Everyone arrived, and the video conference started.

Zhang San sat down and looked at the big screen in front of him.

The opposite is also in an office, and there are some prominent figures sitting.

This time, the cold wind fought Thomas strongly, which was very pleasing to the heart and showed the prestige of our country.

But the follow-up brought a series of troubles.

It's not Lengfeng's fault, but the beautiful country is unreasonable!

"The meeting begins."

"Shenzhou Kingdom Lengfeng's many violations have been said just now, please don't ignore the China Kingdom representative."

There was a bearded man on the opposite side and said.

On the side of Shenzhou Kingdom, an old man in military uniform spoke up. He was a character who appeared in the textbook and had a very hot temper.


"Since you don't have the sincerity to negotiate, let's just start a fight and see who has the bigger fist!"


After saying this, the people in the beautiful country fell silent.

This old thing doesn't play cards according to common sense!

Two superpowers fight directly, how is this possible?

"Hehe, don't say anything like that anymore."

"Thomas is an excellent talent cultivated by our beautiful country. His death is a major loss, and China must be responsible for this."

"Otherwise, my country will take some necessary measures to impose sanctions."

On the opposite side, another old man spoke, and after speaking, he took a sip of coffee.

However, before the people on the side of Shenzhou Kingdom could speak, another middle-aged man hurriedly spoke.

"It's not like this, let's each take a step back."

"Lengfeng withdraws from the competition and gives my country a month, and this matter is considered a draw."

Everyone in the conference room frowned.

Let the cold wind retire, but also to the beautiful country for a month?

Any fool can imagine what kind of torture Leng Feng will suffer in this month!

Even death is possible!


Unexpectedly, Zhang San suddenly opened his mouth and agreed!

Immediately, the people on the side of Shenzhou Kingdom all looked at Zhang San.

The most grumpy old man opened his mouth and wanted to scold people, trying to drive Zhang San out, but was stopped by the people next to him.

There must be a reason for Zhang San to say so.

The people in the beautiful country opposite were all very surprised.

What medicine does this guy sell in the gourd?

Foreigners also know Zhang San's name, and his lecture videos are also very popular abroad.

He definitely didn't hold back any good farts!

"Lengfeng can retire and leave it to you for a month, but there is one condition."

"It's also a month for the head of the beautiful country to come to China to communicate."

Zhang San was expressionless and said lightly.


In the conference room opposite, all the people from the beautiful country stood up and stared at Zhang San with wide eyes, all kinds of swear words were already coming out.

On the other hand, Zhang San was very calm and looked at a staff member.

"Turn off the video."


A button is pressed and the big screen goes black.

There were bursts of laughter in the conference room, and everyone was overjoyed.

The people on the opposite side are going to be **** off, it's still Zhang Sanniu!

"Nice job, mad at these foreign devils!"

"Dream farts to eat, and want to take the cold wind?"

"This kid Lengfeng is the hero of our Shenzhou country. If he is handed over to the beautiful country, wouldn't he be spit in the face?"

"Does the beautiful country still think that the Shenzhou country is the rotten country that was backward and beaten back then?"

"Leng Feng said that the country of Shenzhou is not to be humiliated, and our country of Shenzhou also expressed its position. The country is his strongest backing. Even if he kills the head of the beautiful country, we will not pay this person!"

"Hahahahaha that's not so, cold wind is not that great."


This is just a joke. The head of the beautiful country must have strict protection. Even if Leng Feng has the ability, he has no chance!

Of course, laughing now, but the negotiations will continue.

In any case, Shenzhou Kingdom will never give in!

The claims that the cold wind violated the law and the cold wind violated the law put forward by the beautiful country are completely nonsense. With Zhang San, even if it is black, he can say it is white!

At the same time, on the island, Li Guang had already helped Leng Feng treat the wound.

Just cleaned it, and then put some herbs on it, all of which are hemostasis and anti-inflammatory.

Leng Feng was already asleep at the moment, and Li Guang was standing beside him.

At the same time, his mind is also analyzing.

"This Thomas came empty-handed. Where did his equipment go?"

"Will he live nearby?"

"Knowing that it is illegal to take the initiative to shoot, but he has to continue to shoot, his situation is definitely not very good."

"What happened to him?"

Li Guang had several guesses in his heart, but he could not be sure.

However, he deduced that the probability of Thomas' teammates finding the door is very small, so don't worry too much.

Just take good care of Brother Feng these days!

On the other side, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were cooking at home.

When Leng Feng was fighting to death, Su Xiaoqi had already started preparing to cook bear paws!

There are also a large number of viewers returning to Ye Han's live broadcast room, which is very lively.

While discussing Lengfeng, everyone watched Su Xiaoqi cook.

"The blood boiled, I used a set of Wing Chun on the spot and beat my daughter-in-law to the ground. It was so fun!"

"Brother, are you in a wheelchair now?"

"I regret being a soldier for two years, and I regret not being a soldier for a lifetime. I have decided to let my son join the army in order to make up for the regret!"

"My son plays games at home every day, and I also plan to send him to the army to exercise!"

"In this case, you should be sent to the Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Center, and you should be fine with a call."

"Does this speak human words?"

"Okay, don't make trouble, Lengfeng fell asleep, let's see how Xiaoqi makes bear paws."


In fact, many viewers are not optimistic about Su Xiaoqi.

Cooking bear paws in conditions like this in the wild?

Such precious ingredients would be wasted!

Su Xiaoqi doesn't have all kinds of kitchen utensils, seasonings, ingredients, etc. Is the bear paw she made delicious?

Can it be cooked directly and eaten after being roasted?

Su Xiaoqi was actually a little worried, thinking of a lot of ways in her heart, and overturned them one by one.

She even looked at the hens raised at home, because there are many ways to cook bear paws that require chicken soup.

However, the chicken can continue to lay eggs, but it cannot be killed.

Ye Han also thought about taking the chickens away after the game and raising them to die of natural old age.

In the end, Su Xiaoqi still started cooking, and this question could not trouble her.

Chapter 365 Turning corruption into magic

You must know that Su Xiaoqi's cooking skills have reached a peak, and she is a recognized genius in the chef industry.

She has the power to turn corruption into magic.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, to master the true meaning of cooking.

Learn about the characteristics, flavors, and countless treatments of each ingredient.

The bear's paw dish was a brand new challenge for her, after all, she had never tried it before.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi had listed all the ingredients at home, and had already conceived two plans in her mind.

The first method is undoubtedly steamed bear paw.

Here you need to use chicken soup, deer antler and other accessories.

The deer antler really has it at home, it's from the deer I got before.

As for chicken soup, chicken is definitely not to be killed, but other things can be substituted.

Like crocodile soup.

The only bit of honey left was also taken out by Su Xiaoqi.

This girl used all three pots, and her busy feet did not touch the ground.

Ye Han sat on the bamboo chair next to him and teased Jiutian, very leisurely.

"Nine days, go!"

Ye Han threw the vine ball again.

Jiutian flapped his wings and flew out, and brought the ball back.

Then Ye Han fed it a piece of black bear viscera.

This guy, Jiutian, today is delicious, but what about dignity?

"The air is cold, when will Jiutian stand up?"

"The former sky overlord has become Ye Han's eagle dog!"

"Hey, cultural person, the word eagle dog is used well, I thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of it."

"Hey, to be honest, I'm a writer. I write books for free at Seven Cats, and I don't ask anyone under the pseudonym."

"Okay, brother, you're really talented, I'll take a look and give you a reward!"


Ye Han played for a while, and then touched Jiutian's head.

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