Stomach started to hurt.

Ye Han turned his head and glanced at her.

"Xiao Qi, you can just walk behind, don't run."

"You haven't recovered yet, so don't exercise vigorously."

"Listen to me, you stay here."

Ye Han said, and then continued to chase forward.

And he was also calculating in his heart that if he couldn't catch up after running for another ten minutes, he would just give up.

He was not at ease to let Su Xiaoqi walk behind him, what if he encountered danger?

And the two buffaloes were still staying in the bamboo forest, for fear that something unexpected would happen and the loss would be huge.

Ye Han thought so in his heart, and chased forward for another ten minutes.

At this time, he had already seen that in the bushes ahead, the cassowary had stopped running!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Golden Chan Nafu] for the big reward for the reminder! Thanks for the wonderful pen flowers and good luck koi for the great rewards, thank you for your blessings! Tomorrow, we will resume the fifth watch, and adjust the status to prepare for the tenth watch. Last month's vote plus update can add 8 chapters. I haven't forgotten, I will definitely not do it, but this month, we will not engage in voting plus update activities.

Chapter 512 Kill the monkeys and watch the fun

Why don't you run away?

Ye Han did not relax, but became more nervous.

Because he sensed danger.

There is no doubt that this thing wants to turn around and deal with Ye Han now!

In the process of running, the arrow inserted into it had fallen down and was bleeding a little.

But it is obvious that this is only a minor injury.

"This cassowary ran away just now, because it was frightened."

"Now it has reacted and wants to attack Ye Han!"

Xiao Liang exclaimed and stared nervously at the screen.

The audience was also nervous.

This thing wants to fight back now, but Ye Han doesn't know its attack method, which may be dangerous!

"Be careful, Ye Han, it has the most powerful legs!"

"I'm so anxious, Ye Han doesn't know Cassowary!"

"Don't panic, Ye Han is a very cautious person. I don't think it's a big problem. Don't forget that there are still nine days to help."

"Don't die here in Jiutian!"

"It's all birds. Although Jiutian is a goshawk and the sky overlord, but the difference in size is too big, it's definitely not an opponent!"

"That's right, although the lion and tiger's attack power is strong, they can't face the elephant, and the size is also very important!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

The whole world has attracted a lot of attention.

Maybe this time, Ye Han might capsize in the gutter and be thrown out of the race by this cassowary!

This is the current view of many foreign audiences.

In particular, some people from Neon Country, White Elephant Country, Plastic Surgery Country and other countries are desperately cursing Ye Han.

However, Ye Han would disappoint them every time.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Su Xiaoqi's voice came from behind, she had already seen Ye Han standing still, and hurriedly asked.

If he didn't know this, he would have thought that Ye Han had stepped on a landmine.

In many TV dramas and movies, there is such a plot, someone stepped on a landmine, and then the whole person froze there, not daring to move.

"Xiao Qi, don't come here first, this thing has stopped, looking at this posture, it wants to attack me."

Ye Han clenched the engineer shovel in his hand and said.

ah? !

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqi immediately became nervous and quickened her pace.

This thing wants to attack Ye Han?

"Tsk, I told you not to come here, so just stand there, behind that tree."

"This thing doesn't look easy to deal with!"

Ye Han said.

He has entered a fighting state, and his eyes have been fixed on the legs of the cassowary.


With Ye Han's eyesight, he had already discovered the characteristics of this animal.

First, can't fly!

Second, the legs are amazing!

After being shot by Ye Han with a bow and arrow just now, it did not fly, but escaped with its legs, and it was very fast, which proved that its legs were very strong and very strong!

Therefore, even if Ye Han didn't know this thing, he could still draw a series of judgments through his own observation.


Jiutian hovered over the head of this cassowary to interfere.

The cassowary was very angry at this time!

Its voice was low, like thunder, very scary.

Ye Han is now afraid that this thing will spit out a thunder and lightning!

The next moment, the cassowary rushed over and rushed towards Ye Han!

The degenerated wings flapped, and the legs exerted force, jumping high, and the height of the feet had reached the height of Ye Han's abdomen.

Then it stretched out its feet and kicked Ye Han's stomach!

If he was hit this time, Ye Han would have to be gutted on the spot!

"Good guy, so that's how it attacks."

"It's easy to say that you don't spit thunder."

Between the lightning and flint, Ye Han directly dodged sideways, and now he has completely calmed down.

Mainly because I didn't know this thing before, so I would be cranky.

Even suspect it will spit thunder.

If that is the case, then I am afraid that I am not reborn in an ordinary world, but a magical world.

"Boss be careful!"

According to Ye Han's instructions, Su Xiaoqi stood behind a tree and watched, very nervous.

But Ye Han didn't have time to talk to her now.

After avoiding the cassowary's attack, it was Ye Han's turn.

Ye Han said nothing, the engineer shovel in his hand had already greeted him.

There is a layer of bone helmet on the top of this thing, and I don't know what structure it is. It can grow a third-level head by itself.

As we all know, nothing can kill a tertiary head in one hit other than AWMs and crossbows.

So Ye Han waved the engineer shovel, but did not attack the bone helmet on top of the cassowary.

Instead, it attacks the cassowary's neck.

The neck is relatively slender, and there is nothing to protect it, which is its weakness.

One hit!

Ye Han's movements were quick, and the cassowary didn't have time to dodge, and was already hit by Ye Han.

This time, a long and deep blood cut was cut on the neck of the cassowary, and the blood spurted out, and Ye Han's face was stained a lot.

The cassowary screamed, how has it seen such a sharp weapon?

For animals, there is basically no concept of weapons and tools!

"it is good!"

"Beautiful! As expected of Ye Han!"

"Hahahaha, were there still a few devils chattering just now?"

"Don't worry about them, their IQ is not as high as Xiao Hanhan."

"Why don't you have a long memory, I'm really wondering!"

"This cassowary is dead, but I don't know if the meat of the cassowary is delicious!"

"There should be other cassowaries nearby. If they are delicious, they can come back and continue to catch them later."


The audience was excited, and their faces were filled with joy.

The worries just now have been thrown into the clouds.

"A false alarm!"

"Ye Han is indeed Ye Han. Although he doesn't know the cassowary, he can judge the strengths and weaknesses of the cassowary through his own observations."

"This is what survival in the wilderness should look like."

Xiao Liang couldn't help but exclaimed.

But Teacher Piao was not happy here.

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"No, Xiao Liang."

"You took all my lines, what should I say!"

"Me too?"

The teacher said with a smile.

Xiao Liang waved his hand here.

"I'm explaining it for you. You have to pay me a salary."

"Hang up first, hahaha!"

After speaking, he hung up the connection.

Everyone can see that this cassowary has finished its calf.

Currently in a dying phase.

Ye Han had already retreated, not approaching the cassowary, but quietly waiting for the death of the cassowary.

Judging from the amount of blood ejected, the cassowary is sure to die.

The ground was dyed red by the blood of the cassowary, and a **** smell spread.

Ye Han was also vigilant about the situation around him.

He has never been to this place before, so there might be some beasts, so beware.

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