Using both hands and feet, the whole person is about to turn into an afterimage!

Very exaggerated!

But for Zhang Haoran, this is just a basic operation. After all, he grew up with the wolves since he was a child.

At this time, the two plastic surgery country players who had been aware of it after realizing it finally found out that something was wrong.

They originally wanted to go to the beach, swim in the old place for a while, and see what seafood they can get for dinner.

But I saw footprints on the beach not far away!

[The author has something to say]

First more. Thank you [withdrawing money for your grandfather! ! 】Rewarded Chinese New Year red envelopes! Thanks to this reader for your great support, you will definitely be able to withdraw money!

Chapter 638

For a moment, the two thought they were hallucinating.

How can there be footprints on this beach?

"Am I wrong?"

Kim Keun Suk said.

Han Junhao, who was beside him, opened his mouth wide.

"You should have read it right, I saw it too, it seems to be footprints, a row of footprints!"

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!"

The two started walking towards the footprints.

At this time, Zhang Haoran was already halfway up the mountain, and he was still lowering his body and continuing to climb.

The island has lush vegetation. Although this hill is located by the sea, there are also a lot of plants, which also causes the two of them to not see anyone moving on the mountain at all.

"People are on the mountain, on the mountain!"

"Axi, Axi! These two people are so stupid, how could they be selected to participate in the competition!"

"The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. This is very unfavorable. Zhang Haoran, the **** monkey in China, must be trying to find a way to be a sinner!"

"The old silver coins in the chicken are talking about people like Zhang Haoran, too cunning!"

"Why didn't the whale explode just now, blowing him up, blowing it to the sky, blowing it to powder!"


The audience in the plastic surgery country was angry and anxious, and they all scolded in the live broadcast room.

The audience in China was once again relieved.

Because Zhang Haoran had already climbed to the top of the mountain with the fastest speed and started to descend.

In this way, there is a mountain directly between him and the humpback whale.

Although this mountain is not high, it is still a mountain!

Therefore, even if the head whale exploded now, the impact force would not have much impact on Zhang Haoran.

"Hahaha, Zhang Haoran is no longer in danger!"

"Yeah, that's great, I was panicking just now, for fear that a whale explosion would happen and hurt my little wolf dog."

"Now it's the stick's turn to worry, I just took a look, those who are in a state of utter despair!"

"Look, they have already come over!"

"They're watching the footprints!"


Audiences all over the world are watching this scene.

At this time, the two players from the plastic surgery country have also reached the position of their footprints.

The two of them turned into famous detectives and began to strip their cocoons, offering a feast for all the audience!

Kim Keun Suk: "I can see that this is a human footprint, and the footprint next to it is of an animal!"

Han Junhao: "That's right, I see it too, I suspect this person is a savage on the island!"

Kim Keun Suk: "No no no! This should be a staff member of the show team who came to the island. It should be someone who is in danger on the island, and the staff is here to save them!"

Han Junhao: "It makes sense, then the footprints of this animal should be the police dog carried by the staff to help with the search and rescue!"

Kim Keun Suk: "But there is a contradiction here, shouldn't the staff come here by plane? Where's the plane?"

Han Junhao (looking around): "I didn't see it! Could it be that the staff came here by boat? Is that a boat?!"

Having said that, Han Junhao pointed at the humpback whale not far away.

Until now, the two of them finally saw the stranded humpback whale.

And in their live broadcast room, the pot has been completely exploded, and the whole world is laughing at them both!

Even the local audience of plastic surgery countries couldn't hold back, laughing and cursing.

The whole country of China was full of laughter and laughter, full of happy air.

"No matter what, I would never have imagined that a small country of plastic surgery could cultivate two wowing dragons and phoenixes at the same time!!"

"Hahaha, I laughed until I sat on the ground hammering tiles, and I broke a piece of the floor tile of my house!"

"My daughter-in-law always says I'm stupid. I have something to say in the future. These two people are much stupider than me."

"What kind of brain circuit are the footprints of the staff and police dogs?"

"Shouldn't it be the other players that came to mind first?"

"All they have in their heads are kimchi!"

"I understand. The two of them participated in this competition to be funny."


A large number of the audience laughed with a stomachache.

After all, no one would have thought that these two people actually reasoned so well!

At this time, the two were approaching the humpback whale with a look of amazement.

"Wow! What does this taste like!"

"Axi, did this whale poop?"

It was the smart Kim Keun Suk who spoke.

Whether he is Geun Suk or not, this remains to be verified, but his IQ is really high.

Some people on the Internet are already saying that his IQ definitely surpasses that of Einstein, any cat detective or Zeus must be his younger brother in front of him!

Han Junhao, the human IQ ceiling on the side, kept nodding his head.

"It stinks! Whale feces are so stinky!"

"It also stinks. Those people in the Neon Kingdom seem to still eat whale meat. How stupid!"

Good guy, Han Junhao has stepped on the neon country!

The Neon Country audience who were watching the live broadcast immediately exploded, and various abuses emerged one after another.

To sum it up in two simple words, that is Baga!

Things gradually became absurd.

To be honest, a huge audience, an audience all over the world.

They thought of countless possibilities for this matter.

But can't think of that either.

Even the cat detective was dumbfounded.

Because all his previous inferences were overturned once again!

What the cat detective didn't expect was that the two men were unaware of the danger in the slightest!

The footprints of Zhang Haoran and Sirius, they guessed wrong and thought it was a staff member.

The rotting humpback whale that could explode at any time in front of them, they said it was the smell of whales, and the smell of whale shit.

It's very outrageous!

Haven't you noticed that this whale is dead, that it smells of rotting corpse?

Is this brain really full of kimchi?

Or is there some sea water in the brain?

This thing is very funny. After laughing, the audience feels very speechless and don't know what to say.

On the hill, Zhang Haoran squatted on a tree and watched this scene.

He was also puzzled.

Sirius' actions prove that the whale is in danger.

The smell was really unpleasant. Zhang Haoran didn't understand the principle of whale explosion, but he believed in Sirius, and he could sense something was wrong himself.

And what's going on with these two now?

They saw the footprints and didn't care about it?

I'm blind and I have to hide!

"Cough cough, the situation of the two plastic surgery country players is very dangerous now."

"In order to protect their lives, the staff of the show team have moved on, and they can definitely be rescued before the whale explodes."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

The expression on his face was very contorted.

It can be seen that he really wants to laugh, but he has to hold back, which is very uncomfortable.

There was no one beside him because Lord De said he had to go to the toilet.

But Master Bei could clearly hear Master De's laughter from the corridor outside, and the sound of him hitting the wall with his fist.

Man, he ran out and laughed on purpose.

Poor Lord Bei, want to laugh but can't laugh.

At this time, in the two plastic surgery country players, the two of them finally realized it with hindsight and felt abnormal.

Chapter 639 Whale Explosion

To say that these two are hopelessly stupid, that's not true.

The most basic common sense, the two still have.

Although they were all wrong just now, but now, the two of them finally discovered the anomaly.

Jin Geun Suk was watching in front of the whale's head. He found that the whale's eyeballs were rotten, and a seabird was pecking at the rotten eyeballs.

This scene, combined with the smell, made Jin Keun Suk frown and almost vomited.

"No, the whale is dead, it's starting to rot."

"That's not whale shit, it's the rotten, stinky smell of whales!"

Kim Keun Suk shouted.

This scene made many viewers in plastic surgery countries breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that the whale has been found to be dead, get out of here quickly!

Now you can completely follow the footprints, there is no need to waste time here!

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