Teacher Piao has just come over and said hello to the audience.

Then I saw the live broadcast screen showing that Li Guangzheng was ecstatic, looking at the piece of shit in front of him.

"It was pulled by the tiger!"

Li Guang is very sure.

Because he shovels tiger shit every day, he can recognize it at a glance.

To say that this tiger is also very naughty. I don't know how to go far, but I like to go to the toilet next to the wooden house. Li Guang cleans it every time.

"Hahahaha! Guangma is so cute!"

"It's not easy to recognize this, does Guang Mom still want to try it?"

"It's not impossible, he just has experience in shoveling shit every day."

"It's a good thing, at least it proves that Mother Guang didn't go in the wrong direction."

"Is Huzi walking fast, or is Guangma walking fast, can Guangma catch up?"

"Huzi is still young, so he shouldn't be able to walk fast. There is still a lot of hope for Guangma to find Huzi. Let's keep watching."

"It's really not easy to be a mother. I haven't eaten yet, and I found a piece of shit, alas!"


The audience is constantly sighing and sending barrages.

They all sympathized with Lee Kwang.

Lengfeng, Huzi, there is no one to worry about!

Leng Feng went out to do things by himself, and Li Guang was frightened at home, for fear that he would have an accident outside.

Now that the tiger has also run away, I have to come out to find it!

"Very good, hurry up and keep walking!"

Li Guang was very excited, he quickly accelerated and chased forward.

"Teacher Xiaoliang, can you tell if this is from Hu Zila?"

Drift Teacher came up and asked a tricky question.

Xiao Liang showed a Tibetan fox smile and glanced at Teacher Piao.


"I don't think Huzi pulled it, it was you."

Xiao Liang said with a smile.

The audience in the live broadcast room all burst into laughter, and both Xiaoliang and Piao Teacher also burst into laughter.

The two of them are very familiar now, and it doesn't matter if they are joking or something.

"I wish I did it, I dream of going to the island!"

Teacher Drift said, and at the same time looked at the picture of Leng Feng.

At this time, Leng Feng was still continuing to hurry. During this period of time, he was traveling day and night, and most of the time every day was spent on the road.

It also makes him fast approaching that group of Turkish players.

Hassan and Mohammed.

And it's faster than the program team estimated time!

"Our brother Feng is really working hard to make things happen!"

Drift Teacher continued.

Hearing this, Xiao Liang couldn't help but nodded.

"I feel that Brother Feng is done, and on the way back, he may meet Guangma and Huzi."

"The recent live broadcast has been somewhat dull, and I also hope that some exciting things can occur."

Xiao Liang said.

He also spoke out the voices of the audience.

Although it is impossible for the island to have major events every day, if it is always dull, it is really nothing to watch, and it will be very boring.

Next, Xiaoliang and Teacher Piao chatted, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very good.

On Ye Han's side, the little dumpling sat alone to explain, looking very lonely.

"Teacher Piao is not a human being, leave the cute little dumplings behind and find Tibetan fox Xiaoliang!"

"Is there something wrong with his orientation?"

"No way, didn't Teacher Piao get married long ago?"

"He is middle-aged and no longer interested in the opposite sex."

"In fact, no matter what age, men prefer to play with men."

"That must be because they don't have a girlfriend in black silk and a hip-pack."

"How can one such girlfriend, I want to fight ten!"

..........The audience was talking.

And the picture at this time came to Jill's side again.

Jill was alone, wandering outside all afternoon.

Still nothing.

In the evening, Jill returned to the place where he lived, and saw Henry, who was bored, writing and drawing on the ground with a branch to pass the time.

"Why did you come back?"

"I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Henry shouted to Jill.


Jill nodded and started cooking.

Although the recent popularity of this live broadcast room is not small, many viewers have not watched it, and the popularity is rapidly declining.

The reason is very simple, because looking at it will make you angry.

Why is Henry bossing Jill?

Jill is his teammate, not his servant!

Looking so angry!

There were also some more irritable audience members, looking forward to Henry dying on the island quickly.

And there are some more attentive viewers, they see some clues.

"Jill's expression is not right, pay attention to his eyes!"

"Good guy, it's really different!"

"Jill won't be poisoning at dinner, will he?"

"This shouldn't be possible, but I feel like he should be thinking about something."

"Is there a possibility that Jill wants to fly solo?"

"It's quite possible!"


The audience, Sherlock Holmes, actually made a series of guesses through Jill's micro-expressions.

And then, the two started to eat.

During dinner, Jill once again raised the idea of ​​moving.


"I have endured you for a long time, can you not say these words while I am eating!"

"I have told you clearly, don't move!"

Henry roared.

The ability is not big, the temper is not small.

Jill nodded, stopped talking, and buried himself in eating.

"Rory is wordy, bad luck!"

After Henry finished eating, he patted his butt and went straight back to the wooden house, leaving it behind and handing it to Jill.

Seeing Henry's back entering the wooden house and slamming the door shut, Jill sighed silently.

"Henry, I hope you don't blame me."

Jill muttered to himself.

Hearing his words, the audience became more certain.

Jill is going to do something!

First of all, he certainly couldn't do something out of the ordinary because of this contradiction.

Because he's not that extreme.

This person has been able to rise from the end of the world to where he is today, he has put in countless sweat and efforts, and he also clearly knows what he wants!

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for him to hit Henry, let alone kill Henry.

The audience agreed that he should take his gear and food and leave here alone tonight.

As for whether he will do this, whether this guess is accurate or not depends on tonight.

Many night owls are already rubbing their hands in excitement.

At the same time, Ye Han went back to the waterfall view room, rested early after dinner, and had to rush back to his hometown tomorrow.

And Ye Han also made arrangements for the next itinerary while having dinner.

Not to mention, it's exactly the same as Teacher Piao's prediction for the next episode, which makes people have to admire.

Tomorrow morning, hurry up, rest in the afternoon, go to the beach the day after tomorrow, and start iron smelting the day after tomorrow. The arrangement is clear.

At night, most of the players on the island began to rest, and only a few players were still active outside.

And in the middle of the night, there was finally movement on Jill's side.

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