"I am a person without faith, but now I really hope that God can bless Ye Han, Ye Han must persevere and continue the game!"

"During this period of time, watching Ye Han's live broadcasts every day has become my habit. If Ye Han retires, there will be a space in my heart."

"Everyone else has broken bones, and Ye Han can't possibly have broken bones, I said!"


A large audience is speaking.

Countless people are staring at the live broadcast room, and the whole world is waiting for a result!

At this moment, Ye Han sat on the spot and took a deep breath, the pungent smell of blood in his nose and mouth.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which shocked everyone.

Su Xiaoqi on the tree felt numb when she cried.

Why is this still bleeding! !

"Little Qi, don't cry, I can't die!"

"This is the blood of the black bear, spattered in my mouth."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

"Old... Boss!"

"Boss, don't scare... scare me..."

"Your arm, how's your arm?"

Su Xiaoqi stammered, tears still flowing.

She also saw that Ye Han couldn't even hold the Swiss Army Knife in his hand!

And she can see more clearly up close, still on the tree, belonging to God's perspective.

She saw with her own eyes that the black bear's head hit Ye Han's arm!

She doesn't think about things like competitions.

Ye Han, the one she is most afraid of now, has something to do. She even wants to press the SOS button and ask the show team to come to the rescue.

In fact, when they set up the trap, the program team had sent a helicopter to rush here just in case.

The crew on the helicopter is ready and fully armed!

On the helicopter, they have been paying attention to the situation on Ye Han's side, waiting for the instructions of their superiors at any time.

Now the order given by the superior is to approach Ye Han and ask Ye Han if he will retire and if he needs help!

So, everyone saw a helicopter approaching Ye Han's place. This was the third time that a helicopter had descended for Ye Han!

Chapter 349 The cautious Ye Han is dislocated

Helicopter is coming!

This is the third time the program team has sent a helicopter for Ye Han!

The first time was when Ye Han dealt with the tiger. Just in case, the program team dispatched a helicopter early on. If there was any accident, they could immediately start rescue.

The second time, Asan found Ye Han here, but was killed by two buffaloes. The helicopter descended and took away Asan's body.

Now is the third time.

The roar of the helicopter sounded, and the propellers blew the wind.

A full eight fully-armed staff members left the helicopter along the hanging ladder, landed on the ground, and rushed to Ye Han's side immediately.

"Ye Han, Ye Han!"

"Ye Han, are you okay?"

"Su Xiaoqi, don't worry, we're here, Ye Han will be fine!"

"Don't rush to sign, first check Ye Han's situation!"

"Where's the doctor, come here quickly!"


The eight staff were divided into two groups.

A group of six people had already surrounded the black bear, but they did not act rashly.

The other group of two people, all medical staff, had already come to Ye Han's side with a medical kit.

This scene made many viewers breathe a sigh of relief.

In any case, with the presence of medical staff, Ye Han will definitely not have any major problems.

Even serious injuries can be treated promptly.

But at this time, Ye Han raised his left arm and blocked the two medical staff in the air.

At the same time, Ye Han's voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Don't move!"

"I don't need treatment, don't open the medicine chest, and don't touch the black bear!"

Ye Han shouted.

This stunned everyone present.

But in the next second, everyone reacted.

Ye Han is afraid of affecting the game!

If the medical staff treats him at this time, or if other staff members make up for the black bear, then this matter is likely to fall into the spotlight!

At that time, there will definitely be some people with ulterior motives who will come out to find trouble!

For example, Ye Han received treatment, which is a violation of the law!

Can't continue the game!

For example, the staff made up the knife and completely killed the black bear, which is also considered a violation!

Ye Han will never allow such a thing to happen!

Many people have just stopped crying, and now they can't help crying again.

"Ye Han, don't be brave, you need treatment!"

"Ye Han still wants to continue the game, so he is afraid of illegal behavior, he is too great!"

"The staff of the show team should hurry up and treat, it is best not to delay."

"No, I see Ye Han like this, it doesn't seem like something is wrong, at least there is no broken bone!"

"But he has already stood up, and his right arm is obviously out of control, as if it is about to fall, so scary!"


The audience were all shocked and discussed frantically.

Now that Ye Han has stood up, even if he is wearing a tiger's skin, everyone can see that at this time, his right arm is swaying, as if it is about to fall!

At this time, the eight staff members on the scene were all stunned.

"Ye Han, how are you feeling now?"

"Are you sure you don't need treatment?"

A female medical staff looked at Ye Han with concern.

She watched Ye Han's live broadcast every day, and always fantasized about seeing Ye Han in person.

She didn't expect to see it now, but in her heart, she would rather not have such a thing happen, because it means that Ye Han is in danger and hurt!

Ye Han waved his left arm and continued to wave his hand.

"I'm fine, my right arm just dislocated."

"I'll just take it back myself."

Ye Han's face was pale, but his tone was normal.

Just dislocated.

He didn't know how many times this happened in his previous life.

He couldn't handle it at first, but it happened a lot and he learned it himself.

Restoring a dislocated limb is actually not difficult.

But if the medical staff takes action, it is likely to be judged illegal and disqualified from the competition!

That's why Ye Han spoke up and reminded him immediately.


"Ye Han, are you sure?"

The female medical staff still asked with concern.

Ye Han nodded.

"Small problem, I really don't need you to take action. I'm worried that I will be judged to be in violation by the program team."

"Even if the black bear is not completely dead now, it will be completely dead in a while. Don't touch the black bear."

Ye Han was very cautious.

Hearing Ye Han's words, these staff all started to back away from the black bear.

Even Ye Han was several steps away.

Audiences all over the world were watching, even if the official program team wanted to target Ye Han, it was completely impossible.

Only then did Ye Han feel relieved.

"Boss, boss!"

Su Xiaoqi on the tree snorted and cried, anxious to death.

Ye Han raised his head and smiled at her, immediately fascinated by the female medical staff beside him.

very handsome!

Wearing tiger skin, with bear blood on his face, and some stubble on his face, it's simply too manly!

"Xiao Qi, don't worry."

"Good, I'll pick you up in a while."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Then, he took a deep breath and grabbed his right arm with his left arm.

Immediately afterwards, audiences all over the world exclaimed.

I saw Ye Han suddenly exerted his strength and twisted his body, then he snorted and let go of his left arm.

People in close proximity can even hear the sound of the joint returning.


Ye Han clenched his right fist hard, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now the black bear was struggling, his head hit his right arm, and he was directly dislocated!

Fortunately, Ye Han has experience, otherwise this time it would be really hanging!

However, the pain in his right arm reminded Ye Han that the injury this time was not as simple as dislocation.

Ye Han could feel that his right arm was swollen, but there was absolutely no fracture.

It's not that he hasn't experienced a fracture, and he knows exactly what it feels like.

Now, at most, it is a bone fracture.

Fractures are far less severe than fractures.

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