What Henry didn't know was that this was because the show crew was afraid that he would die, so he was just bitten by Sirius when the helicopter was already dispatched.

So we can get there so quickly.

After all, there are already quite a few players who died on the island.

By doing this, the program team is also trying to minimize the occurrence of player deaths.

The helicopter came, and Zhang Haoran watched with Sirius.

The staff of the program team worked together to lift Henry into the helicopter.

"Hehe, this guy is quite heavy."

"Nonsense, do nothing every day, eat, sleep, sleep, eat, and you can grow meat on the island!"

"Fortunately, he is not from the beautiful country, the neon country, or he will die if he retires and goes back!"

"Why didn't Sirius kill him?"

"This guy is really stupid. He was directly deceived by Jill, went in the wrong direction, and was very unlucky. He met Zhang Haoran!"


Several staff members scolded.

They said it in a low voice, but Henry heard some of it.

what's the situation?

I feel that these people have a very bad attitude towards him. He almost threw him on the floor of the helicopter cabin just now, and now he is saying these words again.

Also, what if you die if you retire?

At this time, the medical staff began to treat Henry's wound, and the severe pain interrupted his thinking.

"It hurts, it hurts!"


Henry whimpered.

But the medical staff did not show any mercy, it was completely intentional!

Henry's nose and tears flowed together, and he rolled his eyes while lying there, almost fainting.

When the treatment was over, he just slowed down a little, and the helicopter took off, and it flew very fast, making him feel like the sky was spinning, and he vomited with a wow.

"what happened!"

"You want to vomit, don't you know what to say!"

A rescuer frowned.

This attitude is simply bad!

But Henry was afraid, he didn't dare to refute, so he had to apologize repeatedly.

"sorry Sorry."

"I didn't have time to tell."

Henry was terrified.

This also made all the rescuers present look down on him even more.

Bully the soft and fear the hard!

Usually, he is bossy to others, and completely treats his teammates as servants.

Jill's forbearance made him even more aggressive and lazy.

Now, others have a bad attitude towards him, but he doesn't dare to say a word.

Ha ha.

Next, the helicopter continued Flying. Henry was afraid that this group of people would kill him and throw him into the sea, just like a bird in shock.

A little Nurse coughed, he thought it was a sign to do it!

On the island, with the departure of the helicopter, Zhang Haoran and Sirius also began to rest.

Henry's appearance was just an episode for Zhang Haoran, and he didn't take it to heart.

Zhang Haoran was not injured, but got a set of clothes and shoes, which is a good thing.

Zhang Haoran also tried it just now, the shoes are about the same size and can be worn.

"Rest, Sirius."

Zhang Haoran lay down next to Courtney, turned off the live broadcast, and closed his eyes.

At this time, in the other direction, Jill was not at Rest.

It stands to reason that he hasn't had a good rest after walking for so long, and now he should be sleeping on his back.

Originally he was indeed asleep, but was awakened by the sound of the helicopter.

The sound of the helicopter sounded, how could Jill still sleep?

"Helicopter came, someone was eliminated."

"It should be nearby, could it be Henry?"

Jill frowned thoughtfully.

He felt that there was a high possibility that Henry had withdrawn.

Because it doesn't look like there are other players around here, who else can be except Henry? "It should be Henry, he retired."

"It's a good thing."

Jill thought.

But at the same time, there was some guilt in his heart.

Because he felt that Henry's retirement was entirely caused by himself.

He took away all the equipment and left directly, how could Henry keep going?

"I'm sorry Henry."

"After the game is over, when I get the grand prize, I will compensate you."

Jill muttered to himself, then lay down again, closed his eyes and started Rest.

At this time, audiences all over the world were discussing this matter.

Jill secretly left, Henry chased and killed Jill, but met Zhang Haoran, was bitten by Sirius, and was beaten by Zhang Haoran.

Just retire and go home.

But in this case, after Zhang Haoran arrives at their place of residence, he will not meet other players, and there is only an empty house there.

No, there are some food reserves left in the house.

But it doesn't make any sense.

"This wave of encounters is considered early, and the little wolfdog is afraid that there is nothing to watch here."

"He will continue to move forward, and he will meet other players, just wait and see!"

"I feel that by the end of the game, Zhang Haoran will be able to walk the entire island!"

"It's okay, Brother Feng and Mom Guang are still watching."

"Guangma hasn't found Huzi yet, why is there no movement at all?"

"Huzi may have been lost. Guangma's face is very ugly now, and she can't be angry."


A large audience was discussing the situation.

I just watched Zhang Haoran vs. Henry, and didn't pay attention to the situation on Guangma's side.

Now that the matter is over, the audience has come to Li Guang's side to check the situation.

In the jungle, Li Guang held a torch and strode forward.

At the same time, he was constantly shouting Huzi's name.

Li Guang's face was very ugly, which shocked many viewers.

You know, since the start of the game, Li Guang has never shown such an expression.

It seems that Huzi is really important in Li Guang's heart.


"Where the hell are you, Huzi, can you hear me!"

"Huzi, I beg you, come out quickly!"

Li Guang shouted again and again, his voice hoarse.

You know, shouting like this in the jungle at night is quite a dangerous act.

What if something like a beast is attracted?

But Li Guang doesn't care about this now, he's just worried about Hu Zi.

Although Huzi is a tiger, he is still underage, and he is likely to encounter danger!

This scene was watched by the audience, and everyone was very worried.


"Huzi is really, what are you doing and running away from home, making Guangma anxious!"

"If Mom does this, she will also be in danger, alas!"

"I feel really uncomfortable in my heart, I blame Brother Feng for wanting to go out and causing so many things!"

"I see that Mother Guang must have gone in the wrong direction. Where is there any trace of tigers moving around here?"

"Even if there is, it can't be seen clearly, it's completely messing around, anxious to death!"

A large number of barrages surged, and the audience was also anxious.

So where did the tiger go?

Guangma is going in the right direction, is there a wrong way?

These questions are unknown to the audience.

The show crew didn't know that either.

If Huzi had a live broadcast bracelet, it would be easy to say, but the key is not.

In this situation, we can only wait and wait for the result.

The night passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Guang had no rest, no rest, and many viewers stayed up all night.

But no trace of the tiger was ever found.

The time has come to the two hundred and forty-eighth day of the competition.

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