Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1571 What Do You Call The Boss If You Don't

Seeing Su Xiaoqi's expression, Ye Han immediately knew that he was revealing.

So, Ye Han grinned.

"Xiao Qi, happy birthday!"

Ye Han said with a smile, looking at Xiao Qi with affection.

At this time, Xiao Qi had already covered her mouth with her hands.

Just woke up, and received such a big surprise, Su Xiaoqi is a little dizzy now.

She herself had forgotten that today was her birthday.

But Ye Han remembers!

And preparations have already begun.

No wonder, no wonder!

No wonder Ye Han insisted on staying in his hometown. He didn't go to Bisheng Mountain for such a long time. He just wanted to make gold jewelry here and prepare for her birthday!

Tears welled up in Su Xiaoqi's eyes.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is constantly sweeping, and it is not clear at all. There are also a large number of gift special effects, which are constantly swiping the screen.

Everyone is wishing Xiao Qi a happy birthday.

"Well, is this a surprise?"

"I didn't expect you to react so quickly."

Ye Han hugged Su Xiaoqi and kissed her.

Feed the dog food again!

"Boss, thank you."

Xiao Qi was moved.

"You still call the boss?"

Ye Han hit the snake with the stick and said.

This time, the atmosphere was destroyed in an instant.

Su Xiaoqi raised her head and looked at Ye Han vigilantly.

"What if you don't call the boss?"

"I'm calling you old man!"

Su Xiaoqi said with a narrow smile.

Good guy, Ye Laoba reappears!

The audience all laughed along.

This guy, Ye Han, thought that he would be able to establish a relationship with Xiao Qi?

He hasn't made a serious confession, so how can it be done?

"By the way, what did Ye Han think?"

"It's not that difficult to confess, just say I like you. I've said this to more than 800 girls."

"Did they all let you go?"

"I can probably guess what Ye Han is thinking, he just cares too much, so he doesn't think it's rash."

"But Xiao Qi didn't want any vigorous confessions, hot air balloons, roses, etc. As long as Ye Han said it, she would definitely agree, and she would be very happy."

"It's mainly because Ye Han doesn't want to feel wronged by Xiao Qi. I don't think he's actually in love."

"That's right! I see it too, Ye Han might really not be in a relationship."

The audience analyzed a wave.

In the past and present, this is the first time poor Ye Han has felt in love!

You know, Ye Han in his previous life had never been in love at all, even though there were always a lot of women around him.

In this life, he saw Su Xiaoqi after crossing over, and he basically never had contact with other women.

At this time, Ye Han didn't know that he had already been seen through by the smart audience.

He looked at Su Xiaoqi in his arms and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, now that you already know."

"Then I'll go back to making breakfast."

Ye Han said, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

However, he was immediately stopped by Su Xiaoqi.

"Forget it, let me do it."

Xiao Qi wants to make breakfast by herself.

Hearing this, Ye Han shook his head.

"What's the matter, today is your birthday!"

Ye Han said quickly.

"Then let me ask you, which of us cooks deliciously?"

Xiao Qi asked.

"Of course it's you."

"You are the winner of the Best Cooking Award on the island." Ye Han said.

"Then you want me to spend my birthday here, and can't eat the best food on the island?"

Su Xiaoqi's rhetorical question caught Ye Han off guard, unable to refute.

For birthdays, it must be good to eat.

And if you want to eat well, Su Xiaoqi must cook.

Although Ye Han's cooking wasn't too bad, it was far inferior to Su Xiaoqi's.


Ye Han hesitated.

"So what, just as usual, you go and see the animals."

"I went to cook."

Su Xiaoqi said and walked to the kitchen.

Ye Han was helpless, just as usual, he started to get busy.

He came to the ewe and looked at the ewe.

"You're going to die, you know?"

Ye Han fed the ewes some grass.

The ewe also seemed to have a foreboding, and lowered her head to eat grass, ignoring Ye Han.

"This ewe is so pitiful, in its eyes, Ye Han is a devil!"

"Otherwise let this ewe go, alas!"

"It's here again, there are always people like this!"

"If you're not a vegetarian all your life, then you don't have to sympathize with this ewe."

"Yeah, how many animals have already been killed because you want to eat meat?"

"You guys are like my sons. I bought hairy crabs, I steamed them, and my son eats them while crying."


The audience were all discussing in the live broadcast room, and some people were very witty and took advantage of others.

When Ye Han was finished, Su Xiaoqi just made breakfast and called Ye Han to eat.

This breakfast is very rich.

There are mashed potatoes, salads, a platter of various meats, and ginger milk.

In fact, according to the customs of some Chinese people, one has to eat a bowl of longevity noodles in the morning, but the conditions on the island are limited, so they do not pay attention to those.

If you want to make noodles, you need flour, and Ye Han only has some tapioca starch in his hand. If you use all this stuff to make noodles, it will not taste good.

So there is no need to make yourself uncomfortable for some customs.

"It's not convenient for Xiao Qi to eat longevity noodles on the island."

"Let's eat for her."

At Xiao Qi's home, her parents were eating longevity noodles and watching the live broadcast.

"Ye Han is a very caring boy. He always remembers Xiao Qi's birthday."

"When this kid comes home, I must get him drunk, hehe!"

Su Xingzhi looked at Ye Han in the live broadcast and said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, just your alcohol intake?"

"Ye Han, such a strong young man, can make you overwhelmed?"

Zhou Qingyi sarcastically said.

Su Xingzhi glared at her suddenly.

"I'm the head of the family. When the time comes, people will come. You have to give me enough face, remember!"

Su Xingzhi said quickly.

"I know, I know, hurry up and eat noodles."

Zhou Qingyi said with a smile.

In fact, not only the two of them, but also many viewers are also eating longevity noodles at home to celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday.

After all, everyone likes Xiao Qi very much, and of course we want to celebrate Xiao Qi's birthday.

There is even an event at Hanqi Hotpot!

In order to celebrate Xiaoqi's birthday, the audience is half-price, crazy!

It can be said that as long as there are Hanqi hotpot restaurants in cities, there are basically no other hotpot restaurants today, except for the long queues in front of the Hanqi hotpot restaurant.

In the live broadcast room, Teacher Piao and Xiao Tuan, who were in charge of today's commentary work, were also eating longevity noodles.

"Dip Xiaoqi's light and eat longevity noodles."

"Wow, there are prawns in this side, thank you Liu Aunt, the canteen overlord is well deserved!"

Teacher Piao did not forget to tease Liu Aunt in the cafeteria.

The way the two fell in love and killed each other is still remembered by many viewers.

On the island, after Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had this breakfast, Ye Han began to think about the next thing.

Sharpening knives to pigs and sheep!

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