Ye Han couldn't catch this sentence, it was too out of the blue!

Someone in the live broadcast room said that Su Xiaoqi was the next Zhu Chuan, and his spirit was going to go wrong.

"Well, the devil you said, isn't that there?"

Ye Han raised his head and looked forward, holding back his smile and working hard.

Because at this time, he had already seen the owner of this footprint, the devil in Su Xiaoqi's mouth.

Although it doesn't look good, it doesn't mean that people are devils, right?

"What is that!"

"It's a big bird!"

Su Xiaoqi said in a low voice.

She hadn't cooked this thing before, and she didn't know it.

Her question was enough to stop Ye Han, because Ye Han didn't know this stuff either.

Although Ye Han was well-informed in his previous life, not everything he could know, he could.

In terms of knowledge of animals and plants, Ye Han is definitely not as knowledgeable as Xiao Liang, after all, this is what people eat.

"I don't know either, anyway, let's kill it first."

Ye Han said softly, and already picked up the bow and arrow.

Anyway, this thing can definitely be eaten. Since it can be eaten, then kill it and bring it back to eat meat, and don't care what it is?

Ye Han bent his bow and arrow, aiming at the big bird.

In the live broadcast room, as the big bird appeared on the screen, Xiao Liang recognized it immediately.

"Sure enough, this thing, cassowary!"

"The cassowary is the scientific name. This thing also has a name called the cassowary. It is said that this bird can devour the charcoal, so it has such a name as the cassowary."

Xiao Liang only had time to say these two words to tell everyone what it was.

Then Ye Han had already made his move.

An arrow shot out!

Ye Han's arrow was indeed accurate, and it directly hit the unsuspecting cassowary.

But it failed to cause fatal damage, the arrow just stuck on the cassowary, and then the cassowary made a thunderous cry and began to run wildly!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi couldn't see this guy at all!

"Old... boss?"

Su Xiaoqi came back to her senses and looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han is also confused now, what exactly is this?

It runs very fast and has a unique sound. Ye Han really doesn't know him, he feels like a monster!

"Go, catch up and have a look."

"Nine days have passed, so it shouldn't be lost."

Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi and chased after the cassowary in the direction that the cassowary escaped.

In the live broadcast room, the pot exploded.

This was the first time the audience saw Ye Han deflated and encountered something they didn't recognize!

"Ye Han, don't you understand? This is a cassowary, and its scientific name is Badger Tuo!"

"Good guy, it's called a cassowary, and neither of your two words is correct!"

"I searched online, this thing is amazing!"

"Don't make a fuss. Listen to Xiaoliang. What can I find interesting on the Internet?"

"Quick, quick, can Ye Han catch up with this thing?"

"Is this stuff delicious?"


The live broadcast room was messy and filled with a lot of barrage discussions.

And Xiaoliang was also calm, and continued to explain, to popularize this kind of animal for everyone.

Chapter 511 Chasing the Cassowary

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Liang cleared his throat, consolidated the sentences in his mind, and then spoke.

"The Cassowary, also known as the Cassowary, is a bird of the Cassowary family. There are one genus and three species, including some subspecies."

"Simply put, there are many kinds of meanings."

Xiao Liang said.

He used more professional terminology, which everyone could not understand very much. Someone in the barrage in the live broadcast room was already protesting, and he asked him to speak human words.

In fact, from the perspective of biology, what order, what department, what class, etc. are all very professional classifications, but how can people who have never studied them understand these?

In junior high school and high school, the biology that everyone learns is actually not considered biology.

All I have learned are chloroplasts, line plastids and other things, but I haven't touched on more advanced things.

That has to be a university course, and you can learn more professional knowledge only if you choose a major in biology at the university.

"Okay, I'll go on."

Xiao Liang raised his hands and looked like he was surrendering, which made everyone amused.

"Come on, this thing is the third largest bird in the world. It refers to the size. The one just now was 1.7 meters tall, and Ye Han is almost as tall. It must weigh more than 100 kilograms."

"This thing has a layer of helmet on top of its head. Everyone can understand that it has a third-level head, which is very powerful."

"Then the head was blue, and the sound was like muffled thunder. Everyone just saw it and heard it."

Xiao Liang continued to explain.

The audience listened enthusiastically and kept discussing.

"This cassowary looks so powerful, its attack power should not be low!"

"Whoever sees it is not ignorant. This thing seems to be recorded in the Shanhaijing. It is similar to the tapir that Ye Han encountered before."

"Didn't you say you can still eat charcoal, a proper beast!"

"Little Liang, can this cassowary fly? I think it didn't fly just now, can it not fly?"

"I bet one dumpling, it won't fly."

"Why dumplings, are you eating dumplings, what stuffing?"


Xiao Liang also looked at the barrage sent by the audience and smiled knowingly.

"What I'm talking about is relatively simple, some basic characteristics of the cassowary."

"The attack power of this thing is quite strong. I think a cassowary can beat at least two water monkeys. It really can't fly, because its wings have already degenerated, and it relies on strong lower limbs."

"Although the cassowary is vegetarian, its legs are not vegetarian. When it encounters danger, it can run at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. When attacking prey, it also uses its legs to kick, and its sharp claws can seriously injure opponents."

Xiao Liang continued.

In fact, he is also worried about Ye Han's situation now.

Ye Han's arrow did hit just now, but he didn't deal much damage.

Bows and arrows are good enough to deal with small prey, but when encountering large prey, it is not enough.

This cassowary, also known as a cassowary, was about the same height as Ye Han and weighed more than 100 pounds. It was no longer considered a small prey, but was very fierce.

If Ye Han catches up, he will have to weigh it carefully to see if he can handle it.

Hearing Xiao Liang's words, many viewers were also worried in their hearts.

"Ye Han can't be careless, don't get kicked by this thing."

"I looked at the previous picture, and the claws of this thing are very sharp!"

"The biggest problem now is that Ye Han doesn't know this kind of creature. If he knows it, it's better to say that he can know its characteristics and attack methods, but Ye Han doesn't know it!"

"Among all the people watching the live broadcast, it is estimated that few people know each other, so Xiao Liang can recognize it."

"Ye Han, why don't we stop chasing and go back and chop bamboo?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that this guy will take Ye Han to Zhu Chuan's cave?"

"My dear, I dare not write novels like this!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

Some people even said that Ye Han might be taken by the cassowary to the location of Zhu Chuan's cave, thereby discovering Zhu Chuan's relics.

For this statement, Zhu Chuan himself is very interested.

"Maybe, not really!"

"Ye Han's luck is so good, this cassowary appeared to lead Ye Han to my cave!"

At Zou Ming's home, Zhu Chuanqi said with a beaming expression.

Originally, half of his face could not be moved, and he lost the ability to manage expressions.

But now with Zhang Yun's treatment, the situation is getting better day by day, and now I can cry and laugh.

However, Zhu Chuan's idea was quickly overturned.

Because all the audience saw that in the jungle, Ye Han was chasing Su Xiaoqi all the way.

Although the two of them can't see the cassowary now, they can know its whereabouts, and there are still nine days ahead, so they won't get lost or go the wrong way.

However, this direction is wrong, and everyone can see it.

If you want to find Zhu Chuan's cave, you have to go over a small hillside, and then reach the next hillside, the direction is completely wrong.

"It's a banana tree!"

"And a monkey!"

On the way to chase the cassowary, Ye Han once again found a plantain tree covered with plantains.

There is also a monkey on the tree eating a plantain.

But now Ye Han didn't have the heart to take care of the bananas and the monkeys, and the target was the cassowary ahead.

The last time I ate plantains, I vomited, and now Ye Han still doesn't really want to eat plantains.

However, Su Xiaoqi felt that she could pay attention and come to pick them later.

Ordinary banana leaves are tired of eating, but you can find a way to make them into small snacks, such as banana chips that everyone often eats.


Seeing Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi advancing all the way, the monkey was obviously very curious and even called out a few times.

In the end, he actually lost the banana in his hand and followed behind Su Xiaoqi.

"Nine days!"

Ye Han shouted and whistled again.

Jiutian responded to him, let out a cry, and gave Ye Han the direction.

This goshawk is really spiritual. If someone wants to train such an eagle, it may take several years, and it may not be successful.

"What the **** is that, it's running too fast!"

Su Xiaoqi was out of breath, she couldn't run anymore.

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