In the darkness of the night, the raging flames burned.

This is also a very important preparation.

Then Ye Han went back to the kitchen to eat.

The audience in the live broadcast room were talking about it one after another.

Some people have doubts, some people are full of praise.

"What's the situation? Does Ye Han dislike too much firewood and want to burn some?"

"I think Ye Han wants to hold a bonfire party. He will dance here with Su Xiaoqi later to celebrate the beginning of iron making."

"God is a bonfire party, think about it, Ye Han is obviously burning iron ore."

"Ah? Could it be that ironmaking has already begun, but isn't it necessary to use an ironmaking furnace?"

"Let me explain it to you. Large pieces of iron ore are difficult to smelt and are very hard. First, burn one piece of iron ore, so that the iron ore will be broken when knocked, and then beaten into powder, and then it is fired."

"It turned out to be like this! I always thought it was a whole piece of iron ore for refining!"

"The posture has risen again, Ye Han is really amazing, there is nothing he doesn't understand!"


The audience was amazed, they really couldn't understand how Ye Han had so many skills.

After dinner, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi entered the bamboo building to sleep.

The flames were burning outside, and the two slept sweetly in the house.

The eighty-ninth day has passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was the ninetieth day.

Early in the morning, audiences all over the world were all boiling.

The reason is very simple, the program team sent a notice.

China National player Zhang Haoran is about to meet two plastic surgery players this afternoon!

One stone creates a thousand waves!

Countless audiences are frantically discussing this.

Before going to bed last night, everyone was looking forward to Ye Han making iron today.

Most people think that the biggest attraction today should be Ye Han's iron making.

Once he succeeds, it means that he has entered the Iron Age and become the only one on the island.

This will be a milestone.

Because long before the game started, there was a discussion on the Internet.

How far can the players develop on the island?

Some people think that, at most, it is possible to burn pottery, bricks and so on.

It is too difficult to make iron by yourself on the island. Many spectators think that even after the end of the game, such a thing will not happen.

In fact, they didn't say anything wrong, but no one thought that there would be such a huge variable as Ye Han.

It's only the 90th day, and Ye Han is about to start making iron!

The game is only a quarter of the way through!

Having said that, at this time, the entire plastic surgery country was in a state of anxiety.

Zhang Haoran is about to discover two plastic surgery country contestants who are indifferent to the world, picking up shells and playing on the beach!

How cruel!

They thought Zhang Haoran was a savage, a werewolf, and very ferocious.

The two plastic surgery country players did nothing bad, but they had to encounter Zhang Haoran.

They must be miserable!

On the other hand, on the side of China, the audience was all excited.

"Hahahahaha! Zhang Haoran is about to meet a plastic surgery country player!"

"Which two plastic surgery country contestants are they?"

"Whatever he is, these two will suffer anyway!"

"That's right, Zhang Haoran continued to burn a house this time to add to the fun."

"What time is it, the program team only said it was this afternoon."

"Come on, how can this possibly give you a specific time, just wait and see."


The whole country of China is looking forward to this scene.

It is worth mentioning that the Neon Country and the White Elephant Country are also very excited, and some people even want to celebrate with gongs and drums.

The players of these two countries have long since been wiped out, and the plastic surgery country is still silently continuing.

The two countries couldn't stand it for a long time, and they were looking forward to coming to a few more annihilated countries to accompany them.

This psychology is easy to understand, and most people have it.

If I didn't do my homework, I found out that other classmates didn't do it either, and I felt much more comfortable with myself.

Discussions are discussions, and Ye Han's side has to start working in earnest.

The great ironmaking industry starts today!

Under everyone's attention, Ye Han has already brought Su Xiaoqi to start the ironmaking process!

The two of them are going to fly to the Iron Age, a new era!

[The author has something to say]

Today is New Year's Eve. Here, I wish all readers a great New Year's Eve, good health, good luck in all things, good luck in the Year of the Tiger, good luck, prosperous fortune, prosperous wealth, daily progress and gold, good luck, good luck and good future. !

Chapter 632 No problem in theory

At this moment, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi stood in front of a pile of ashes.

This is where Ye Han set fire to iron ore last night.

Those firewoods, naturally, have been burned out and turned into ashes.

In the middle of the large amount of grass and wood ashes, there are also pieces of iron ore mixed in, and there are a lot of them.

Ye Han squatted down, picked up a piece of iron ore, and broke it in half with his hands.

The audience was taken aback.

It seems that someone in the live broadcast room was right last night. This step is to burn iron ore, and then smash it into powder, which is more convenient for iron smelting.

"Boss, why does the iron ore burn like this?"

"Then next time we want to mine, can't we just set fire in the cave?"

Su Xiaoqi also broke a piece of iron ore and asked.

When it was mined, it was very hard.

Now it has become like this.

"Actually it's not impossible, this is also a way."

Ye Han nodded.

Give it a try next time you go mining.

However, the air quality in the cave is worrying, and whether it can be fully burned is still a problem.

"Okay, now let's smash the iron ore into powder, and put it in a clay pot for later use."

Ye Han patted a pot next to him.

He brought it here specially to load iron ore.

In addition, he also brought another large clay pot, which was used to hold water for quenching.

Of course, you can also bring the big bathtub, but that is too troublesome.

Ye Han tried his best not to move the big bathtub, for fear of breaking it, it would be safest to leave it where it was.

"Are you going to start?"

"Looking forward! Ye Han rushes to the Iron Age, which will definitely add a splendid touch to the major events of the entire competition!"

"Blessed today, there are so many things to watch!"

"Yes, Ye Han wants to make iron, and Zhang Haoran can still encounter a stick, hahahaha!"

"I laughed so hard. Those guys on the Internet are panicking, for fear that Zhang Haoran will burn down their players' houses."

"I have a question, if Sirius killed those two players, it shouldn't have anything to do with Zhang Haoran, right?"

"That's for sure, don't forget that last time, Ye Han's Niu Gong died Asan, isn't there something wrong!"


Some viewers raised a possibility that Sirius may attack two plastic surgery country players.

Just like the big girl and the little Hanhan who killed the two Baixiangguo players.

Don't tell me, this possibility is really not small!

Although Sirius is now following Zhang Haoran, he still has that wild nature. The wolf travels thousands of miles to eat meat, which is engraved in his genes!

If someone thinks that it is close to Zhang Haoran, it is close to all human beings, then it is a big mistake!

Therefore, once the two sides meet, there is a great possibility that Sirius will attack the two plastic surgery country players!

At this time, Ye Han was here.

The two started working together, and all the iron ore had been broken into powder.

"Looking at it this way, it's actually not much."

"This time I burned half of the amount of iron ore we harvested, let's refine it first."

Ye Han looked at the iron ore powder in front of him and said.

Su Xiaoqi is also looking forward to this.

After so many days of hard work, it is finally time to see the real chapter.

The audience also stared wide-eyed, for fear of missing a little detail.

The two came to the iron smelting furnace with all the things they needed, and Ye Han started to operate.

First spread a layer of charcoal on the bottom of the furnace, then sprinkle with iron ore powder, and then continue to spread charcoal and sprinkle with iron ore powder.

Then ignited, and began to continuously use the blower to blow air in to ensure that the charcoal was fully burned.

This takes a certain amount of time, and Ye Han estimates that it will take a long time to go up.

However, he is still confident about the result.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all talking about it.

"Is there any big boss who knows what to do to come out and tell me, if Ye Han does this, can he succeed?"

"I don't know anything, but I think the success rate is worrying!"

"Ah this... Actually, I also think that I may fail. Don't scold me. If you want to scold me, scold me lightly."

"Hahaha, there's nothing wrong with questioning, as long as it's not purely for trolling, no one will scold you."

"Let me explain, what Ye Han discovered is limonite, which has a high iron content, and Ye Han's preparations are all without any problems. In theory, it can be successful."

"Understood, theoretically no problem, that is no problem, after all, Ye Han's luck is there."

"That's right, that's right, as long as there is no problem in theory, then with Ye Han's good luck, he can definitely succeed."

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