Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1590 Lonely Spirit Is Coming To The Live Room

Entering the live broadcast room of the gold medal team, you can see that both of them are exhausted.

It was really hard work for the two girls.

Since the last time they set out to collect the blood-sealing throat venom, the two have basically not had a good rest.

Outside, on the road, you need to be vigilant at all times, and take turns to keep vigils at night.

Finally got the venom thing done and returned to the place of residence.

However, it was found that the bamboo house had collapsed, and the food reserve was also destroyed, resulting in heavy losses.

After rebuilding the bamboo house, I finally got a good night's sleep.

But then, they have to start replenishing food and looking for prey without stopping.

Then, they successfully hunted down two large bison.

Now it needs to be transported hard.

The audience looked tired for them both.

It's easy to say, just a few words.

But when you do it, you know how hard it is.

At this time, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were still carrying.

The two of them carried a sturdy branch with a large amount of beef hanging in the middle.

The two of them worked together to carry it, and they had to stop and rest for a while when they walked for a while, otherwise the body would not be able to bear it.

"Qingqing, how do you feel?"

Tang Hong wiped his sweat and asked.

"I'm fine, Miss Hong."

Yang Qingqing always answered like this.

"If you don't feel right, just say it."

"Moving food is important, but the most important thing is our bodies."

"In case of falling down, it may lead to retirement, and all the previous efforts will be in vain, and the gains will outweigh the losses."

Tang Hong said.

"Hmm, Sister Hong, you too."

Yang Qingqing nodded again and again.

The reason is very simple, neither of them are stupid.

"Oh, I really feel sorry for my Qingqing wife."

"I really hope they can finish moving the beef quickly and then go home and sleep well for two days."

"Don't let any accidents happen, my gold medal team!"

"Think about the good, and it will definitely be alright. Both of them are very smart and won't be brave."

"If only the gold medal team could tame a cow and use cows to transport beef."

"It's fast, it's almost a whole day tomorrow, and you can get it done!"


In the live broadcast room, a large number of viewers were worried about the situation of the gold medal team.

Others expressed their hope that the gold medal team would retire as soon as possible so that they would not have to suffer.

After all, there is still Ye Han on the island, or that sentence, it's better to leave it to Ye Han to win the championship, right? .

After wandering around the other live broadcast rooms, everyone finally returned to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

At this time, Ye Han was cutting down trees with a shovel.

He chopped for a while, then stopped to rest for a while.

Just handed the engineer shovel to Su Xiaoqi, who was eager to try.

What should Su Xiaoqi say when he chops down a tree?

Stronger than rhubarb.

But also more limited.

Ye Han didn't expect Su Xiaoqi to watch the physical work either. If the Normal was heavy, he would only allow Su Xiaoqi to fight like this.

How could Stephanie be allowed to do such a thing.

"Give it to me, I'll keep cutting."

"After cutting down this tree, we'll have lunch at noon, and then we'll go back."

"I will go back to my hometown tomorrow, I will make an iron axe!"

Ye Han said.

"Well, boss, don't be too tired. Anyway, these trees are here, and they won't run with long legs. Let's take your time."

Su Xiaoqi handed the engineer shovel to Ye Han and said.

At this time, in Ye Han's live broadcast room. "Nothing happened in today's live broadcast."

"This sentence is very familiar, it seems that people say it every day."

"I'm staring at Guangma. He set off to look for Huzi. I don't know if something will happen."

"By the way, why haven't the big guys come to the live broadcast room to send money these days, I'm short of money to spend."

"I haven't spent the money in the last draw, so I have to save a little."

"Who would dislike a lot of money, I wish someone would send money every day!"


The audience mentioned the big guy giving money.

Indeed, there has been no big boss to send money during this time.

On the one hand, some bosses really don't have time and are really too busy.

Sometimes I don't even have time to have a meal with my family, let alone make time for a whole day to be a guest in the live broadcast room.

However, the program team also has a way to do this.

Shenzhou Kingdom's program group has been widely praised and has always been admonished.

This time, they have determined the time and decided to invite Gu Ling to be a guest in the live broadcast room tomorrow.

Compared with the big bosses who are in charge of daily affairs, Gu Ling is still a student, and his time is relatively free.

It just so happens that tomorrow is also the weekend, so Lonely will naturally have time.

Having won the jackpot twice in a row, Lonely has already become a legend on the Internet.

Known as the Koi Boy.

However, he can give some small prizes, but big prizes are difficult.

He really doesn't have as many assets as those bigwigs.

The first prize was donated by him.

For the second prize, he intends to set up a charitable fund.

After the program team announced this, a large number of viewers were immediately excited.

"The koi boy is coming to the live broadcast room as a guest!"

"Take a breath! I'm going to buy a lottery ticket when I see Lonely Spirit tomorrow!"

"Long Ling established a charitable foundation to help people in need. I think I need help very much."

"Yes, yes, I owe the bank three million. Can Gu Ling do charity and help me?"

"The lonely spirits are here, will Alanyi still be far away?"


When the news came out, the whole network was hotly discussing.

On the Lonely side, he was a little nervous.

It's going to be on TV tomorrow, live around the world!

Lonely's family members are comforting him and making him courageous.

At the same time, the picture came to the beer country.

"Hello, three tickets to China."

Schmidt brought his parents to the Airport to buy tickets, and he wanted to bring his family to China to play.

"I tell you, Shenzhou Kingdom is very good!"

"Let's go to Spring City to eat wild mushrooms and flower cakes. The taste is also very good. They are sold in the airport. The airport is so big, I almost lost my way in it!"

"There are also many places that are also very good. There are all kinds of delicious food everywhere in China!"

Schmidt said brightly.

His parents were fascinated by it.

The son is filial, he has eaten something good, and both of them are very pleased to know that he will bring his parents to taste it together.

The family successfully boarded the plane and flew to China.

In the next few days, let’s talk about eating and drinking!

As for teammate Jackson, Schmidt had already left him behind.

Poor Jackson, who is still suffering in the Taoist temple.

This is completely different from what he imagined!

After successfully entering the Taoist temple, shouldn't the next step be to start practicing Tao directly?

No matter how bad it is, you can learn fortune-telling!

He still wants to calculate how long he can live!

But now, he has to do a lot of hard work every day, and his food is not good, and he has no oil or water at all.

At this time, Jackson had a feeling that life in this Taoist temple was even more difficult than surviving in the wilderness on the island!

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