Today, Ye Han is going to the beach to relax.

Early in the morning, the two of them got up, packed their things, had breakfast, and were ready to go.

Su Xiaoqi was obviously a little uncomfortable, but she endured it, because she was afraid that Ye Han would not let her go to the beach to play.

"Stop pretending."

"Drink some ginger tea for a while, and you will lie on top of the big girl on the way and stay honest, do you hear?"

Ye Han glared at Su Xiaoqi and said.

How could Su Xiaoqi be able to hide from Ye Han?

It was immediately seen by Ye Han.

"I know, I know!"

Su Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue and said.

Then, the group set off.

According to Ye Han's instructions, Su Xiaoqi lay on the back of the eldest girl and was carried forward by the eldest girl.

And the audience is constantly speculating.

"Wait, we'll know the answer soon."

"Yeah, I bet that house by the sea is absolutely doomed."

"I don't believe it, there's no reason, I just don't believe it."

"That's Ye Han's house. How could something go wrong? It's impossible, absolutely impossible."

"It was built by the tidal flat team at the beginning, only half of it was built, and Ye Han started to build it later."

"I'll find out when I get to the place. Now that Ye Han is on his way, I won't look at it for now. I'll go see Guangma first."

"Don't disturb Guangma, he fell asleep."


A large number of barrages are surging, and the audience is constantly discussing.

At this time, Li Guang is here.

He finally couldn't stand it anymore.

At a stream, Li Guang lay down and closed his eyes.

Fell asleep almost immediately.

No way, my body is at its limit.

No matter how anxious he was, he had to stop.

If he continues like this, he will fall down and retire immediately before he finds Huzi. How can he find Huzi?

When the cold wind comes back, take a look, what about my teammates?

So, Li Guang drank some water and fell asleep directly.

So far, the tiger has not been found.

Even the traces of Huzi's activities could not be found at all.

At this time, Li Guang was purely trying his luck.

Whether or not the tiger can be found depends entirely on luck.

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De were also explaining this matter. .

"Hu Zi got lost. Li Guang was very anxious. Last night, he even disregarded his own safety and shouted in the jungle!"

"To be honest, he didn't have an accident, and he was indeed lucky."

Bei Ye shook his head and said.

Beside him, Master De was also worried about Li Guang.

Because now, Li Guang has no protective measures, just lying in the Rest, what if a beast comes?

"He is also very dangerous now, and it is very likely that wild animals will attack him."

"And now all of us don't know where Huzi is, and the program team can't locate it."

Dean said with a sigh.

This thing is really impossible.

It's only up to God!

Then, the two switched to the live broadcast room and came to Nikolai and Victor.

The two were still in the tobacco leaf area, but they were almost there.

Large quantities of tobacco leaves are harvested and roasted.

A large piece of tobacco leaves that was originally densely packed is now a bare Contest Condition.

"Nikola, we must get out of here today and continue on our way!"

"I'm telling you this very seriously!"

Victor was almost impatient.

During this time, he has urged Nikolay too many times!

But every time, Nikolai said to wait, the tobacco leaves are not finished baking yet. At this time, Nikolai's heart had long lost the game, and he only had tobacco leaves in his heart.

This also made many viewers very dissatisfied with him.

"Nicola, silly beep, go home quickly, go home and smoke it."

"I hate people who smoke the most. I feel like throwing up when I smell it."

"Cough, don't target people who smoke like this. You can target people whose smoking interferes with you, but you can't kill them with one stick."

"That is, every time I smoke, I pay attention to it, and I definitely don't let other people inhale second-hand smoke."

"Actually, he just hates Nikolai. Don't take it to heart, fellow smokers."

"If I were Victor, I'd beat him, look at his big yellow teeth!"


Many people are scolding Nikolai.

There were even people who hated Wu Jiwu and scolded all those who smoked.

"Victor, only the last of these leaves are left untoasted."

"It only takes half a day, just half a day!"

"Can't you wait for a long time?"

Nikolai was also irritated.

He lit a cigarette, looked at Victor and asked.

"Yes, I can't wait!"

"Do you know how much food we have left?"

"You can only eat for two days, and you have to eat it sparingly!"

Victor gritted his teeth.

He wanted to hit Nikola very much now, but he kept restraining himself.

If you do, it will never make things better, it will only make things worse.

"Two days is a lot!"

Nikolai continued speaking, but in a lower voice.

He also knew in his heart that if it wasn't for the time he wasted, this would definitely not be the case now.

Although a lot of tobacco leaves are harvested now, tobacco leaves cannot be eaten as food!

Isn't the most important thing on the island is food and shelter?

Now they have none of them!

Not enough food, no place to stay!

This can be eliminated at any time!

"Now pack up and go."

"Those that are not roasted, wait until lunch time to continue roasting."

"I'll carry it for you."

Victor said.

For the sake of this, Nikolai couldn't say anything else, so he had to pack up the tobacco leaves.

The two then set off together and began to move on.

"There are quite a few of these annoying guys lately, one Nikolai, one Henry."

"To be honest, I used to like Nikolay quite a bit, but I hate him so much now."

"It's the same, when I first saw him, I thought it was okay, and it became more and more bad."

"How is Henry, is he dead?"

"He's not dead. He's receiving treatment in the hospital. He should be glad that he's not from a beautiful country."

"Pretty Country: How did you talk!"


Indeed, recently, many viewers feel that watching the live broadcast is a bit unpleasant.

A Henry, a Nicholas, both are annoying.

Then the situation on Li Guang's side was very bad, and everyone was anxious.

It's all negative emotions.

Everyone had to go to Ye Han's side to relax.

Ye Han's live broadcast room is always the most decompressed and looks the most comfortable.

During the entire competition, Ye Han hardly encountered anything embarrassing.

Even if it is a little bit of a loss, it can be resolved quickly, and there will even be new gains and so on.

For the rest of the morning, nothing happened.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The first big thing happened today, very suddenly!

When Ye Han led the team to the beach, the scene in front of him immediately shocked the entire Internet!

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