Chapter 591 The ewes are about to give birth

With the show team making a decision here, those viewers who want spoilers are doomed to be disappointed.

But when disappointed, they will choose to continue watching.

And looking forward to seeing if something happens.

For example, players collide.

Some audience members were secretly worried.

These are foreign audiences.

The last time Zhang Haoran set fire to the Sakura House is still vivid in my mind!

If this time, Zhang Haoran encounters players from other countries, then he is not allowed to shoot!

"Zhang Haoran is very dishonest. The chain reaction of collisions between players was initiated by him!"

"That's right, this person is a disaster star, and he indirectly killed a lot of people!"

"This is a savage, very savage, like a beast, dancing with wolves!"

"I hope he won't encounter our country's players, but it won't affect the normal survival competition of our country's players."

"Maybe he will die on the way, and he is not so lucky. There may be a poisonous snake that will bite him to death soon."

"Shenzhou's players, all be damned!"


A lot of scolding appeared, all from other countries, scolding Zhang Haoran.

It's a pity that they can't do any damage at all.

Zhang Haoran couldn't see it again.

Even if Zhang Haoran knew about it, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.

He didn't like to deal with people in the first place. There were too many intrigues, and it was not simple and pure.

In contrast, it is easier and more pleasant to get along with Sirius.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was leading Sirius all the way forward. His footsteps were very brisk, and he was obviously in a good mood.

After staying at home for so long, this time I went out, naturally I was in a good mood.

Just like many people stay at home for a long time, they will feel refreshed after going out to play.

Zhang Haoran is a pure person without so many worldly desires, and this trip has no purpose.

Time passed, and gradually it was evening.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi came to the earth kiln with a large pile of firewood.

This afternoon, after eating tiger meat for lunch, the two of them took a break, in fact, they have been making new bricks and tiles.

The last batch of bricks and tiles can be fired in the kiln tonight.

This is to prepare for the next building, and this building, Ye Han has already thought about it, he will build a cowshed for the big girl and the little Hanhan to live in.

"Today's forced class, I'll be here, get off work and watch the live broadcast!"

"I don't have to go to work. I watched the live broadcast for a day today, and I feel as if I haven't watched anything."

"I also have the same feeling, hahahaha, it was quite interesting to have a fight with some foreign intellectuals at noon."

"There are many devils among those people, because the devils have been completely wiped out, and the beginning of their demise is Zhang Haoran burning the cherry blossom house."

"Why doesn't Ye Han smelt iron, he knows what's the point of burning bricks!"

"Just this urine, just wait and see, if he can start within a week, he will burn high incense."

"Hahaha, don't say that, Ye Han is still very resolute in his work, and he doesn't like procrastination."

The audience in the live room was talking.

There really wasn't much to watch in the past two days, and everyone was expecting Ye Han to start making iron quickly.

It's a pity that all day today, Ye Han had no intention of starting at all.

When they were talking, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already started, sending the bricks and tiles that had been dried in the shade for a few days into the earth kiln, and then placed the firewood to start burning.

The interior of the five earthen kilns all started to burn.

"Get the job done, get ready to wash up and sleep!"

Ye Han stood in front of the earth kiln, clapped his hands, and said with a long breath.

I was actually quite tired today. After walking such a long way, I didn't have much idle time after coming back.

Not only to take care of the animals at home, but also to chop wood.

It took nearly two hours just to chop wood, enough to fill the kiln with fuel.


Su Xiaoqi took Ye Han's arm, and the two walked to the stream to wash.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a person with the head of a leopard appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Miss, you follow me, isn't it better than you go up the mountain to collect firewood every day?"

Good guy, isn't this the leopard essence from Journey to the West?

I don't know what happened to this plot recently, and it has exploded on the Internet.

Specifically, the king of Nanshan, Leopard, robbed the girl of the people, and also arrested Tang Seng, and was finally beaten to death by Sun Wukong with a stick.

In this section, the leopard essence's infatuation with the women is talked about by netizens.

"Fuck, it's Brother Leopard, Brother Leopard is here!"

"Brother Leopard, do you think the little girl can do it? How about going to your cave with you to be a lady?"

"Brother Leopard, why is your cave covered with leopard skin? Did you shed your skin yourself?"

"God sheds its skin, who has ever seen a leopard shed its skin?"

"The leopard spirit belongs to the monster who has worked hard to cultivate into a spirit. There is no backstage, so he was beaten to death by Wukong. When we first met, Wukong asked him to sign up, in fact, he wanted to see if he had a backstage."

"You're right, all the monsters in Journey to the West without a backstage were killed, and those with a backstage were rescued."

"Poor Brother Leopard, he didn't eat people before, so he died like this!"


The appearance of this leopard head has sparked a wave of discussions about Journey to the West.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already finished washing up and planned to go back to the bamboo building to sleep and rest.

However, God did not wish, and at this time something happened.

Ye Han heard that a voice came from the sheep pen, it was the cry of a ewes!

This made Ye Han suddenly nervous.

"There is a situation!"

"It should be the ewe that is about to give birth!"

Ye Han immediately regained his spirits.

Sleep a fart!

The ewes are about to give birth to lambs, and they must not sleep at this time.

The audience who were discussing that Leopard Essence is a big lover also came back to their senses and returned to the live broadcast content.

"The ewe is about to give birth!"

"Quick, go and have a look, Ye Han!"

"I bet this litter will have ten lambs!"

"Wake up, that's a ewe, not a sow!"

"The legendary one-born ten treasures?"

"Come on, come on, watch the point, I'm coming, I was going to sleep, but now I'm in good spirits!"


The audience also followed Ye Han's perspective and came to the position of the sheep pen together.

The ewes were still screaming from time to time, Ye Han carefully opened the door of the sheepfold and took a look.

He found that the ewe's amniotic fluid had broken.

Now it's just waiting for it to give birth to a lamb, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi don't dare to bother it, for fear that it will affect it.

Especially Ye Han, this ewe is very vengeful and has always disliked Ye Han.

Even though Ye Han feeds water, food, and cleans every day, the ewes are still more hostile to Ye Han, and they get nervous when they see Ye Han.

"Go away and wait."

"If it goes well, it will be very fast. If it doesn't go well, it may have to wait until the middle of the night."

Ye Han thought about it and went to boil water to make some tea.

On the other side, some viewers found that not only Ye Han had something to watch, but Zhang Haoran also encountered a situation!

There are no wonderful pictures after waiting all day, who promises to go to sleep, come two at once!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the reminder of the two catties of meat reward! Thank you Haoye for the Chinese New Year red envelopes and good luck koi! Thank you Bai Xueyi for the Chinese New Year red envelopes! Thanks to Fndre for the Chinese New Year red envelopes! Thank you Seven Cats Book Friends _012249505552 for the reminder! Thank you to the above five giants for their support!

Chapter 592 The confrontation between Zhang Haoran and the leopard

On Ye Han's side, the ewes are about to give birth and give birth to lambs.

On Zhang Haoran's side, something happened.

After walking for a long time, Zhang Haoran has stopped now and found a place to make a fire to eat.

He is not picky about food at all, and he can eat bacon directly, but if he can make a fire, he can still bake it again.

Roasting for a while will be better than eating bacon directly.

Like Vasily, who was already dead, he couldn't stand the pain. There was bacon at home, and he didn't like it.

And in the end, the last meal he had before his death was to steal Sean's wild fruit, and in the end he vomited out what he was beaten, and he deserved it.

At this moment, Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room was also crowded with a lot of spectators.

The picture shows Zhang Haoran sitting next to the bonfire roasting meat.

Bake one for yourself, and one for Sirius.

Whatever he eats, Sirius eats.

However, at this time.

There was a rustling sound from the nearby bushes, obviously something was moving!

This made Zhang Haoran raise his vigilance immediately and looked over.

Sirius also took an offensive stance and made a low voice in his throat, which was a warning to the other party.

"Fuck, what is that?"

"Zhang Haoran is in danger, and a mysterious beast is approaching!"

"I can't see what it is yet, I only know that there is danger approaching!"

"Hahahaha, Zhang Haoran is dead, he should have died a long time ago!"

"Yo Xi! That's right, Zhang Haoran will die this time, I said it!"

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