Because the picture in the live broadcast room showed that Zhang Haoran was packing, especially the food at home was wrapped in animal skins and tied up, obviously the rhythm of wanting to go out.

And still far away.

"Does Zhang Haoran finally remember that he is still participating in the competition?"

"He is going on a long journey, where is he going?"

"Zhang Haoran: I'm going to beat the devil!"

"That's over, there are no more devils on the island!"

"If you want to say that the whole army of the Neon Kingdom was wiped out, Zhang Haoran contributed greatly. It was he who set fire to the Sakura House and triggered a chain reaction."

"Having said that, it's been a long time since the two groups of players met, and I'm looking forward to it."


Zhang Haoran did want to go far, but he didn't say it.

Mainly, there is no one to talk to, and his partner is only Sirius.

Zhang Haoran's personality is too withdrawn, so he occasionally talks to Sirius, but more often, this person and wolf don't need to use language to communicate.

They already have a perfect understanding.

Netizens are constantly speculating about Zhang Haoran's purpose, but it's actually very simple.

In fact, Zhang Haoran has been staying at home for a long time, and he is a little restless.

He is quite able to hold back, how long has it been?

And this time, Zhang Haoran intends to go out for a walk, without any purpose, just to walk around the island and play, this mentality is unique among all the players.

At the same time, in Zou Ming's house, everyone else also looked at Zhu Chuanqi.

Chapter 590 Don't Tell Them

After Zhang Haoran returned to human society, he actually didn't have much contact with other people.

To be honest, among the people who have had more contact with him, Zhu Chuanqi is really one of them.

"Legend, can you guess what he's going to do?"

"It looks like it's going to be a big battle. All the food is packed and taken away!"

Zou Ming asked.

Zhang Yun also cast an inquiring look, looking at Zhu Chuanqi.

At this time, Zhu Chuan had a lot of silver needles on his face, like a hedgehog, and half of his body was still soaked in a bathtub, which was full of various Chinese herbal medicines.

He shook his head, and the thin silver needles on his face kept shaking.

"I do not know either."

"You have all watched our previous live broadcast. I looked down on others and didn't talk to him very much at that time."


Zhu Chuan sighed and regretted it in his heart.

This is what he did wrong, and there are still people on the Internet who are still unwilling to forgive him. When he thinks of it, he scolds him twice.

He has apologized, but if he does something wrong, he only needs to apologize, so what's the use of the law?

"It's okay, it's all over."

"Most of the netizens don't have any ill will towards you now, and many people have long forgotten about you."

Zhang Yun comforted him and said.

Zou Ming also nodded.

"That's right. In fact, many things that embarrass us have long been forgotten by others, but you remember them."

"I pulled up my pants when I was in elementary school. I still think about it a lot now and feel ashamed, but those classmates didn't even remember that there was a classmate like me!"

Zou Ming is also ruthless. In order to comfort Zhu Chuan, he broke the news about pulling his pants in elementary school.

Suddenly, Zhu Chuan couldn't help laughing.

"So you also pulled your pants when you were a kid!"

This means that Zhu Chuan has also done this kind of thing.

In fact, everyone is almost the same, who hasn't died in the society?

In the live broadcast at this time, Zhang Haoran had already packed everything and carried it on his back.

He didn't even have a backpack. Among the standard tools of the show team, he only had an engineer shovel, which was given by a player from the Neon Country.

Seeing this, Zhu Chuan stopped his laughter and shook his head again.

Zhang Haoran was forced away by him, and now there are no useful tools.


Zhang Haoran walked out of the wooden house and shouted.

After a while, Sirius jumped out of the nearby bushes and came to Zhang Haoran.

This little guy has grown up again recently, and is still very close to Zhang Haoran.

There is still wildness, but it is extremely intimate to Zhang Haoran.

It has long regarded Zhang Haoran as its own relatives.

Afterwards, Zhang Haoran chose a random direction, raised his legs and left.

It's really casual, with no purpose, just simply going out and doing activities.

After watching for a while, the audience also found clues.

"Zhang Haoran doesn't seem to be looking for anything. There was even a prey on the road, he didn't bother to care, and Sirius went after two steps."

"Strange, what is he trying to do?"

"I really don't understand. Zhang Haoran doesn't speak. Maybe he doesn't even know we're looking at him."

"I still know that the live broadcast will be turned off when he goes to the toilet."

"Don't make Zhang Haoran look like a savage. He is actually very smart. He learned everything within a few years of returning to human society."

"Yes, yes, my husband has a very high IQ and is handsome!"

"Hey! I'm here! I just remembered that I have a husband. I heard that he went out?"


Because Zhang Haoran has been quiet, some of his girlfriend fans almost forgot about him.

In this era, there are many beauties on the Internet, especially on some short video platforms, which make a lot of male friends enjoy watching.

And don't forget, there are many handsome guys on the Internet!

Some girls can enjoy the treatment of changing their husbands every day. Today, I found a little fresh meat and called my husband.

Tomorrow I see a handsome guy dressed as a warlord, this is also my husband!

The day after tomorrow, I found an uncle in a suit, very manly, and still a husband!

Husband thousands!

Everyone is an appearance society.

As time went on, more and more viewers understood it and put forward their own guesses.

Maybe Zhang Haoran really just went out for an outing.

In the cat detective's house, he was sitting in Xuanling's room.

He would talk to Xuanling every day, and tell Xuanling what happened in the game.

"Ye Han and Xiao Qi went home today. They got a lot of iron ore. The next step is to start iron smelting."

"The alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country, they are still busy, and it is not an easy task to start over in a new place."

"We Leng Feng and Li Guang from Shenzhou Kingdom, the scenery CP group, went out hunting."

"Oh yes, Zhang Haoran actually went out. Netizens said that this is also a series of lifetimes."

"Everyone is now speculating about what he is going to do. According to my inferences and calculations, Zhang Haoran should just want to go out for a walk."


The cat detective had never talked so much to women before, he wasn't interested in women.

But now, he talks a lot to Xuanling every day.

He didn't know if Xuanling could hear it, but he would keep talking.

At this time, on Ye Han's side, he had already eaten tiger meat.

The psychological effect began to take effect, and as soon as Ye Han swallowed the tiger meat in his mouth, he felt that his tired body had recovered a lot.

Su Xiaoqi is the same.

On the other hand, Rhubarb was in a hurry and wanted to eat meat, but there was not much tiger meat left at home, so Ye Han did not share it with Rhubarb.

"Da Huang, go eat the leaves by yourself."

"You can't catch some bugs yourself, that's high protein!"

Ye Han said to Da Huang.

Well, another day of inhumanity, which is nice.

"There's nothing to do in the afternoon. Don't worry about making iron, we'll rest after we've had enough."

After having this lunch, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

I had a late lunch, because it was already one o'clock when I came back. After all, the journey was long and I carried a lot of iron ore, so I couldn't walk fast.

"Well, take a rest, especially boss, you have done so much work."

"I'm going to wash the dishes."

Su Xiaoqi packed up the tableware and went to the stream to wash it.

Ye Han sat there to digest food.

At the same time, inside the official program group.

In a department with relatively high authority, several people are looking at a map.

As a high-level staff member of the program group, the understanding of this island must be better than that of ordinary audiences.

Now they are checking Zhang Haoran's path forward.

"Will Zhang Haoran meet other players?"

"this point is very important."

Someone spoke up.

And a technician is debugging the data, showing the player's position on the map.

One of the green light spots represents Zhang Haoran.

"According to his current path forward, he will not meet other players. In the end, he will go to the beach, which will take about ten days."

"There are already many viewers on the Internet asking and calling the program team."

he opened his mouth to speak.

The boss of this department thought about it and finally made a decision.

"Humph, those viewers want spoilers again?"

"Don't tell them, just hang their appetite!"

"If you tell them that Zhang Haoran will not meet other players, many people will not watch it or tell them."

he opened his mouth to speak.

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