Many people who care about him are worried.

In the rainforest in the rainstorm, a person is lying there alone with a high fever, which is too uncomfortable!

The last group of players in a bad situation is the group of Vasily and Sean.

Specifically, the bad guy is Sean.

Because Vasily has been praying, asking the great Lord to forgive Sean for his sins.

Sean was numb, and Vasily kept chattering, and the saliva from his mouth flew out and stuck to Sean's face.

Vasily's mouth stinks so badly that Sean can't breathe easily!

Most of the audience in this live broadcast room ran away.

Sean is patient, a ninja, and has been patient.

But the audience couldn't bear it!

Everyone is watching the live broadcast, isn't it just for entertainment and fun?

I am angry when I see Vasily, who would like to see it!

No matter how many swear words I scolded, I still feel uneasy.

Only that social account is still being updated all the time, and it has developed to one post every hour.

"An hour has passed, is Vasily dead?"

"Another hour passed. Was Vasily dead?"

"Why isn't Vasily dead yet?"


Unity, the whole world does not know how many people curse Vasily every day, hoping that he will die soon.

But Vasily is still alive and well.


With these two words, Vasily ended this prayer.

The real reason was that he was thirsty and tired.

After drinking some water, he lay down again.

Sean stared blankly, feeling like he was reaching his limit.

He began to think about the meaning of life, the origin of the universe.

Finally, he settled on one thing.

That is, we can't go on like this anymore, we have to have a good talk with Vasily.

If it's not good to talk with your mouth, then use your fists.

Chapter 547 Sean's Plan

Yes, after enduring so long, Sean is finally reaching his limit.

From the first day on the island, it can even be said that since the training before going to the island, Sean has been enduring the **** Vasili.

This **** stick, this hypocritical guy full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

Sean can now dream about Vasily, smiling and saying to him, Sean, my child, the Lord will forgive you.

Who can bear this?

Seeing Vasily go to lie down and occupy the entire floor, Sean sat directly on the ground and began to think about what to do next.

The first thing to be sure of is that it can't go on like this.

Now Sean has also figured out that if he continues to endure like this, when he breaks out completely, he might kill someone.

If he kills someone, his life is over.

Having been to prison once, Sean knows how terrifying life in prison is.

Even if he died, he didn't want to go back to prison.

So his idea is very simple, change the status quo, but do not commit crimes!

I have to say, Sean is really smart.

Brown of their beautiful country was sent to prison for killing his teammates, and now he is gone.

He was tortured terribly before he died.

It was worse than death.

"Talk first, if you can't agree, you can fight!"

Sean closed his eyes and thought in his heart.

The audience also thought he was sitting there and fell asleep.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room ran away a lot, some of them chose to stay.

They have been squatting, waiting.

Looking forward to the moment when Sean explodes.

Do not erupt in silence, die in silence!

This is a famous saying.

Many people think that Sean will definitely explode at some point, and at that time, Vasily will be unlucky.

"I can still leave by myself, but in this case, it is myself who suffers."

"This house, this material, are all my own credit, what did Vasily do?"

"You can drive him away!"

In Sean's heart, a good idea came to his mind.

That is to drive out Vasily!

Regarding the rules of the program group, he has also thought about it and studied it.

If a group of players disagree, or because of some other reasons, they cannot continue to form a team, they can choose to split.

Sean believes that among the various teams, there may be a split team.

Among them, the most likely group he thinks is the team of their beautiful country.

"I don't dare to say anything else, but Brown and Jim's group, I'm afraid it's not much better than me."

"Brown looked down on Jim and discriminated against Jim because of his skin color."

"Maybe Jim will break out in the end, split with him, and even kill him!"

Sean thought to himself.

The direction he deduced was not wrong, but the result was wrong.

Brown didn't take Jim seriously, and he killed him by mistake.

This kind of thing, Sean will definitely not do it, he dare not.

Once you do that, your life is over.

Sean sat there, thinking for a long time with his eyes closed, and finally fell asleep.

This time, Sean in his sleep had a smile on his face.

Because he dreamed that he beat Vasily hard, and Vasily knelt down and begged for mercy.

After thinking about it in my heart, Sean's mood has also improved a lot.

He has already decided that the next time Vasily wants to talk nonsense, he will do it!



Time passed, and it was still raining on the whole island.

The current time has reached the afternoon of the seventy-fifth day, more than four o'clock.

The other players basically ate and slept, slept and ate.

On Ye Han's side, he has already made a ladder.

It doesn't need to be too high, just enough. The biggest requirement is to be firm, but don't collapse when you step on it.

Ye Han tried it out and found that the ladder was very useful. He easily climbed to the beam of the kitchen with the help of the ladder.

"Today, I'm also making a cameo appearance as a gentleman on Liangshang."

Ye Han squatted on the beam and said with a smile.

The wood he used as a beam is also very strong, so there is no need to worry about stepping on it.

The goshawk Jiutian had been squatting on the beam, and when he saw Ye Han coming up, Jiutian flapped his wings and flew to Ye Han's shoulder, very affectionate.

"What's wrong with you being a cameo, you want to be a guest thief?"

"What are you trying to steal?"

Su Xiaoqi looked up at Ye Han.

"Other thieves steal money, I'm different, I steal my heart."

"To tell the truth, the arsonist under the heart, the dream of 900 million girls..."

Ye Han said with a smile.

Then he was interrupted by Su Xiaoqi.

"Bah bah bah!"

"You are so oily, boss, I don't have your oil in this pot."

Su Xiaoqi laughed.

Ye Han didn't get angry with her either. The two of them were bickering every day, a little fun in life.

At this point, Su Xiaoqi had been experimenting for a long time.

The produced crocodile meat is filled with an unused pot.

Every time, Su Xiaoqi was not satisfied.

She usually gives the rhubarb a taste first, and then tries it herself.

But none of them satisfied her.

Crocodile meat is not afraid of waste, there are still many in the house, and the waste is nothing at all.

And from Ye Han's point of view, even if these are considered failures by Su Xiaoqi, they still taste pretty good.

But it's just because Su Xiaoqi's requirements were too high, and he didn't make the taste he wanted.

"It's just poor rhubarb."

"In ancient times, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, and now there is rhubarb to taste crocodile meat."

"Rhubarb, don't be ignorant of happiness in the midst of happiness, we all want to taste it, but we haven't been able to taste it yet."

"If only I could become rhubarb, Xiao Qi treats rhubarb as a dog."

"Your Excellency mixed letters? Do you want to be a dog?"

"Today is over again, is the rain still going?"


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

Even if it's not because of the rain, there are still many viewers in Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's live broadcast room. They are all die-hard fans and the most loyal fans.

Fortunately, at this time, the program team issued another notice.

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