As the so-called Sai Weng lost his horse, how can we know that it is not a blessing?

If the previous level of profligacy is used, no matter how much money Batu has in his hand, he will spend it all one day.

And most importantly, when he was completely used to that kind of life, it would be difficult to change it.

He will also ruin his body. If he goes bankrupt at that time, I am afraid that suicide is the only way to go.

But now, he feels that this period of life is more like a dream.

A big dream.

Now that I woke up, it was time to return to normal life.

Next, the two supported each other and returned to their original home.

During this time, a layer of dust has fallen on the house, and there are cobwebs in some places.

The two locked the door and found a box of money hidden under the bed.

"Fortunately, the money is still there!"

"With this money, future life is guaranteed."

"Mom, thank you."

Batu knelt on the ground and cried.

The two hugged each other and comforted each other.

On the Internet, things about Batu have now become a classic case.

This also alerts many people who have become rich overnight, they must not be like Batu, otherwise the end will be miserable.

For example, some demolition households, or people who won lottery tickets, became vigilant and began to hide and tuck in. On the surface, they still pretended to be poor, still went to work, and did not resign.

At this time, Batu and his mother, with the money, left the city overnight and went to other places to start a new life.

On the island, it was getting late, and the day was coming to an end.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had just finished dinner and packed up and rested.

After the two entered the bamboo building, the live broadcast was closed, and the live broadcast room fell into a black screen state.

Most of the players on the island, too, began to rest.

Many players came to the scenery CP group.

At this time, the live broadcast room is divided into two parts, one is black and the other has pictures.

The black one is Li Guang, Li Guang took Hu Zi and had already started to sleep early.

After the cold wind left, Li Guang's life was not bad.

Especially in those traps, there are harvests almost every day, and fresh prey are caught.

Li Guang and Hu Zi had a great time eating.

In contrast, the cold wind is more difficult.

He travels very fast, and he doesn't sleep for long every day.

When it comes to eating, it's even more perfunctory. Sometimes I don't bother to make a fire and take a few bites of bacon.

Or just cook a soup or something, and if you make it, it will be a meal.

In fact, it is his special soldier's body that can still hold on.

If it were an ordinary person, the body would collapse in a day or two.

"Brother Feng is really not easy!"

"This way, it's really hard to sleep in the wind."

"That's what he asked for. He can live a good life at home, but he has to come out to do things."

"It's all personal choice, we are not qualified to judge right or wrong, just look at it."

"I support Brother Feng, I just like to watch and do things, come on, Brother Feng!"

"Those who scold Brother Feng, please shut up. Brother Feng has absolute strength. This is called daring by art masters. How can you laity understand?"

"Yes, what Brother Feng wants is vigorous and vigorous. If such a person dies of old age in the hospital bed in the future, he will feel that it is a shame. He is a warrior, a real warrior!"


There are people who criticize Lengfeng, and there are people who support Lengfeng. The two sides have been discussing on the Internet.

Of course, the cold wind does not know what everyone thinks.

The cold wind at this time is still advancing in the jungle.

He just chose a direction at random, and then he just took care of the wind and rain.

In the second half of the night, Leng Feng found a similar place and began to rest.

Get four hours of sleep before continuing on your way. On the other side, there are still some viewers in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room.

Zhang Haoran was taking Sirius to dinner, and the two had a barbecue.

After that, Zhang Haoran and Sirius lay down and slept together.

With Sirius, even if there is danger approaching, it can react immediately, so Zhang Haoran can rest assured to sleep.

"Will you meet other players on the little wolfdog's side?"

"This program group seems to have never said anything." M..

"I've already figured out the urine nature of the show team, you have to keep asking."

"Yes, there will be a lot of people asking together, and then the program team will send a notice immediately."

"Can the show crew take the initiative, sit up and move by yourself!"

"Everyone, go and ask the program team and let the program team tell us."


Therefore, many night owl viewers went to ask the program group together.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, the program team was so overwhelmed that they had to issue a notice.

"If there is no accident, Zhang Haoran will meet a group of Kangaroo Country players in five days."

good guy!

Sure enough, if you don't ask, the program team won't say it!

The audience immediately became excited and ran to tell each other, and the notice was quickly topped the hot search.

The audience in Kangaroo Country felt panic.


There is only such a group of players left in our kangaroo country, and it may be given to Huo Huo by the disaster star Zhang Haoran.

So far, the other players Zhang Haoran has encountered are basically cool!

Calling him a disaster star is really not wrong.

The next night was silent, and the whole night passed quietly.

The time came to the 243rd day of the competition.

Early in the morning, a large number of viewers poured into Ye Han's live broadcast room, all swiping the screen, wishing Xiao Qi a happy birthday!

As for rewards, let alone!

The special effects of gifts have never stopped!

Later, someone calculated that the income of Su Xiaoqi's birthday may exceed the income of a large company for a whole year, which is quite scary!

Even if Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi retire now, their reward money will be enough for the two of them to live in fine clothes and food for several lifetimes!

But everyone did not have any negative emotions, but felt that this was what they deserved.

Not to brag or blackmail, Ye Han and Xiao Qi's live broadcast brought so much joy to everyone, and many viewers felt that they were watching Ye Han and Xiao Qi's life as if they were living on the island.

With such an experience, what's the point of rewarding you with some money if you can?

Now listening to songs and watching TV series, that is all to be a member!

Ye Han has also woken up.

Su Xiaoqi also woke up, she knew what Ye Han would do next.

So if there is a surprise, there is a high probability that it will not be given.

"Today's last day, then go to Bisheng Mountain!"

Su Xiaoqi was very energetic, she was anxious to go to Bisheng Mountain so that she could explore the new area.

On the other hand, Ye Han smiled, then got up and started to work.

As usual, Su Xiaoqi cooks breakfast and Ye Han takes care of the animals.

But today, Ye Han intends to switch.

He's coming to cook!

And this, suddenly made Su Xiaoqi aware that something was wrong.

"Boss, what's wrong with you today, you're actually cooking?"

"It's not a special day..."

When Xiao Qi said this, she immediately felt that something was wrong.

She quickly looked at the date display on her live broadcast bracelet, and opened her mouth wide.

It's over, she was discovered!

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