from affecting his work later.

Soon, the flames rose, Ye Han operated the blower, the wind helped the fire, and the fire was more vigorous!

The raging flames also brought intense heat, making Ye Han sweaty in a short while.

He simply took off all his shirt, just wore a pair of trousers and squatted there to work.

This scene immediately attracted a large audience.

"Lick the screen lick the screen, my husband's muscles are so handsome, I really want to touch it!"

"That's my husband, no one is allowed to rob me!"

"Hey guys, pay attention, just these women, they have a lot of husbands, they don't obey women!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, I also have several wives, let's have fun together!"

"You guys are breaking the law, you know, I, Zhang San, won't let you go!"

"Should I say it or not, Ye Han's figure is really good. I already have a beer belly when I am middle-aged, and my wife doesn't care about me anymore. I decided to go to the gym to exercise. I just got my annual card!"

"Trust me, you won't go there a few times. If you have the money for the card, you might as well buy a gift for your wife and make her happy."

"Is there a female coach with peach hips in the gym? If so, can you give me her contact information?"

This is the audience, all of them are hilarious, but in reality, they are basically a group of guys who are single.

The more such a person is, the more they like to pretend to be a sea king on the Internet.

See through and not say through, we are still good friends.

In the midst of a lot of discussion from the audience, Ye Han has already started smelting gold.

On Su Xiaoqi's side, after washing the pots and pans, she also came over with Rhubarb and Damei.

It is worth mentioning that Damei still wants to touch the stove.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoqi was quick to stop it, otherwise, the beauty would definitely be burnt.

"Beautiful, this is untouchable, very dangerous!"

As Su Xiaoqi said, she pulled out a monkey hair from the back of her big and beautiful head and put it on the stove.


The monkey hair was immediately scorched, smoking, and there was a smell of burnt stench.

The big beauty was terrified immediately, and hurried back, not daring to approach again.

Rhubarb still has experience in this regard, and it brings a big beauty to watch the fun.

"Rhubarb, come here and operate the blower."

"This is your task, if you don't do it, you won't be able to eat."

"By the way, the church is very beautiful. If it can't learn it, you won't be able to eat."

Ye Han called rhubarb to work.

In just a few sentences, the faces of the capitalists are revealed.

So, the audience began to criticize Ye Han again, feeling distressed about Rhubarb and Damei.

At this time, in the stove, Ye Han had already added coal, and there was a clay pot with two pieces of gold ore in it.

The next step is to keep burning and heating to melt the gold ore, and then pour it into the mold to shape it, take it out and polish it, and so on.

Ye Han has no idea whether it can be done or not.

"With my luck, I have to be able to!"

Ye Han said to himself in his heart.

And some knowledgeable people in the live broadcast room are also discussing.

"Can Ye Han's method work?" "I feel a little overwhelmed, I guess it will fail?"

"To be honest, Ye Han is unprofessional in this regard, so he used this foolish method, which can be said to be quite primitive."

"Don't forget, Ye Han's weird luck, I think he can succeed."

"Actually, in theory, it can still be successful, it really depends on luck."

"If it depends on luck, then there is no problem, just wait for the gold to be smelted successfully."

Everyone was talking about it, and some people tipped Ye Han some money from time to time.

As time went on, the audience gradually felt that there was no interest in it.

Because this process is relatively boring, it just keeps burning.

In the meantime, Ye Han has to make some molds, but we still want to see some more intense scenes.

"I'll go first, and greet me when the gold is smelted successfully."

"I went out to wash my feet. The money has been charged. When the time comes, call me to come over and celebrate."

"Come on, are you a giant trumpet?"

"Indulge in foot washing, who else is it if it's not a floating giant?"

"The Floating Giant Tuba is no longer used, because he can't talk nonsense with the Tuba, and this trumpet is most likely his!"

Seeing these barrages, the floating giant forehead immediately sweated.

There are also many troubles for public figures. Now when he goes to wash his feet, the technicians recognize him, and when he comes up, he asks for a recharged membership card of Fusheng Ju.

Seeing that this technician is quite beautiful, Fushengju just charged 20,000 yuan into it.

The screen returns to the island, where Ye Han makes the mold, using wood.

In fact, at present, the method of using wood as a mold has basically been eliminated, because people have long had better materials and more suitable materials.

But on the island, there were no suitable materials other than wood and sand, so Ye Han started making molds out of wood.

"Do you want to make a gold brick first?"

Su Xiaoqi asked aside.

This girl still has a little yearning for BRICS.

Because once, she saw a transparent box placed in front of a gold shop with a small round hole in it and a gold brick inside.

If anyone can put his hand in and take the gold brick out, he can take the gold brick.

At that time, Su Xiaoqi tried a few times, but her hands were sore, but she couldn't take it out at all, which made her sad for several days!

"You want gold bricks?"

"It's not impossible, the gold bricks are simpler, so let's get a gold brick first."

Ye Han said with a smile, and started to make the mold for the gold bricks.

Compared with other molds, the mold for making gold bricks is definitely the simplest, and it is boxy, and there is no need to deliberately create complex shapes.

Soon, Ye Han made a gold brick mold.

Some viewers said, let Ye Han build a toilet with gold bricks.

What kind of fun is this?

If Ye Han wants to succeed in smelting, it still takes a certain amount of time.

There are many viewers watching the situation on Nikolai and Victor's side now, but after the thrilling battle between the two people yesterday, there is nothing wrong for the time being.

On the contrary, it was Leng Feng and Li Guang who had a situation.

Their new house is ready!

Some viewers speculated that perhaps today, Leng Feng will leave the team and embark on a journey of doing things alone.

But the cold wind did not go away.

"Aguang, let's set up more traps around."

"In addition, we still have a lot of food at home, enough to eat for a while."

"I'll leave when these things are done."

Leng Feng began to take Li Guang and set up traps around him.

At the same time, the two of the gold medal team were finally about to return to their place of residence after a trek!

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