About the whale explosion, many ordinary people have never even heard of it.

There are also people who have only occasionally seen one or two related news on the Internet before.

It was not until the last time that a whale explosion occurred on the island that this phenomenon was completely known to the public.

But for Ye Han, he already knew about the whale explosion.

Who made him a rich Second Generation in his previous life who didn't have to worry about life and only thought about how to die every day?

Ye Han likes to learn about all kinds of weird things, including whale explosions.

Therefore, Ye Han feels very urgent now and must deal with it as soon as possible.

In the next period of time, I am afraid that I will have to work overtime to get busy here.

"Get this crocodile first!"

"I thought the sperm whale could live for a day or two, but after being bitten by this crocodile, it died immediately."

Ye Han shook his head and started to deal with the crocodile's body.

This crocodile didn't even know how he died.

Originally, the crocodile was overjoyed when such a big prey appeared in front of him.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a meal on your own first, then go home, and all your friends and family would come and have a buffet together?

However, one bullet ended its fantasy.

Ye Han killed it with one shot, it was cruel.

"Boss, I'll deal with the crocodile."

"Go and deal with the sperm whale. How long does it take to deal with such a big sperm whale?"

"I don't think we need to strive for perfection, and we don't have to deal with it all."

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han.

She was right.

Ye Han heard the words, thought for a while, and then nodded.

"Yes, Xiao Qi, you are right."

"This sperm whale is so big, all the meat is harvested and processed. By the end of the game, we won't be able to eat it all."

"You can make as much as you can, don't put too much pressure on yourself, we're not short of food anyway."

After Ye Han decided on this policy, he immediately felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

After all, he really didn't have the confidence and confidence to get rid of such a whole sperm whale.

He had never done such a thing before. .

But now, I have decided how much I can get, so of course it won't be a burden.

Afterwards, Su Xiaoqi dealt with the crocodile, and Ye Han took the engineer shovel to deal with the sperm whale.

The sharp sapphire shovel began to cut, collecting various resources from the sperm whale.

Take whale oil, for example.

Whale subcutaneous tissue, internal organs, etc., can boil a lot of whale oil.

In the past, whale oil was an important lighting raw material and industrial grease.

Even now, it still has a wide range of uses.

The two of them threw themselves into their work and were very busy.

After Su Xiaoqi had disposed of the crocodile's body, Ye Han also harvested a large amount of raw materials for whales.

So, Su Xiaoqi started to make a fire.

Dude, stacks of Courtneys, lined up by the sea, roasting and smoking tons of meat, it's a sight to behold.

"It's so fun, does Rhubarb have to dance quickly at this time?"

"No, now is not the time. Now Ye Han and Xiao Qi are both under a lot of pressure, so Da Huang has to help."

"We don't need to remind us of this, how could capitalist Ye Han not think of it? He has ordered Rhubarb and Damei to gather a large number of branches around to supply Courtney's burning!"

"Never before on the island have there been so many Courtneys at once!"

"Wait, such a big whale, Ye Han has already said, he doesn't want to deal with it all, so the rest will be wasted, can you give me some?"

"I want it too, but the question is how to divide it?"......

Some viewers have their eyes on the whale.

Since Ye Han is doomed to not finish it, what should I do with the rest?

Just stay there waiting to rot?

Eaten by various bugs and seagulls?

But this obviously has considerable value!

The audience can think of this question, so Shenzhou Kingdom can naturally think of this question.

And someone has already started to act.

The Shenzhouguo program group and some related departments and organizations have begun to take action and negotiate.

Their goal is clear, that is to take away the part of the whale that Ye Han didn't want!

The main purpose is to use it for research work.

Although this huge sperm whale did not grow up on the island, but in the ocean, it was somewhat close to the island, right?

Anyway, you can give it a try, at least to see if there is any research value before talking about other things.

And at this time, someone will naturally jump out, wanting a piece of the pie, wanting to stop it.

"No, absolutely not, Shenzhou Nation actually wants to intervene in this game, it's a joke!"

"I also don't think we can do this, unless the Shenzhou Kingdom will give us half of the Neon Kingdom."

"Shenzhou Kingdom's food appearance is too ugly, the game has not ended yet, do you want to treat this island as your own territory?"

"Yes, the people of Shenzhou have always fought for every inch of land. If anyone cuts their land, they can hold grudges for hundreds of years!"

"Every friend is right. Our Shenzhou Kingdom is like this. It is not only stingy, but also very greedy! If any of you are more generous, you might as well cede your land to Shenzhou Kingdom. We will definitely accept it with a smile."

"By the way, the Neon Country is too small."


This is a remote video conference. Representatives of various countries and senior officials of relevant departments are all gathered here for the meeting.

In the face of the words of these people, the representatives of China's state are also very sharp.

Immediately, their faces became extremely ugly, especially the representative of the Neon Nation, who looked like a mourning concubine, which made people laugh.

Of course, at this stage, what everyone is saying is basically trash talk.

Nothing useful other than angering Rival.

The next step is to get to the point.

Can we allow China to send people to the island to take away the sperm whales Ye Han doesn't want?

If so, when will it be arranged, and how will the confiscated sperm whales be distributed?

You have to bite the meat down!

This kind of meeting usually lasts for a considerable period of time, and no results can be obtained in a short period of time.

On the island, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi threw themselves into it, their feet not touching the ground.

Rhubarb and Damei are also very hard working, going back and forth, carrying branches that can burn.

This time, Ye Han brought some coal with him when he came to the beach, but not much, not enough at all.

If you go back to your hometown to fetch it now, it will be a waste of time, because there is not much coal in your hometown.

Most of the coal in their hands is on the side of Bisheng Mountain.

After all, there is a mining area. After mining, it is of course stored nearby.

So for now, it's still the most appropriate to use tree branches as fuel.

Anyway, the woods in this area have not been damaged much, and there is a lot of fuel.

The flames are raging, making the temperature here even higher.

The weather was already hot, but now it's even hotter. Ye Han almost took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts on his body, attracting a large number of female viewers.

On their side, the situation is of course very good, and the harvest is quite large.

But on the other side, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very bad, with a gloomy look.

That is Li Guang's side, and now everyone is very worried about him.

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