Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1602 The Death Of The Sperm Whale Races Against Time

This is the second whale stranding on the island.

Completely different from last time.

The whale last time was discovered after it was already smelly.

It also caused a whale explosion, killing two plastic surgery country players.

But now this time, the whale is stranded, but not dead.

That represents a lot of resources!

Ye Han will never let it go.

He's ready for long-term work around the sperm whale.

So, there must be a place to live and store here.

Now that the house is broken, it must be rebuilt.

"Well, I'm going to cook!"

Su Xiaoqi was also very excited.

Speaking of whale meat, she once cooked, but she was not very satisfied.

it's good now.

This whole whale meat, she can do whatever she wants!

It can be delicious for sure!

So, Su Xiaoqi started to cook lunch while Ye Han hurriedly started to build a house.

This time to build a house, Ye Han set a time for himself in his mind, that is, it will be done within 24 hours.

Because the materials of the previous house can actually be brought over and used directly, so it will be very fast.

Both of them were busy.

Rhubarb and Damei, these two monkeys, are very curious.

What is this behemoth in front of you?

But Ye Han had already banned them from approaching, so they could only watch from a distance.

"Look at Rhubarb's urgency, he really wants to go and see it!"

"Can't go, this sperm whale is not dead yet, if you open your mouth, you can eat rhubarb."

"I saw it wink just now, what a pity!"

"There's nothing you can do about it. Even if Ye Han wants to save it, it's completely useless."

"I think it's quite simple, just push it back into the sea."

"You can go, you can go to the island by plane now, and then push it."


The audience chatted in the live broadcast room and sent a lot of barrage.

And there are countless Presents.

the reason is simple.

With the appearance of this sperm whale, it also officially means that Ye Han will have enough food to eat until the end of the game.

So everyone is rewarding Celebrate.

This has already been figured out by the audience.

If from now on, Ye Han does nothing, just lies at home, eats Rest, Rest eats, then all the food in his hand, plus the animals raised at home, all add up, it is still not enough.

There is also a need to hunt and supplement food in the middle.

Of course, as long as Ye Han went to supplement, it would definitely be enough.

Don't say anything else, he went to the lake to catch some fish, just casually enough.

But now, with the emergence of this sperm whale, the situation has changed immediately.

Harvest the meat of this sperm whale, process it, and save it, and it will definitely be enough to eat until the end of the game.

Even if Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi don't do anything after that, that's enough.

Soon, Su Xiaoqi prepared lunch, Ye Han's side also began to take shape, and the progress was quite good.

"Boss, eat!"

Su Xiaoqi greeted, Ye Han put down his work, washed his hands in a stream, and came over to eat.

Rhubarb and Damei also all followed.

On the other side, Li Guang also woke up.

He didn't even care about what to eat, so he continued to look for Huzi.

This made the audience very worried.

If it continues like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before Li Guang's body collapses.

But Li Guang is worried about Hu Zi now, he has no other thoughts at all.

"Tiger, tiger!"

Li Guang's voice was hoarse and shouted over and over again. The very happy audience who were still excited at Ye Han's side immediately changed their mood after seeing Li Guang's appearance.

So, where did the tiger go?

Can Li Guang find it today?

Everything is unknown, and we can only continue to wait for a result.

And at this moment, no one expected that something happened on Ye Han's side again.

At first, everyone thought that nothing would happen next.

Ye Han continued to build the house, waited for the sperm whale to die naturally, and then began to harvest.

But at this time, a huge crocodile appeared in the live broadcast!

At first, Ye Han and Xiao Qi were busy eating, and they hadn't seen it yet.

The audience saw it all and kept reminding them in the live broadcast room, but how could Ye Han see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

He's still eating!

In the end, the appearance of the crocodile was discovered in nine days, and it screamed as a warning.

Because Jiutian knew that if this kind of thing appeared nearby, he had to tell Ye Han immediately.

Hearing Jiutian's cry, Ye Han discovered the crocodile.


Ye Han exclaimed and quickly put down the golden rice bowl in his hand.

A piece of meat in my mouth was not swallowed, and it almost fell out of my mouth. .

Ye Han immediately took out his gun and walked towards the tidal flat.

I saw a big crocodile appearing on the beach, crawling beside the sperm whale.

Obviously, it wants to eat this stuff, but doesn't know how to eat it!

The crocodile was very anxious, and had already climbed a long distance beside the sperm whale, but still could not find a suitable place.

Finally, it can't wait.

He tried to open his mouth wide and began to nibble.


"That's my sperm whale, you dare to eat it!"

Ye Han was immediately angry, this crocodile dared to take food from him?

He didn't care about anything else, rushed over and opened the safety of the pistol.

After many days, Ye Han is finally going to shoot again!

One by one, the audience got more excited.

Today on Ye Han's side, the situation is really endless, and it's very enjoyable to watch!

But Ye Han was still some distance away from the tidal flat.

So he just ran a few steps when he saw the crocodile's big mouth opened and bit down viciously.

How to say that feeling, it's like a person eating a watermelon bigger than his head.

And the current scene will only be more exaggerated.

Although the crocodile is also very large, it is a little smaller than the sperm whale.

However, this little one bit the sperm whale's skin abruptly, and continued to bite, tearing off a piece of meat and swallowing it!

At this time, Ye Han finally arrived here. He raised his gun and aimed at the crocodile's forehead, sending it to the west.

The gunshots roared, and the crocodile was madly Struggle, but it was fatal!

In the end, the crocodile screamed and shrank there and died completely.

At the same time, Ye Han also noticed that the sperm whale seemed to have died completely!

The sperm whale was stranded here and was already dying.

Now, with such a tossing, he is completely dead.

Some are busy now!

Ye Han took a deep breath and put away the pistol.

"eat first!"

He went back, finished lunch quickly, and then brought the eldest girl and the second girl to the tidal flat, and let the two cows pull the body of the crocodile away.

First deal with the carcass of the crocodile.

Then take the time to start disposing of the sperm whale carcass.

Out of humanitarianism, Ye Han waited for the sperm whale to die before harvesting.

He thought that the sperm whale would die when he built the house and everything was ready.

He didn't expect the sperm whale to die so quickly, so he had to race against time.

Because of the heat, if he was slow, he could eventually cause the sperm whale's carcass to start to stink and rot.

Not only can't you eat it, but it's even dangerous, because Ye Han also knows that whales explode!

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