The rain will stop tonight.

Go to sleep again, after getting up tomorrow, all the players can basically go out!

This cheered up many viewers.

Some audiences are in a place where the sky is clear, but they always feel that it is raining outside.

This is going too deep.

The rain continued to fall from the sky. In the kitchen, Ye Han packed up and prepared for dinner.

Su Xiaoqi also stopped temporarily. The last serving of crocodile meat she made tasted almost the same as what she wanted, and she did not continue to dig into the horns.

After all, there is a lack of many seasoning ingredients, and there are only the simplest pots in terms of kitchen utensils.

The pursuit of perfection is too difficult.

She started to make dinner. After the two of them had dinner, they cleaned up again, and then went back to sleep in the bamboo building.

All day today, I hardly stayed in the bamboo building.

Ye Han also checked carefully and found that there was no rain leakage, so he was relieved.

The bamboo building and the kitchen did not leak, which made Ye Han very satisfied.

"Go to sleep, get a good night's sleep, the sun will probably come out tomorrow."

Ye Han lay down and said.

[The author has something to say]

That's all for today, good night everyone. Thank you [Guo Zhu Qiushi] for the big reward for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, thank you for your support!

Chapter 548: Two Warnings to Stop the Rain

The players on the island, and the audience all over the world, are all looking forward to it.

Hope the rain will stop soon.

Especially the group of players from the beer country, the alcoholic team from the Maoxiong country, and Bill, these three teams are in the most difficult situation, and they are looking forward to the rain to stop as soon as possible.

The group of players from the Beer Country had their homes turned into water curtain holes. The two of them scooped water out of the house with pots and took turns to go to battle, and they didn't dare to sleep at night.

Can't sleep either.

Their floor was flooded with water.

Most of the players didn't pursue the quality of life very much, they still played on the floor, and there were not many players with beds.

The ground floor is some thatch with a few pieces of animal skins on it, which is definitely better than sleeping on the ground.

With a bed like Ye Han, sleeping will be more comfortable.

Then there are the players who have drawn sleeping bags in the lottery, they will sleep more comfortably, for example, Bill.

Each group can only draw at most one sleeping bag, and usually two people take turns sleeping in the sleeping bag.

You sleep one night, I will sleep tomorrow night.

So the house still has to get a floor.

Of course, Bill now has only himself and a sleeping bag.

It's a pity that Bill's group is suffering now.

The high fever persisted, very weak, and the state of the whole person was extremely poor.

This made Bill even feel a sense of near-death.

The sense of near-death is terrifying.

When someone stays up all night and smokes several packs of cigarettes at a time, they may feel a sense of near-death.

When a person's physical condition is poor to a certain extent, the body is warning you.

you are dying!

Adjust now!

All night, Bill lay in his sleeping bag, in a dazed state.

He kept soaking his undershirt with water and compressing it on his forehead, trying to cool down.

But the effect is not great.

The live band has already warned him twice!

There are only three things, if the live bracelet issues three warnings, it proves that his condition is on the verge of death. At this time, the staff of the show team will arrive, take him away, and force him to retire.

This made Bill's heart panic.

If he is eliminated for such reasons, he cannot accept it.

On the beautiful country side, a large number of spectators are also very nervous.

Bill could be eliminated at any time!

At Master Bei's house, his mood was also very bad.

He knew that Bill was hanging.

Maybe in the next second, Bill's live bracelet will ring again and take him away.

This is the program team's consideration for the safety of the players' lives, and there is no way to refuse.

Three warnings in a short period of time meant that the player was in a very bad state and was on the verge of death.

Even if he didn't want to retire, he would be taken away forcibly and treated.

This kind of thing is bitter and bitter, and the beautiful country is worried to death, and the audience of Shenzhou country is naturally happy.

"Yo yo, Chek trouble! A set of pancakes and fruits!"

"Bill, Bill, Bill! Yo! Yo! Beep beep!"

"It smells like a big bowl of wide noodles. It's a good rap game. Don't play it in the future."

"The pattern, how many times have I said it, the pattern is about to open! Bill is about to be eliminated, but you guys are playing rap here? Don't you have to laugh twice?"

"I'll come first, Jie Jie!"

"Good guy, the standard villain laughter! If Bill is eliminated, it will not affect us much. Everyone, please calm down, hee hee."


People are not targeting Bill, they are targeting Beautiful Country.

If one day the beautiful country was wiped out, how wonderful the scene would be?

You must know that this show was created by the beautiful country!

The purpose is to target China and suppress China's national self-confidence and national pride.

However, the development of the situation is diametrically opposite to the original vision of the beautiful country.

In Bill's live broadcast room, a large number of Chinese audiences had a great time.

However, with the passage of time, Bill was eliminated, but it did not happen.

The live broadcast bracelet on his wrist has never sounded a third time.

Some people even thought that the live broadcast bracelet was broken.

However, the program team came forward to say that Bill's live broadcast bracelet was not broken.

And according to the data transmitted from the live bracelet, Bill's situation is gradually improving!

The reason is very simple, that is, strong immunity.

The human body has immune function, and people with strong body and strong immunity are generally less likely to get sick.

Even if you get sick, you can recover quickly.

People with weak body and low immunity will be weak and sick all the year round, and it is difficult to recover once they get sick.

There is no doubt that Bill's physical fitness is absolutely okay, and his own immune function is not too bad.

This time he was ill for two main reasons.

First, the mentality has collapsed. Many diseases are heart diseases. If a person is depressed all day long, the probability of getting cancer will increase.

Second, it is normal to have a fever and a cold after being exposed to the rain. Some people will choose to take medicine and get injections, but some people like to rely on their own bodies to resist the past.

After the hard resistance is over, the whole person will feel very transparent and comfortable.

It's just that the process is more difficult.

Now Bill's mentality has adjusted a lot, and his body's immune system has been playing a role throughout the process.

As a result, his condition is gradually improving.

Of course, this kind of thing is very difficult to happen to people who are weak, they have to be in good health.

Some people are born with insufficiency, so there is no way.

Until dawn, the rain gradually reduced until it stopped completely.

Many people stayed in some live broadcast rooms all night, waiting for a result.

After dawn, the sun finally appeared, the dark clouds above the sky dispersed, and the whole island regained its light.

This wave of storms had no small impact on the entire island.

On Ye Han's side, he got up and walked out of the wooden house, and he was relieved to see the rain stopped.

Then he looked in front of him, devastated.

Some of the infrastructure and other things he has done have not been damaged.

But there are a lot of fallen leaves, mud and the like, which were blown over by the wind and looked messy.

There are a lot of leaves and mud on the walls of the bamboo building.

"It's finally stopped!"

"This sunshine is so comfortable!"

Ye Han stretched his waist and basked in the sun.

Su Xiaoqi also hurried out, and the whole person's mood was relieved a lot.

Although it is good to sleep on a rainy day, after a long time of rain, people's mood will be depressed and bored.

Like Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, the other players all came out of the house to welcome the arrival of the sun.

The rain has finally stopped, and if it continues, many people will get moldy.

The seventy-sixth day started like this. A large number of players were dispatched to pick up corpses in the jungle, search for prey, and move their muscles and bones.

If nothing else, the entire island is now full of laughter and laughter.

Everyone was very happy, even Bill, who was sick in bed, had a smile on his face.

He could feel that his condition was much better, and he was relieved a lot.

He got up and boiled hot water, boiled a pot of broth and drank it.

After thinking about it, he finally shook his head.

At this time, he should go out to pick up the corpse, but he is not in good condition, so forget it, lest there will be another accident, or the condition will worsen, then it will not be worth it.

Take a rest and sleep for half a day, it should be almost the same.

Chapter 549 The army dispatched durian

The island is full of energy.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi first dealt with the family affairs and took care of the animals.

Then have breakfast and go out.

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