It took several hours to chat, and the next day I saw that there were dragon kings in the group...

At this time, in the audience's mouth, the three people who were eliminated from Shenzhou Kingdom were silent.

Zou Ming, Zhang Yun, Zhu Chuan.

The three of them are now at Zou Ming's house, watching the live broadcast together.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

"Hahaha, the three people who were eliminated from Shenzhou Kingdom, aren't that the three of us?"

Zou Ming took the lead and said with a smile.

Zhang Yun nodded with a wry smile on his face.

Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing.

Before the competition, it was also ambitious, aiming for the championship.


"It's because of an accident for the two of you. There's no other way but to say bad luck."

"The most embarrassing thing is me, alas!"

Zhu Chuan sighed.

There is no doubt that he is one of the most humiliating players in China.

It even became a laughing stock for a time and became the object of Internet violence.

Even now, after he wrote an apology letter, many people have forgiven him, but there are still some people who are still holding on to it and have been scolding him online.

Because in any case, Zhu Chuanchuan is a player representing China, and he lost not only his own face, but also the face of China.

Therefore, if someone is unwilling to forgive him, that is not wrong.

"It's okay, look away."

"It doesn't matter if all the other players in China are eliminated, as long as Ye Han is still on the island."

"This kid Ye Han is really amazing. Now he has embarked on the road of the industrial revolution, and he has made simple machines on the island!"

Zhang Yun patted Zhu Chuan on the shoulder and changed the subject.

The three of them watched Ye Han's live broadcast every day, and they were all loyal fans of Ye Han.

After chatting for a while, it was almost time for them to go to bed.

On the island, the two members of the alcoholic team finally got the wooden house.

This is a small wooden house built in a hurry.

In addition to being able to sleep the two of them, at most a little equipment and supplies are stacked, and the space is very limited.

It's more of a shack than a house.

But anyway, it can keep out the rain, that's enough.


"Tired and sleepy."

Ivanov yawned again, then went into the wooden house with his arms around Eva and lay down to sleep.

After a while, Ivanov's snoring could be heard from inside the cabin.

I don't know how Eva was able to fall asleep, the snoring was loud.

Seeing that the two of them finally got it done, many viewers who stayed up all night watching also turned off their mobile phones and began to sleep.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the seventy-fourth day arrives.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi got up, Ye Han walked out of the bamboo building and took a look at the weather.

There is no doubt that it will rain today.

The sky was overcast, there was no sunlight, and the air seemed oppressive.

These are all signs of a storm.

The animals at home can also feel the coming bad weather, such as rabbits, ewes, chickens and ducks, all hiding in the shelter.

Goshawk Jiutian was no longer standing on the roof of the bamboo building, but crouched under the eaves.


Ye Han greeted and saw Da Huang jumping out from the roof of the kitchen.

Man, this roof is covered in tiles!

"Others say that there will be no fighting for three days, and the roof will be uncovered."

"It's good for you, you just hit you yesterday, and you dare to go to the roof?"

"Rhubarb, if you dare to take off a tile, let's see how I clean up you."

Ye Han glared at Da Huang and said.

Rhubarb could feel Ye Han's bad tone, he could understand a little bit, it should have something to do with him going to the roof.

"Rhubarb didn't break the tile, don't talk about it."

"By the way, boss, if there is a storm, will the tiles on the roof of our kitchen be lifted off?"

Su Xiaoqi was a little worried about this issue.

In fact, Ye Han is not sure about this, and everything will be known only after the storm.

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Seven Cat Book Friends_010899102525] for the two flowers, thank you [Mood] for the reminder, and thank the two readers for their great support!

Chapter 530 The duck escaped the pressure of Bill

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started the day as usual.

But unlike before, this time breakfast was made in the kitchen.

Ye Han walked around for a while to make sure that everything was fine, so that he could rest assured.

After all, there are too many industries in the family, many animals are raised, and potatoes are planted, so there is no problem.

Anything that goes wrong will cause a lot of damage.

"Take care of the fetus and give birth to a few lambs for me as soon as possible."

"Did you hear me?"

Ye Han cleaned up the feces in the sheepfold and said to the ewe.

It had been a while since he had caught this ewe, and Ye Han felt that it was about to give birth.

about ten days!

Probably around this time.

Leaving the sheep pen, Ye Han came to the chicken and duck again.

Today, the life and death of the duck is to be decided, and Ye Han has not forgotten this.

If the duck doesn't lay eggs, then kill it for meat.

If the duck lays eggs, spare it.

Walking to the duck, Ye Han took a look.

He didn't have any hope at all, because the duck had not laid eggs for a while, and it should not be such a coincidence that it would lay eggs today.

But after taking a look, Ye Han was dumbfounded.

Because he saw that the duck laid eggs!

And there was more than one egg, two eggs were laid.


"Dude, do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Can you read minds?"

Ye Han laughed, reached in and took the two duck eggs.

In that case, let's not kill the duck for now.

It seems that he will have to scare it from time to time in the future.

Then, Ye Han looked at the chicken again.

Yes, the chicken also laid an egg!

I directly harvested three eggs today, which is really good.

Ye Han happily took the egg and came to the kitchen.

"The duck eggs are marinated for a while, and the eggs are eaten directly."

"This duck is afraid of death, so he lays two eggs, so he won't kill it first."

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi felt very surprised when she heard it.

This duck actually laid two eggs?

The audience in the live broadcast room also talked a lot.

"Okay, this duck, the desire to survive is bursting!"

""About My Ducks Can Read Minds""

"Duck: Damn, Ye Han is coming for real, hurry up and lay two eggs, and stabilize him first!"

"Duck: Eat, eat, eat! I want to eat my mother's eggs every day!"

"Have you seen it, Rhubarb seems to be coveting these eggs. I always feel that sooner or later, it will do something to steal food and be hung up and beaten by Ye Han."

"Huh? Can this be called stealing? How can you be innocent out of thin air? Which eye did you see Da Huang stealing? Da Huang is greedy, who is it?"

"Good guy, can this Kong Yiji play Da Huang?"


The audience in the live broadcast room was playing all kinds of stalks and had a great time.

At this time in the kitchen, Su Xiaoqi was making breakfast, the range hood and perpetual motion machine continued to work, taking away the fumes in the kitchen.


The eggs were fried in the pan, and a fragrance filled the air, making the rhubarb greedy drool.

smell good!

If Rhubarb could talk, he would definitely beg Ye Han to let him taste it now.

But it's a pity that Ye Han didn't plan to share with rhubarb a good thing like eggs.

He and Su Xiaoqi shared half of this fried egg, not rhubarb.

"Okay, let's have breakfast!"

"I won't go out today, and the ducks won't be killed. I'll make bear paws for you at noon, boss?"

Su Xiaoqi brought breakfast to the table.

Ye Han nodded.

"Okay, eat bear paws at noon!"

"I don't go out today and work at home. I use bamboo to make a ladder, and then make some shelves and other things."

Ye Han has already thought about the content of today's work.

Add a ladder to your home and a shelf.

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