"Wait and wait, for today's live broadcast, I bought a lot of snacks, quack!"


The barrage continued to scroll, and the atmosphere was very good. Some people asked questions, and some people answered their doubts.

The atmosphere in Ye Han's live broadcast room has always been relatively good, but occasionally there will be people who are stubborn and picky, but such people are quickly scolded and run away and kicked out.

After a while, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi sat on the wooden pier, pulled the small bow connected to the blower, and made the bamboo pieces rotate to supply air to the iron furnace.

And from time to time, charcoal is added to ensure the temperature.

So this life is inseparable from people.

It's hot near the stove!

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi both felt very hot now, and the air in front of them was distorted.

Fortunately, Ye Han had the foresight, and brought a clay pot, which was filled with cold boiled water. Drink some water to relieve it.

Rhubarb disliked the heat here, but was more curious, so he hid farther and watched the movement here.

At the mouth of the iron smelting furnace, a flame rises up, and the temperature is much higher than usual for cooking.

Su Xiaoqi also took a leaf and put it on the stove to test it.

The leaves that were originally green were dried up in an instant and smoked.

The moisture in the leaves evaporates quickly, and finally turns into ashes.

Not to mention, this process is quite fun.

"Rhubarb, come here!"

Ye Han greeted Rhubarb over, and he would hand over the work of operating the blower to Rhubarb.

Hearing Ye Han's voice, Da Huang ran over with his hands and feet, as if he was still holding something in his hand.

Ye Han took a closer look, it turned out to be an earthworm, and he didn't know what happened, but it fell into Da Huang's hands.

I saw that the rhubarb moved quickly, and threw the earthworm directly from the mouth of the stove.

Chi Chi!

The worms were swallowed directly by the flames, and the smell of burnt protein wafted in the air.

good guy!

Rhubarb was imitating Su Xiaoqi's operation of adding charcoal to the stove, and he threw the earthworms into it.

Poor earthworm, so dead.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, the two bad guys, laughed unkindly.

"Amitabha, Da Huang, you are killing, it's not good, it's not good."

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This earthworm's life is also a life!"

"You sacrificed the life of an innocent earthworm for your own happiness."

Ye Han put his hands together and said to Da Huang.

In the eyes of the audience, there is an inexplicable sense of contradiction that the big devil persuades people to be kind.

How many animals have you killed since Ye Han went to the island?

It can be said that it is blood-stained hands!

Now that rhubarb kills an earthworm, you suddenly become a great person?

The effect of this live broadcast was immediately full, and the audience laughed and had a stomachache!

Su Xiaoqi, who was beside him, couldn't hold back anymore. She laughed until she squatted on the ground. In the end, Ye Han couldn't help laughing. Only Da Huang was dumbfounded.

Then, Rhubarb, who didn't know what happened, was assigned to his job by Ye Han.

[The author has something to say]

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and I wish you all New Year's greetings! Thanks to Nianqing for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, thanks to Gongxi Facai for the rebirth 0 reward, thanks to the Chinese New Year red envelopes for the great rewards, and thanks to Fndre for the Chinese New Year red envelopes! Thank you to these four giants for their generous support!

Chapter 633 Haoran Arrives at the Seaside

After a while, Rhubarb was already familiar with the operation skills of this blower.

Just push and pull the little bow, it's very simple, just like operating the power unit of the range hood, this rhubarb is very familiar.

At this time, Rhubarb, manipulating the blower, is skillfully distressing.

"If Rhubarb came to our electronics factory, he would earn 300 yuan a day!"

"Three hundred yuan, how much meat can I buy? Is rhubarb still used in Ye Han's hands to endure hardship?"

"Brother, there are not many sisters working in your electronics factory. I want to go to the factory to find someone!"

"Have you been deceived by the working **** the short video? The real working girl in an electronics factory is not so pretty, it's all fake!"

"Yes, yes, that is to trick you into working in an electronics factory. I have been to an electronics factory, and there are no beauties around me at all!"

"It's the same sentence, Rhubarb, you should run!"


The audience in the live broadcast room kept sending barrages and chatting, and everyone urged Da Huang to run away quickly.

With the help of rhubarb, Ye Han freed his hand. He got up and moved around and drank some water.

His face was hot, it was being roasted by the stove.

He touched his face, and it was a little hot.

Su Xiaoqi was the same, her little face was flushed, and her hands were pitch black.

Because she was responsible for adding charcoal to the road, Ye Han asked her to add it, so she added it.

When I reach for the charcoal with my hands, my hands are black.

"Xiao Qi, take a break, I'll add charcoal."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Ironmaking is a protracted battle, and the two have to take turns to rest.

Rhubarb probably won't last long, two people and one monkey, it's best to take turns to stop for a while from time to time.

As time passed, Ye Han continued to make iron.

This kind of work requires patience and constant attention, which is more troublesome.

On the other side, Zhang Haoran was getting closer and closer to the two plastic surgery country players.

In the cat detective's home, the cat detective is also staring.

Ye Han's ironmaking side, the cat detective is also watching, he has calculated that there will be no problem in Ye Han's ironmaking, just wait for the celebration.

To this end, Detective Cat also recharged one million yuan specially, waiting for Ye Han to reward Ye Han after he succeeded in making iron.

"Until now, I can see that Zhang Haoran is approaching two plastic surgery players."

"It's not mine, it's the two sticks that don't move!"

The cat detective was a little dumbfounded, very helpless.

The two contestants in the plastic surgery country, Kim Keun Suk and Han Junho, have had a very limited range of activities since they arrived on this island.

Therefore, the pictures that can be observed are very limited, and it is impossible to calculate that Zhang Haoran is approaching them when the immortals come.

At this time, the cat detective finally understood.

This also means that Zhang Haoran is very close to the two.

"Probably have to walk for about two hours."

The cat detective calculated a time in his mind.

During the two-hour journey, the athletes of plastic surgery countries would not go at all.

So why can cat detectives see it?

Because when the two of them first came to the island, they were in the place where Zhang Haoran was currently. They heard the sound of the waves and came to the seaside to settle down.

After three months, the cat detective is still able to make perfect judgments, which is really amazing.

At this time, Zhang Haoran's forward pace stopped for a while.

He was listening carefully.

Then, a surprised expression appeared on Zhang Haoran's face.

He heard the sound of the waves!

The front is the sea!

No wonder, no wonder he could smell the salty smell of the sea breeze just now, Zhang Haoran thought he smelled it wrong, but he didn't.

Immediately, Zhang Haoran's face showed joy, and he quickened his pace.

There are very few people who don't like the sea. Zhang Haoran has never seen the sea before, but after returning to human society, he fell in love with looking at the sea.

The ocean is so deep and blue, he can sit by the sea and do nothing all day, just look at the sea.

Not far in front of Zhang Haoran, he had vaguely seen a hill.

His goal now is to climb this hill, where the sea can definitely be seen from the top.

At this time, according to his movements, the cat detective is also recalculating various possibilities.

"In an hour or so, Zhang Haoran can see the sea."

"The two contestants from the plastic surgery country are not far from the right side of the mountain. After Zhang Haoran climbed to the top of the mountain, you can see their houses at a glance, and then make a plan!"

Detective Cat's guess was not correct, but he lost a bit. He didn't know more details. This was a big taboo, and it would definitely lead to errors in calculations.

As time passed, Ye Han continued to make iron.

When it was time for dinner, Ye Han asked Su Xiaoqi to cook, and he continued to look at the iron furnace.

The iron smelting furnace made of mud started to turn a little red at this time.

"Where will Ye Han wait to eat?"

"Does Ye Han have time to eat? This iron-smelting furnace cannot be separated from people."

"I have an idea for rhubarb to guard the iron furnace and be responsible for the work of operating the blower and adding charcoal."

"It makes sense. For such a simple thing, it's not a matter of hands. If the rhubarb makes a mistake, then throw it into the stove."

"This idea is really good. I have seen many examples. For example, the sword is cast with one's body. At the last moment of refining a sword, the swordsmith himself jumped into the furnace, which can cast a peerless sword. Good sword!"

"I don't know if it is a peerless sword, but you are really cheap, hahahaha!"


The audience had a great time in the live room.

They mentioned the issue of Ye Han eating, and it has to be said that Ye Han is also thinking about this issue now.

"Little Qi, when the meal is ready, bring it over and eat here."

"The iron furnace is inseparable from people, and it needs to be watched all the time."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

As for what makes Rhubarb look at it, it's a joke, Rhubarb is just a monkey, it can't do this.

Su Xiaoqi went to the kitchen to cook, and on the other side, Zhang Haoran also came to the foot of the mountain.

The distance is closer, Zhang Haoran can hear the sound of the waves more clearly, just listening to it makes people emotional.

Then Zhang Haoran began to climb the mountain.

His movements were fast, his whole body was full of strength, and Sirius followed behind him, not slow at all.

Sometimes Sirius can surpass him and run to the front to wait for him.

During this process, the popularity of Zhang Haoran's live broadcast room continued to skyrocket, and audiences all over the world wanted to come and see the situation.

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