
"I can do it too, I think about it, what else is missing."

Su Xiaoqi took a sip of milk and began to ponder.

This makes rhubarb greedy. What does the milk taste like?

"Don't think about rhubarb, just this milk, it's all pulled out of Xiaohanhan's mouth."

"Let's drink some milk, Xiao Hanhan is very uncomfortable."

"If you want to drink milk, go and talk to Xiaohanhan."

Ye Han smiled and took a sip of milk and said to Rhubarb.

This is more complicated, and Rhubarb cannot understand the meaning.

Had to give up.

The two were eating breakfast, and the other players basically got up and started a new day.

However, everyone knows that it is going to rain today, and anyone with eyes can see it.

Therefore, the vast majority of players did not choose to go out.

Even those who wanted to go out temporarily changed their plans and chose to stay at home.

But Bill chose to go out. He went to the location of the rubber tree to collect natural latex.

"Go back quickly."

"You have to come back before it rains, otherwise it will rain."

Bill thought to himself, packing up and going out.

I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I could just deal with that bacon.

Bill walked among the trees, walking quickly.

Many viewers in beautiful countries are watching this scene, and they are constantly sending barrages.

"It's going to rain, and Bill has to go out?"

"He's going to collect natural latex, don't forget about his rubber tapping yesterday."

"Then speed up and try to get home from the rain before it rains."

"What does Bill seem to have been talking about?"

"Oh, his face is not very good-looking, I am very worried!"

"I also think Bill's condition is getting worse and worse recently. What should I do?"


Many viewers in the beautiful country are very worried about Bill's situation.

Usually, there are many audiences in China to watch the fun and discuss when Bill will collapse.

Although the beautiful country is reluctant to admit it, they also know in their hearts that Bill will not be able to hold it for long.

Surviving alone in the wilderness is under too much pressure.

With Beal, there's more pressure on him.

The first is the pressure from Thomas.

Bill didn't know Thomas was dead yet, he always thought Thomas was alive, but probably retired.

Therefore, as long as he retires and leaves the island, he will encounter revenge from Thomas.

The second is the pressure from his identity.

As we all know, he is Lord Bei's apprentice and has high expectations.

If he is eliminated like this, he will be stabbed in the spine, and even ruin his teacher's reputation.

There will definitely be someone who is yin and yang strange: Oh, so it turns out that Bei Ye's apprentice is just like this, so to speak.

Third, there is also pressure for the future.

He specializes in playing this, playing in the wilderness to survive, and making a living from it.

If you can't perform well in the competition now, how will you make money in the future?

Not to mention the possibility of encountering things like cyberbullying in the future.

All kinds of pressure added, making Bill's condition worse and worse.

Now he was moving forward, thinking wildly, and his heart was heavy.

Some viewers noticed that his face was also very pale, and there was not much blood.

Just when many viewers in beautiful countries were very worried.

Everyone saw that Bill suddenly grunted, then held onto a tree and spit when he opened his mouth!

Chapter 531 Nervous Vomiting


Bill opened his mouth and spat out a lot.

In that scene, many people quickly closed their eyes or closed the live broadcast.

And some viewers who care about Bill are very nervous.

"What's going on here?"

"Bill is sick, that's not a good sign!"

"Severe illness will also lead to withdrawal, Bill, you must hold on!"

"Damn, why wasn't Ye Han the one who got sick?!"

"Why didn't Lengfeng get sick, why did Bill get sick!"


These people all have one thing in common, that is, they hate the players of China.

Especially Ye Han and cold wind.

Nothing else, these two are the most in the limelight.

The tree attracts the wind!

Those who hated China and wanted to attack the players of China, the first choice was Ye Han and Lengfeng.


Seeing this scene, Bei Ye frowned.

He is still on vacation at home and has not gone to the official live broadcast room to explain.

At present, the two people in the official live broadcast room are still Xiao Lizi and Iron Man.

However, according to internal sources, it will be replaced soon.

Both of them are actors, and they have some schedules. It is already time to come and explain for a few days.

However, the effect is also very good. First, you can get a lot of commissions, and then you can show your face fiercely to attract more traffic.

For the official program group, it also attracted a lot of attention.

It's a win-win, everyone is happy.

The audience is also happy, it's not a win-win, it's a win-win.

Speaking back to Master Bei, he stared at the screen in front of him, his heart sank to the bottom.

Facts have proved that he absolutely overestimated his apprentice.

I thought that even without Thomas, only Bill was left to continue the game, and with Bill's ability, he could last for a long time.

But now it seems that this time will definitely not be too long.

A lot of people online are asserting that Bill will be eliminated within a week.

And say half a month, a month.

There is a saying that has been widely accepted.

That's the hurdle that Bill can't get past a hundred days.

At this moment, Bill was holding the tree and spitting out tears.

That feeling, everyone knows it.

The most uncomfortable thing is that there is no one to pat him on the back and hand him a glass of water, so he can only carry it by himself.

As the ancients said, he was ill and terribly ill, and he did not ignore his parents. Bill really misses his mother now.

So sad, I really want to go home!

In front of the screen, Bill's family couldn't stand it any longer.

Especially his mother, how could a mother not feel sorry for her son?

"Quickly retire and go home, my boy."

Bill's mother murmured, wiping away tears.


On Bill's side, he let out a long breath and wiped his mouth.

There was a feeling of dizziness in front of him, he didn't dare to move forward, but held the big tree and took a rest.

"what happened?"

Bill was in a panic.

Is it food poisoning?


Since the last lesson, he has been very cautious on food and water after eating raw meat and having diarrhea.

It is better to burn the meat than to leave it raw.

The water should also be boiled and cooled before drinking.

Moreover, based on his experience of survival in the wilderness, it is even more impossible to say that he has eaten something poisonous.

So definitely not food poisoning.

That's for what reason?


"Nervous vomiting!"

"I am familiar with this. I am a doctor and have taken over such cases."

"The so-called neurotic vomiting means vomiting caused by too much pressure, or it can be said to be psychogenic vomiting, which is caused by psychological reasons."

"Bill's various manifestations and symptoms are telling us that he is under great pressure. If this state continues, he may not end up any better than Zhu Chuanzhuan."

A doctor spoke and expressed his judgment.

He thought Bill was neurotic, psychogenic.

It has nothing to do with physical health, but psychological stress.

Many people put themselves in their shoes and think about it. If they put themselves in Bill's position, they would have collapsed long ago.

To be honest, it's not easy for Bill to persist until now.

Alone, rebuilding the house, stocking up on food, sticking to it, how could the average person possibly do it?

"It should be what this doctor said, nervous vomiting. I really want to see it in a movie."

"I have the right to say this. When I was a child, it was uncomfortable as long as I went to school, and it would be fine when I was on vacation!"

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