This causes him to inhale more of the toxic gas in the cave, which affects his body.

So, Ye Han did not rush to dig, but took Su Xiaoqi out of the cave to take a breather.

"Boss, how are you feeling now?"

"Let's have a drink first, let's not be in a hurry, don't exhaust your body."

Su Xiaoqi was very concerned, she wiped Ye Han's sweat, handed water, and massaged.

"It's okay, this intensity is nothing."

"The main thing is the toxic gas in the cave."

"Look here."

Ye Han pointed to the undershirt on his hand and said.

Like yesterday, he soaked the dress with water and covered his face.

And now, the place where the dress covers his mouth and nose is slightly discolored.

"Then what should we do?"

"Why not, let's not want iron ore, anyway, there is no shortage of food and drink, and we can definitely continue to survive until the end of one year."

Su Xiaoqi began to back off.

Many people on the Internet claim to be national-level retreat players. Generally speaking, they want to retreat when they encounter some difficulties.

However, what Su Xiaoqi said actually made sense. Even if there was no iron ore, it would not affect Ye Han's continued survival.

But Ye Han was not happy.

"Xiao Qi, I'm not that squeamish."

"Although this poisonous gas has a bit of an impact, it's not a big problem. I'll fix it today, and we'll go home tomorrow."

"In terms of the impact on the body, in such a short period of time, it's actually not that big."

Ye Han waved his hand and said.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoqi couldn't say anything.

After resting for a while, Ye Han returned to the cave.

This time, the two began digging with sappers.

Ye Han's repeated bombing caused some iron ore to fall off the veins, which can be directly excavated, which is very convenient.

Some are more stubborn and can also be pryed off.

After a while, it was filled with another bamboo basket.

Now they have two sacks of iron ore.

But Ye Han was not satisfied, at least two buffaloes should be fully loaded.

Keep digging!

The audience just watched as they dug the mine for most of the day!

I took a lot of rest in the middle, but I was not too tired, and the main thing was to come out to breathe.

During this period, Ye Han was also thinking about what to do when he came to collect sulfur in the future.

If the harmful gas in the iron ore area is compared with the sulfur area, it is absolutely insignificant.

Not one level.

Ye Han dared to dig iron ore here, but he never dared to stay in the sulfur area in the deepest part of the cave for a long time.

When you need to use sulfur in the future, you must think of a suitable method.

It would have been nice to have an oxygen tank or something, better get some goggles and be fully armed.

However, these two things are not easy to deal with. Ye Han has a little idea, but he doesn't know if it can be done.

In a blink of an eye, most of the day has passed.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi have already obtained a large amount of iron ore!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Seven Cat Book Friends_012249505552] for the two Chinese New Year red envelopes as a reward, and thank you [give money to my grandfather! ! ] For the rewarded Chinese New Year red envelope, thank you for the reminder of [that she~ are you okay], and thank you for the rewarded Chinese New Year red envelope from [Good Yay]! Thank you to the above four giants for their support!

Chapter 589

It's evening time.

The sky began to darken gradually, and Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also completely ended their day's work.

Tired is very tired, and then the throat and eyes are a little sore.

It is the harmful gas in the cave that is causing the trouble.

But it doesn't matter, sleep in the cave tonight and leave tomorrow.

This influence, a good night's sleep is actually almost the same, not so scary.

Of course, if you inhale these gases for a long time, your body will definitely have problems.

For example, people working in coal industry, light industry, building materials, machinery and other industries have suffered from pneumoconiosis over the years.

Ye Han started to cook and eat dinner here.

Today, other players on the island also have their own progress, but there is no major point to watch.

All in all, it was a slightly uneventful day.

In the blink of an eye, the eighty day passed.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi slept in the cave, and woke up the next morning, Ye Han packed up and Su Xiaoqi made breakfast.

The most important thing is iron ore, which is carried by two cows.

Big girl recites more and Xiaohanhan less, because Xiaohanhan is not yet an adult.

Even if the game is over, Xiao Hanhan will not be able to reach adulthood. It takes about two years for a buffalo to reach adulthood.

"Okay, everything is packed, and we can finally go back."

Ye Han let out a long breath and glanced at the small volcano again.

Hope this little volcano does not erupt before the end of the game, otherwise it is very likely to affect his game.

This trip has been here for two days, and I have dug a lot of iron ore. After I go back, I can start preparing for iron smelting.

Ye Han was already looking forward to it.

What is more expected is the audience.

"In the lifetime series, Ye Han is finally going to start making iron!"

"Everyone can guess, what was the first thing Ye Han built after he succeeded in making iron?"

"I guess it's a sword. No man wants to be a wandering swordsman!"

"The sword has a fart on the island, and Ye Han basically won't make useless things."

"Let's strengthen the bow and arrow first. The arrow made of wood is too stretched to shoot anything."

"You want me to say just build a rocket launcher!"

"Am I the only one who wants to see Ye Han create a human?"


The discussion in the live broadcast room is always like this, and the more it is said, the less serious it is.

That's fine with rocket launchers, and it's outrageous to talk about making people.

At this time, Ye Han had already led the team and started to go back.

The two buffaloes were carrying a large amount of iron ore, and they did not go very fast.

This thing is heavy!

The same size, if you carry some plant-like things, it is easy to say, light and airy.

But the iron ore was very heavy, and Ye Han had been observing the condition of the two buffaloes.

If you are not physically fit, then help to share some.

However, all the way back home, nothing like this happened.

Even Xiaohanhan worked hard and didn't fall behind.

"Well done, you two have worked so hard this time."

After arriving home, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi quickly unloaded the iron ore and temporarily stacked it in the open space behind the kitchen.

Then let the two water buffalo go to the stream to soak and rest and dissipate the heat.

"We also take a break."

"I won't go to the small volcano again in a short time."

Ye Han sat down and took a sip of water.

Su Xiaoqi also nodded, it's really not possible over the small volcano.

It's too far and it's uncomfortable.

That hot spring is really good, but there are too many harmful gases inside the cave.

"Take a good rest first."

"I'll make some tiger meat for a while."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Regardless of whether it was psychological or not, both of them felt that eating tiger meat would be more powerful.

In fact, many things are caused by psychological effects, and they are really useful.

For example, some people feel unwell and feel more comfortable after taking some medicine, but the effect of the medicine is not so fast at all, which is purely caused by psychological effects, and there are many such examples.

"There's not much tiger meat left, leave some for me."

"You want to be beautiful, you want to eat your farts, and you still eat tiger meat?"

"Hahahaha, I'm not greedy for tiger meat. Tigers are cats, and the meat of cats is basically not delicious."

"I'm greedy for the bear's paw, and that thing is the food in the Manchu Feast!"

"The whole feast of Man and Han is actually nothing rare. If you don't believe me, go to Du Niang and search. We have actually eaten many dishes in it."

"Rounding up, it means that I have also eaten the Manchurian feast, hehe!"

"Speaking of which, why are you called Du Niang, I have never understood this."

"Each animal in the zodiac has its own post bar, such as pigs, dogs, but chickens are discriminated against, and the rest think about it."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Good guy, I talked about the origin of Du Niang's name directly from Tiger Meat. Netizens are really talented.

And while Ye Han was sitting and drinking water, something happened to the other players.

Yesterday was very dull, and this morning was about the same. At noon, it was a little different.

Some people saw that Zhang Haoran was finally dispatched!

This guy, many people have forgotten him now.

However, at the beginning, his popularity was very high, once comparable to Ye Han's live broadcast room.

In the audience's words, Ye Han, who has ever been the best, is still playing the inner scroll, but Zhang Haoran is already lying flat.

It really lies flat.

Now, many viewers have gathered in Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room, wondering what he wants to do.

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