At this time in the wooden house, Henry was sleeping and snoring.

But Jill has never had Rest, and he hasn't turned off the live broadcast, so viewers can always see what's going on in the cabin.

At this time, Jill finally moved.

He slowly got up, looked at Henry who was sleeping, and sighed silently.

Then he shook his head and began to pack things up lightly.

Backpacks, shovels, pots, and three-piece sets are standard for the program group, and they are all taken away.

Food, animal skins, medicines and other resources are all taken away in half.

With everything packed and carrying on his back, he walked to the door of the wooden house.


The door of the wooden house was opened by him with a creaking sound.

Henry turned over, mumbled something, and continued Rest.

Seeing this, Jill breathed a sigh of relief.

He slowly closed the door again, then chose a direction, walked forward, and left here.

"Jill really took something away!"

"Yes, yes, this is the second time someone has done this on the island!"

"Last time it was Bill. He took everything and ran away. The little train Thomas fell into despair and finally died in the hands of Brother Feng."

"Sit and wait for Henry's expression when he wakes up, hahahaha!"

"In this direction Jill chose, will he meet the little wolf dog halfway?"

"I have to ask the program team, the program team will come out to work as soon as possible!"


A large number of barrages are surging, and the viewers who are still staying up late have basically gathered in this live broadcast room and continue to discuss.

At the same time, the staff of the program groups from all over the world are all looking at the direction that Jill has chosen.

"Good guy, is it such a coincidence?"

"Gill continues to move forward, and he will meet Zhang Haoran of China on the way!"

"There are too many coincidences."

"No, that's not the case. Jill didn't want to choose this direction, he was forging traces!"

"Good guy, Jill is so cunning?!"

What happened next shocked the staff of these program groups.

Originally, they thought that Jill had chosen a direction where they could meet Zhang Haoran by coincidence.

But soon, they discovered an anomaly.

I saw that in the live broadcast, Jill walked to a stream, and then walked directly into the stream!

Before that, he even deliberately left a lot of traces to mislead Henry!

After entering the stream, Jill immediately changed direction and drifted further away.

"Although I don't know if you will catch up, I have to be careful."

"You don't care about this game, but this is my chance to change my life."

"My life is a building that can only be built once, and I have to make it extremely accurate, not one centimeter away."

Jill muttered to himself.

Just this life, do your best!

This is a true portrayal of him as a person.

Do everything that you can think of and do, do your best, and obey the destiny!

In the darkness of the night, Jill's figure drifting farther and farther made a large number of audiences sigh with emotion.

"Even if Jill can't win the championship in this game, he will be a great player in the future."

"It's not easy to go from the mentally retarded child in Teacher's eyes to where he is now!"

"I couldn't do it, but I admire him."

"Compared with Jill, Henry is a pure waste. How did he get selected to compete?"

"It is said that they have also been selected heavily. Henry should have some skills, but he was used to it by Jill, and he became more and more lazy."

"Jill has run away, and I want to run too! My husband is exactly the same as Henry. I can't live anymore, and I will divorce tomorrow!"

"Don't make decisions at night. People are not rational at this time. Think again."


A large number of barrages surged, and the audience was all excited and talked until dawn.

Jill also did not stop until dawn. As for Henry, he slept until dawn.

Finally, Henry opened his eyes. He rolled over, stretched, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Then he realized something was wrong.

Jill is gone.

He sat up without thinking about Jill's escape.

He just thought that Jill had woken up early and went out to find food.

"I didn't know how to make breakfast, so I left?!"

Henry walked out of the house, looked outside, and said.

Then he turned on the live broadcast and sat there bored.

Really lazy to do it!

Jill went out by himself and didn't cook breakfast. Although Henry could also cook breakfast, he was used to letting Jill do it.

Now he wants to make his own breakfast, and the more he thinks about it, the more irritable he becomes.

"Riding on a horse!"

Henry cursed, then sighed.

No way, he is hungry and has to eat, so let's do it by himself!

But Henry has made up his mind. When Jill returns, he must scold Jill!

So, next, Henry started to prepare breakfast.

And it wasn't until this time that he completely realized that something was wrong.

What about the pot?

He wanted to cook a broth, which required a pot, but the pot was gone.

"Jill went out to find food, what did he bring a pot for?!"

Henry frowned.

Then he found the backpack, the sapper shovel, all gone.

There are also some materials such as animal skins that were stored in the past, all of which have been reduced by half.

Finally, there is the reserve of food, which is also reduced by about half.

Suddenly, Henry stayed where he was, and he thought of a possibility.

Jill ran away!

For a while, Henry couldn't accept this fact.

"Is there a possibility that he went out with something and planned to hunt outside all day?"

"That's why I left with the pot..."

Henry wanted to deceive himself, but he couldn't.

Because he felt that this was obviously Jill running away with something in it!

Bringing a pot can indeed be explained by hunting for a whole day, but some animal skins, medicines and the like are also taken away!

Isn't this an obvious escape?

"Jill ran away, grass!"

Henry let out a roar and kicked the wall in front of him fiercely.

The house was pretty solid, and there was nothing wrong with this step. Instead, he felt that his toes were about to break.

"Jill, I *you*!"

Henry cursed and limped out of the wooden house, looking in all directions.

But they ran away in the middle of the night. Now you come out and see, what can you see?

"No, you have to catch up!"

"He took all the equipment away and let me live, he wanted to kill me!"

Henry clenched his teeth and began to observe the traces around him.

Soon, he found Jill's way forward.

"Hmph, you must be very flustered when you run!"

"Leave such obvious traces, see how I catch up with you, and then beat you hard!"

Henry muttered, and started chasing after him quickly.

good guy!

When the audience saw this, they couldn't help but praise Jill's wit.

Henry really caught up and fell into Jill's trap.

He followed these traces for a while, and then he was completely lost, and he couldn't catch up with Jill at all!

And Jill is still moving forward, and has not rested for a moment!

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