At that time on the island, it seems that you can still eat meat!

But in this gym where birds don't shit, Jackson's whole body is going to go numb when he drank porridge.

He has basically given up the idea of ​​cultivating Taoism now, just waiting for his teammate Schmidt to come to see him, and then go with him.

"Schmidt, come quickly!"

Jackson was sweeping the floor and kept talking.

What he didn't know was that at this time Schmidt was taking his family on the plane, discussing how to play and how to eat after arriving in China.

Completely left Jackson behind.

The screen returns to the island.

In the official live broadcast room, this group of players is also being explained.

Henry and Jill from Kangaroo Country.

At present, the popularity of this live broadcast room is still quite high. Of course, a large number of viewers come to see Jill.

They were all inspired by Jill's inspirational life, and they all came to support Jill.

As for Henry's words, he received more scolding.

The main reason is because he is lazy.

In fact, at the beginning, Henry was not so lazy, but gradually became lazy in more than two hundred days.

Because Jill is too diligent, Henry is gradually becoming lazy.

He found out that Jill still works even if he doesn't work much, so what else does he do?

Is it uncomfortable to lie down?

The clothes come to reach out, and the food comes to open your mouth!

Although this sentence is a derogatory term, it is used to ridicule a person for being lazy.

But in fact, if someone really did this, it would be really cool to find out.

"Look at this Henry, lying here again!"

"On this Henry, I see the shadow of my husband. Every day I go home, I know that I lie down on the sofa like a dead man!"

"Excuse me, he must be very tired after a day's work!"

"In this case, let me talk about it. I am very tired after work every day, but my wife also works for a day. She also has to cook and clean up the housework, so I will help every time, husband and wife. Relations will be more harmonious.”

"Don't go too far, we're here to see Jill."

"The Jill you mentioned, is it serious?"

"Cough! Pay attention to your words!"


The audience in the live broadcast room sent barrages to discuss.

In the live broadcast at this time, Henry was still lying in the wooden house, looking lazily.

Jill was out alone and continued to check the harvest in the trap.

What made him uncomfortable was that today was another day without harvest.

The prey in the trap is getting less and less, and now there has been no harvest for several days.

Except for some things that he can bring back, the rest is all sitting and eating! ..

This is absolutely impossible!

After checking all the traps and still having nothing, Jill started to climb the tree again, thinking about taking some eggs back to bring them back.

But today his luck seems to be not very good. He climbed more than ten trees in a row, but he didn't find a single bird's nest, not even a single bird feather.

In the end, the helpless Jill could only pick up some edible plants and bring them back.

Although these things can be eaten, they are not delicious, and it is bitter to eat.

"Jill, you're back."

"Hey, isn't there anything, didn't you go looking for bird eggs?"

Hearing the news of Jill's return, Henry walked out of the wooden house.

Seeing that Jill had a handful of plants in his hand, Henry frowned.

"I searched, but couldn't find it."

Jill said in frustration.

He did not care about the attitude of his teammates, but fell into self-blame.

Of course there are such people.

In this world, there are all kinds of people. Some people will blame their own faults on others and never feel that they are at fault.

And some people always feel that they have done something wrong and that they are not good enough.


"Anyway, there's still food at home!"

Henry waved his hand and said.

He is also big-hearted.

If you keep consuming the reserved food, that's not the way!

"No, Henry."

"I think we're almost moving."

Jill thought for a while, then said.

move place?

Hearing Jill's words, Henry frowned again.

This is a hassle!

Henry thinks life is good now, and he doesn't want to move.

Because moving, means danger, means suffering and afflicted!

"Jill, don't think too much."

"Maybe it's just that there is nothing to gain these days, maybe there will be prey in the trap tomorrow?"

"dont you agree?"

Henry said.

"Henry, don't lie to yourself."

"We have lived here for such a long time, and the resources in this area must be running out."

"So I think, we have to move."

Jill's statement is absolutely correct.

It was because of Jill's hard work and ability to live that they persisted in this area for so long.

Other players have already moved.

"It's a big deal, and it's not something that can be decided so easily."

"What should I do if I encounter danger during the move, it needs to be carefully considered."

"I'll think about it again."

"Go get something to eat, I'm hungry."

Henry said to Jill.

Jill nodded and started cooking on the fire.

Henry was sitting in the shade beside him, frowning.

He's not worried about the status quo and the future, he just doesn't want to move, it's troublesome and tired.

"Henry, you have disappointed me so much!"

"I remember that Henry was not like this before. He has changed, and I almost don't know him anymore."

"We only have the last group of players left in Kangaroo Country. If something happens to them, then our Kangaroo Country will be wiped out."

"Actually, what Henry said is somewhat reasonable. Many players fell on the way to moving."

"What he said makes sense, but in fact it's just an excuse he made. Henry was used to it by Jill, and he's getting lazy, alas!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you retire, and even if you stay, there is no hope of competing for the championship. Don't forget Ye Han from Shenzhou Kingdom, that is an insurmountable peak!"


Many viewers in Kangaroo Country are chatting and sending barrages constantly.

Many people were disappointed with Henry and sympathized with Jill.

Jill is so diligent, if Henry is half as diligent as he is, then the life of the two of them will get better and better.

But if one person is diligent and the other is dragging his feet, it is already very good that life can be maintained.

At this time, the number of people in this live broadcast room is still increasing.

When I heard that Jill was thinking of moving, everyone came.

Because if the two of them move now, there is a high possibility that they can avoid the upcoming Zhang Haoran!

If you don't move, then basically wait for Zhang Haoran to come, and send them away in one wave!

So, whether they want to move or not, this decision is quite important!

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