"The devil is here, have you eaten? What did you eat? I heard that you need to sprinkle salt when you eat watermelon?"

"This is too much, killing people and punishing hearts! Those who can eat a slice of watermelon with salt must be a rich family, and most people are reluctant to buy watermelon to eat."


"Look at the devil, hahahahaha!"


In the live broadcast room, some viewers from the Neon Kingdom came, constantly cursing Zhang Haoran.

This time, the audience of Shenzhouguo changed their strategy and used a mocking method to anger them.

It's boring to fight against each other, because the two sides are not on the same level, and they don't need to make much effort, and the opponent will be completely blasted.

Might as well ridicule and sarcastic, mad at them.

At the same time, in an Internet cafe in Neon Country, a fat man who was watching Zhang Haoran's live broadcast suddenly burst into tears.

He was the one who cursed Zhang Haoran in the live broadcast room, and now he was hit by a pain point and cried angrily.

This year, he is 34 years old, but he doesn't have a house of his own, and he can't even rent a house, so he can only live in an Internet cafe.

Growing up so big, he has really never eaten watermelon!

So sad!

Play to play, trouble to trouble, everyone is still very concerned about Zhang Haoran's situation.

What animal is approaching?

If this is Ye Han's live broadcast room, everyone will definitely not worry.

Because of Ye Han's luck, there is a high probability that some food will be delivered to the door.

But Zhang Haoran did not have the sky-defying luck like Ye Han, and he was likely to encounter a beast this time.

This can be seen from the reaction of Sirius like an enemy!

At this time, the Sirius are all blown up!

It can be seen that Sirius is a little scared, so it is definitely not something that is easy to deal with.

Zhang Haoran frowned, his body slightly bowed, and he held a stone axe tightly in his hand.

Because there is no engineer shovel, only some homemade weapons and tools can be used.

He also had a sharp bone knife in his pocket.

Among the trees in front, the bushes were separated, and a big guy appeared in front of everyone.

A leopard!

Coincidentally, during the daytime today, there were audiences discussing leopard essence in Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Now Zhang Haoran has encountered a leopard.

"Fuck, the leopard is here!"

"Is this the one from Journey to the West?"

"Stop joking, this thing is not easy to deal with!"

"If I remember correctly, there were two leopards on the island, one was beaten to death by Tang Hong, the other was beaten to death by Lengfeng, and now this is the third one, which is about to be beaten to death by Zhang Haoran! "

"Don't panic, everyone, I think Zhang Haoran should be fine."

"You must know that in the early stages of the game, Zhang Haoran's combat power was often cited. It's just that he was too salty and just lay flat, and his voice gradually diminished."


The audience was chatting wildly.

This time there is no need to sleep at all, everyone is staring at it, for fear of missing a little detail.

Even on Ye Han's side, many spectators came to watch the battle.

Ye Han's ewes are about to give birth to lambs, which is worth watching, and many viewers have been looking forward to it for a long time.

But in contrast, the fierce battle that is about to break out on Zhang Haoran's side is more eye-catching.

"It turned out to be another leopard!"

"The three leopards currently on the island are all players from China."

In the official live broadcast room, De Ye exclaimed.

At this point, he and Bei Ye were about to get off work.

But I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it seems that I have to work overtime.

"Zhang Haoran should be able to deal with it, but I don't know if he will be injured."

"However, ordinary injuries will not affect Zhang Haoran. He grew up in the wild since he was a child. His body's immunity and resistance are not comparable to ordinary people."

Bei Ye also said.

The comments of the two are professional, which has also caused many viewers to flock to the official live broadcast room.

"It's on!"

I don't know who shouted first, and then everyone saw that the leopard had already pounced on Zhang Haoran, and the speed was very fast, like a yellow lightning!

There is a saying that the leopard is the top predator in the tropical rainforest.

Whether it is true or false, its combat effectiveness is not covered.

Although it was said that Tang Hong and Leng Feng had both killed Leopards before, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the battle between the two of them at that time had some other elements.

For example, Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing assisted with archery, and the leopard was trying to break into the wooden house, but Tang Hong slammed it on the head with a wooden stick, and directly lost the ability to fight back.

Lengfeng's time was similar, the leopard chased frantically, but unexpectedly Lengfeng turned around and waved the engineer shovel, and smashed it on the head.

And this time, Zhang Haoran is about to face it head-on.

His helper is only Sirius, but Sirius is not yet an adult, he can only be regarded as a little wolf, and his fighting power is limited.

It's too late, it's too soon!

In an instant, Zhang Haoran and this leopard had already had their first encounter!


The audience only saw the leopard swooping over. Zhang Haoran swung the stone axe in his hand and hit the leopard's hind legs while quickly dodging and dodging!

It is worth mentioning that Leng Feng, Ye Han, and Zhang Haoran, including some foreign players such as Thomas, can counterattack at the same time as dodging the attack of the beast.

This is very important, and even directly determines the outcome.

It doesn't look difficult, but when it comes to ordinary people, they will find out how difficult it is.

Needless to say, Lengfeng and Thomas are the top special forces, they are all strictly trained.

Ye Han has experienced many things in his previous life. He has specially learned related skills and has practical experience.

As for Zhang Haoran, in fact, in him, more is the instinct cultivated since childhood!

In an instant, the brave man who met on a narrow road won. Zhang Haoran succeeded in one blow, and he immediately retreated without reluctance to fight.

The leopard's figure also fell to the ground. It felt pain in the right hind leg, and it had been cut to pieces by Zhang Haoran's axe, and the blood was flowing.

it is good!

The audience was all excited. In this first confrontation, Zhang Haoran had the upper hand!

Chapter 593

Leopard let out a low cry of pain, and stared at Zhang Haoran with a pair of eyes.

Zhang Haoran was also tense all over, staring at the leopard.

For the first time, Zhang Haoran had the upper hand, but he knew very well that fighting such a beast, he couldn't relax until the last moment.

On the side, Sirius was still roaring, in a state of frizz.

"Okay! Zhang Haoran has already injured the leopard, it's over!"

"I just said that Zhang Haoran is fine, and his combat power is definitely among the best on the island."

"Sirius did a good job, he will shout 666!"

"Family, I'm staring at two live broadcast rooms at the same time. There is also movement on Ye Han's side. The cry of the ewes is getting louder and louder!"

"Hahaha, is it okay to watch two live broadcasts at the same time? Let me know when the lamb is born, and I will give you a reward."

"Hey! There are so many familiar faces in the live broadcast room, all of them are big bosses who often reward Ye Han!"

"I'm also going to open a live broadcast. Can the big guys give me a little money? I have talent, and I will boil water."


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very tense. Although Zhang Haoran had the upper hand for the time being, everyone was worried about him.

After all, this is a leopard.

Therefore, some sand sculpture netizens will tell some jokes, activate the atmosphere and relieve it.

While speaking, Zhang Haoran had already taken the initiative to attack.

The leopard attacked just now, this time it was Zhang Haoran's turn.

I saw Zhang Haoran sprinting over, the stone axe in his hand slashed diagonally, aiming at the leopard's neck.

If you want to hit, hit the key!

If this one can hit, then the leopard is basically cool.

However, this leopard is not so easy to deal with, it directly avoided Zhang Haoran's attack, its movements are also very agile, and it opened its mouth and bit the stone axe!

It has never seen an animal that can use tools and weapons.

But it doesn't matter, just open your mouth and bite!


The sour voice sounded, and the leopard's teeth were broken.

That is a stone!

However, Zhang Haoran also suffered heavy losses because the stone axe was directly bitten off!

There is no problem with the stone part, but the wooden handle part was directly bitten off.

If this powerful bite force is biting on a person, it can directly bite off the person's arm!

In Zhang Haoran's hand, there was only a piece of wooden handle left.

He frowned, threw the handle out, and smashed the leopard's head, while the other hand had already pulled out a sharp bone knife from his pocket!

This is also his last tool, and if the bone knife is also broken, he will have no weapon.

And human beings face beasts, whether they have weapons or not are two different things.

"Oops, the stone axe was bitten off!"

"The leopard's tooth is broken, and the mouth is bleeding!"

"Zhang Haoran only has a bone knife now. This thing has to be melee combat, which may cause Zhang Haoran to be injured!"

"Come on, husband Haoran! Kill this leopard!"

"I'm so worried, I really hope the battle will end soon!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling.

Before everyone felt that there was nothing to watch, it was too boring.

But when such a thing happened, they began to worry again.

The current situation is not good.

Zhang Haoran was going to hold a bone knife and fight the leopard in close quarters.

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