Because the black bear has been moving and struggling, if he is accidentally touched by this big guy, he will probably have to drink a pot.

But soon, a smile appeared on Ye Han's face.

Because he found the key!

There is a wound on the black bear's neck!

That is the fatal key position. Starting from here, you can definitely seal the throat and kill the black bear!

"This is the scar left by Asan, and it hasn't fully healed yet!"

"Thank you Asan!"

Ye Han's heart was ecstatic, he really didn't expect that the two Asan were already dead, but at this time, he was able to send a divine assist!

The audience in the live broadcast room also discovered this scene.

"Thanks to Asan for his assists, Asan's merits are immeasurable!"

"Fuck, Asan really helped Ye Han a lot, the location of this wound is amazing!"

"Come on, Ye Han, hurry up, kill the black bear, and complete the feat!"

"A-san is righteous! I bought two bottles of Ganges water online, support the old iron!"

"Ye Han is ready to start!"

The audience was all excited.

At this time, Ye Han finally found the opportunity and handed out the Swiss Army Knife in his hand.


The Swiss Army Knife was very sharp, and inserted directly into the black bear's throat along the wound left by Asan.

Ye Han's attack was very ruthless. It wasn't enough to stab it in. He had to swipe to widen the wound and speed up the death of the black bear!

But at this time, a mutation occurred!

The black bear was stabbed in the throat and let out a painful cry, and its huge body almost bounced off the ground. This was a counterattack before death!

Ye Han quickly drew his knife and retreated, but it was still a little slower.

The black bear's head touched Ye Han's knife-wielding right arm!

For a moment, the audience was all nervous and exclaimed.

Seeing Su Xiaoqi on the tree, she almost fell from the tree, and tears flowed down immediately.

"Ye Han!"

"Ye Han was hit by a black bear!"

"But don't let it happen!"

"Damn it, what should I do now, Ye Han fell down!"


For a time, everyone was watching, and everyone's nerves were affected by Ye Han.

The audience of Shenzhou Kingdom, people who care about Ye Han and those who care about Ye Han, are extremely nervous and anxious.

And those who hated Ye Han and Shenzhou Kingdom were looking forward to it, expecting Ye Han to be severely injured and unable to continue the game!

As long as Ye Han is seriously injured, then this group will be finished, and Su Xiaoqi will also retire.

"Contestant Ye Han is injured!"

"His expression is very painful, it is very likely that he has a broken bone!"

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye blurted out.

In fact, he was also looking forward to Ye Han's fracture in his heart.

If it is really broken, then Ye Han will definitely not be able to continue the game, and can only choose to retire.

This is because of his position. Lord Bei is a corrupt countryman. Of course he doesn't want to see Ye Han win the championship.

But from a personal point of view, he admired Ye Han very much, and wanted to meet and chat.

There are too many things in Ye Hanhui, this must be a person with a story.

At this time, Ye Han was lying on the ground with blood all over his arms!

What's going on?

This is something that audiences around the world care about!

Not far in front of Ye Han, the black bear's throat was spurting blood frantically, the ground was stained red with blood, and the air was full of a strong smell of blood!

The black bear kept wailing, struggling desperately, and the ground kept shaking. In the jungle within this radius, a large number of birds flew up and chirped!

Gradually, more and more blood flowed out from the black bear, and the strength of the struggle became weaker and weaker, making it unsustainable.

The black bear only has the breath out, not the breath in, and will soon die.

But what happened to Ye Han? !

Chapter 348 The Helicopter Arrives For Ye Han For The Third Time

under the watchful eye of a global audience.

Ye Han slowly sat up.

At this time, Ye Han, with blood all over his right arm and blood on his face, was wearing a tiger skin, sitting on the ground panting heavily.

A careful audience can notice that Ye Han's face is pale.

His face paled even more against the bright red blood on his face.

Then Ye Han wanted to raise his arm, but found that he couldn't.

The Swiss Army Knife in his hand also fell down and fell to the ground!

It's almost a stone hammer!

Ye Han's arm was definitely broken by the black bear, so he couldn't hold the knife in his hand at all!

"Ye Han is broken, he will definitely retire!"

"The group of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi finally withdrew from the competition, let's celebrate!"

"Without Ye Han, this game will be watchable. Otherwise, there is no need to compete at all. He has already locked the championship. How can he compete?"

"It's a pity, this black bear's dying counterattack failed to kill Ye Han, and there should be a player in Shenzhou!"

"Yo Xi! This bear hunting drama is really exciting. Thanks to Ye Han's wonderful performance, he can go home to recover from his injury, hahahaha!"

"The moment has finally come, Ye Han is about to retire!"

"Next, Thomas will encounter the cold wind from the Shenzhou Kingdom. He can definitely defeat the cold wind and let the cold wind retire from the competition. In this case, the Shenzhou Kingdom will be abolished!"

"I said long ago that the people of Shenzhou are too happy, and Ye Han will have a big event sooner or later, and now my words have come true!"


Bull ghosts and snake gods, all came out!

This wave, to them, is simply a slap in the face!

Ye Han is finally finished!

I don't know how many people are looking forward to Ye Han's bad luck every day, looking forward to Ye Han's retirement, this day has finally come.

The 51st day of 365 days of survival in the wilderness will surely be remembered by history!

The audience of Shenzhou Kingdom gritted their teeth angrily, but now they have no intention of arguing with these people.

Seeing this scene, most of the audience of Shenzhou Kingdom also felt that Ye Han might have to retire this time.

Even the knife in his hand fell off, and that arm has lost consciousness!

From Ye Han's actions, it can already be inferred.

This arm should be broken.

If you don't retire for treatment, you will definitely be left disabled.

Ye Han is still so young!

You can't let yourself regret life for the sake of continuing the game, right?

"It's over, it's over."

Teacher Piao sat down, his face was extremely ugly.

He also saw the remarks of some foreigners in the live broadcast room.

But he was too lazy to care, and now all his thoughts were on Ye Han.

Teacher Piao is someone who has seen the world anyway, and he has a good ability to control the field.

"Don't panic, everyone, Ye Han may be too nervous and his hands are cramping."

"There is no evidence yet that Ye Han must have suffered a broken bone, and the blood is also from a black bear. We can't mess up!"

"Take 10,000 steps back, even if Ye Han really retires, he has already done his best. I dare to say that even if others win the championship in the end, they will definitely not be able to achieve Ye Han's step. Do they dare to hunt bears! "

"Ye Han killed a bear, he has already won!"

Teacher Piao patted the table in front of him and shouted.

The little dumpling couldn't speak, she was already crying worriedly, tears streaming down her face, out of breath, and couldn't speak at all.

Many female audience members also cried.

How is Ye Han now?

In Zou Ming's house, several people were also extremely nervous, staring at the TV screen.

Knowing that Ye Han was going to hunt bears today, they didn't sleep well last night, they've been waiting to see.

"Zhang Yun, take a look, what happened to Ye Han's arm?"

"Is it really broken?"

Zhu Chuan said eagerly.

He almost got up from the tub.

Zhang Yun noticed that Zhu Chuanqi spoke a lot more neatly, obviously much better than before.

And now that half of the paralyzed body has gradually gained some ability to move.

This is a good thing.

But now he had no time to be happy, because Ye Han's situation also made him very worried.

Zou Ming, Zou Ming's wife, and Zhu Chuan's mother were all impatient and looked at Zhang Yun.

Only Zhang Yun knew medical skills, so he should be able to see that, right?

However, Zhang Yun slowly shook his head and frowned.

"I can't tell, Ye Han is wearing tiger skin, and his arms are covered in tiger skin.

"If I'm on the field, I don't need to retire with a broken bone, unless it's a very serious one."

Zhang Yun said.

At the same time, many doctors and the like were also watching, trying to determine whether Ye Han had broken bones.

But they couldn't see it.

Ye Han took adequate protective measures, and he was wearing a tiger's skin, so he couldn't see it at all.

"Is Ye Han really broken?"

"No, Ye Han's luck is so good, how could he fracture?"

"Don't panic everyone, Ye Han won't necessarily break a bone, let's pray for Ye Han together!"

"I have already offered incense to the Bodhisattva, I beg the Bodhisattva to bless Ye Han with safety!"

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