It's the end of the month, and I said that there will be a tenth watch this month. I didn't forget that it's either today or tomorrow, and there must be a tenth watch. Once again, thank you for your tips yesterday. I was ranked thirteenth on the tipping list, and I am very happy.

Chapter 363

Things on the island have come to an end, and the cold wind just needs to slowly heal up.

But in the outside world, there is still a lot of excitement.

China is still celebrating here, and is still worried about the cold wind.

Pretty Country has already had a large number of viewers reporting complaints.

Cold Wind Killing Violation!

Although Lengfeng has been very careful and has been avoiding violations, the people in the beautiful country are still unreasonable and come up with a lot of reasons.

"Lengfeng killed someone, he fouled, and he must be brought back for punishment!"

"Murder is against the law, and murder must pay for your life. I propose to arrest Leng Feng in our beautiful country now for trial!"

"I reported Leng Feng with my real name. He used the staff's satellite phone to communicate with outsiders and obtained important information!"

"The nature of this matter is extremely bad. The cold wind of Shenzhou Kingdom ignores the rules of the game and commits murder in front of people all over the world. He should be in the electric chair!"


Such remarks are endless, and basically all are said by people from beautiful countries.

The audiences of Shenzhou who were still celebrating this event were all dumbfounded.

Are these guys here to show the lower limit of IQ?

After all, it is a big country, how can there be so many mentally handicapped people.

"Shocked my family for a hundred years!"

"Yes, yes, the cold wind of our Shenzhou country is illegal. He opened the lock and blood, and he couldn't be beaten to death."

"Leng Feng also used the Shaker at the end, are you angry?"

"I remembered. People from the beautiful country said that there is an antenna in the mask, which can spy on their country's secrets. Do you remember?"

"Blue Star He De He Neng, there is such a superpower!"


How can the netizens of Shenzhou Kingdom give up?

One by one, they were all incarnated as great onmyojis, mocking the people of the beautiful country and speechless.

Simply speechless.

At this time, in a military base in the beautiful country.

This is where the SEALs where Thomas served. In an office, a middle-aged man slapped the table in front of him so hard that the water glasses on the table bounced and fell to the ground.

He was Thomas' instructor, and his name was Anthony.

"Thomas you trash!"

"How could the special forces of our Navy SEALs be defeated by the special forces of China?"

"That cold wind is still a retired special forces soldier!"

Anthony was furious and kept roaring and roaring.

The cold wind of China, this is a slap in the face of the SEAL team, a slap in the face of him!

Thomas was trained by him, and now he was beaten to death, and the body is still on the way!

Disgrace to the world!

After a while, Anthony calmed down.

"Killing our SEALs, it can't be left alone."

"Contact that person and find a way to get the cold wind into his hands and send it to Devil's Island."

With dark eyes, Anthony lit a cigarette and instructed his subordinates.

Devil's Island!

The subordinate shuddered when he heard the words, and hurriedly left the office and went to work according to Anthony's instructions.

You know, Devil's Island is the most notorious prison in the world.

Once sent to Devil's Island, he will not be able to get out in this life.

And will suffer inhuman torture day and night.

However, if the cold air can really be sent to Devil's Island Prison, that would be a great thing!

Now Lengfeng represents the country of China, and it can be said that it is out of the limelight and almost smashes the face of the beautiful country.

Those monkeys in Shenzhou Kingdom jumped up and down, triumphantly!

If you can capture Leng Feng at this time and put him in the Devil's Island Prison, then you will slap the face of Shenzhou in turn!

How cool!

Of course, he is also very clear in his heart that the difficulty here is very great, and even that person probably does not have such great ability.

Anyway, he is just a messenger, just bring the words with you.

Let the big guys worry about specific things!


On the island, everything is peaceful.

Leng Feng had already stood up and was supported by Li Guang back home.

It was also a difficult journey.

The two of them started from home and walked to the battle site, which took about two hours.

Going back now is even slower, and it took a full three hours to get back home.

Lengfeng lay down to rest, Li Guang used Thomas's singlet to wash in the stream, and came back to help Lengfeng wipe his body.

At this time, Leng Feng's body was very dirty, bloodstains, sludge and the like were all covered.

Li Guang was very careful and wiped him twice before it was wiped clean.

This is a small problem, the important thing is the injury in Lengfeng's eye socket.

"Brother Feng, I'm afraid this will require stitches."

"I'm afraid there will be scars if I don't stitch."

Li Guang looked at the wound and said.

The wound was located in the upper part of Leng Feng's right eye socket. The skin was directly split open, and the wound was bloody.

Generally speaking, this kind of wound requires two or three stitches, preferably another tetanus shot, combined with some other drugs for treatment.

But now Li Guang has no **** in his hands.

"It's not necessary, just apply some medicine to stop bleeding and anti-inflammatory. This is a minor injury."

"Guang, do you think I'm so squeamish?"

Leng Feng lay there to rest and said carelessly.

He was still chewing a piece of bacon in his mouth, which was delicious.

This guy is really fierce, everyone was worried just now, but now he has recovered a little.

At this rate, maybe it will really be like what he said, just a few days!

"Lengfeng, he used to be a thorn when he was in the army. He was disobedient and disobeyed orders!"

"Three days and two troubles, you will be locked up!"

In the live broadcast room, He Bingwang said.

Compared with the surprise and sigh of the audience, He Bingwang has always been relatively calm.

Because he knows Leng Feng better, he knows this kid's fighting habits, physical strength, etc.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't look at his righteousness on the surface, but in fact he is very afraid of death."

"He said he was fine, then he must be fine, he couldn't die!"

The words of King He Bing amused everyone.

He seems to know a lot of inside information about Lengfeng!

Many viewers hurriedly asked, but He Bingwang had already left the live broadcast room.

He has more important things to deal with.

Because the beautiful country has begun to think of ways to deal with the cold wind.

Now for the general public, they don't know what the news is.

But some people who are qualified to know have already started the game.

Pretty Country is tough and wants people directly!

How could China possibly agree?

The two sides have negotiated once, and they quickly fell apart.


Lengfeng is the hero of China, how could it be handed over to the beautiful country?

This time he did nothing wrong, did not make any move against the rules of the game!

What's more, even if he is not a hero, just an ordinary citizen of China, he will be protected by China, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere!

To put it simply, the beautiful country is just thinking about ass!

He Bingwang left the live broadcast room to negotiate.

The two sides will continue to negotiate and engage in various confrontations. This is a war without gunpowder smoke.

At this time, Beautiful Country has dispatched several professionals, as well as senior personnel of the official program team, to start another video conference negotiation with the people sent by Shenzhou Country.

And this time, a man in a suit rushed to the scene.

Everyone who recognized him exclaimed!

Chapter 364 Crazy Zhang San Cooking Bear's Paws

In the outer corridor of the office where the video conference was held, a man in a suit came with a briefcase, and everyone along the way was surprised.

"Teacher Zhang San!"

"My God, I saw the living teacher Zhang San!"

"Teacher Zhang San, can you sign my name, I adore you!"

"Don't make trouble, Mr. Zhang San has some serious business to do, so I definitely don't have time to delay you!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Teacher Zhang San!"

"I'm guarding here, and when Mr. Zhang San finishes his work, I must take a photo with him!"


Yes, this man in a suit is Zhang San, a famous extrajudicial fanatic in China.

The extrajudicial madman is just a nickname. In fact, he is a very powerful lawyer, and he also teaches the Fa on the Internet, which makes many people understand the law better.

His language is humorous and entertaining, unlike the one-size-fits-all lawyers everyone understands.

And a lot of what he said is philosophical, which can make people reflect and reminisce.

Zhang San nodded to everyone, then walked into the office and closed the door.

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