"Axi, no wonder it smells so bad, it's already rotten!"

"Then what do we do now?"

Han Junhao said while pinching his nose.

He's starting to feel a little bit unbearable now.

"I understand, it was the staff who found the dead whale, so they came to deal with the whale."

"But where did the staff go?"

Another genius conjecture popped up in Kim Keun Suk's mind.


There's nothing wrong with it.

The staff found a rotting whale and came to deal with it, is there a problem?

definitely no problem!

Kim Keun Suk couldn't help but give himself a compliment.

"Hey, is there anyone!"

"Hello, program crew, I'm a contestant from Plastic Surgery Nation, Han Junhao!"

Han Junhao put his palms to his mouth and shouted.

It smells like a cosmetic surgery idol drama, shouting to the sea.

As for Zhang Haoran on the hill, this meeting was finally heard clearly.

Because of the distance, he didn't hear the conversation between the two people before. Based on the appearance, it might be a plastic surgery country or a Neon country player.

It may even be a player from China.

Because they have been on the island for so long, very few people will take care of themselves, such as cutting their hair, shaving their beards and the like.

So on the surface, they should all be similar, the hair is not short, and the beard is not short.

Zhang Haoran wasn't sure which country the player was from.

But now that he heard Han Junhao's voice, Zhang Haoran understood that this is a contestant from the plastic surgery country.

Of course he didn't learn the language of the plastic surgery country, but he saw it on TV.

"It turned out to be a contestant from the plastic surgery country."

"The relationship between the plastic surgery country and the Shenzhou country is not good, don't worry about them."

Zhang Haoran said in his heart.

Originally, he thought that if he was a player from a country with a good relationship with China, he would not harm others.

It might even be a reminder that the whale is in danger, which doesn't seem like a violation.

But since it is a plastic surgery country, then forget it.

If they are not in any danger, then find an opportunity to steal their belongings and burn the house down later.

Speaking of burning the house, Zhang Haoran thought about the burning of the Sakura House last time, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

He still remembered how the two players from the Neon Kingdom were furious at that time.

I don't know how the two of them are now.

Zhang Haoran couldn't have imagined that the two were already dead, and this triggered a chain reaction that led to Thomas' death.

This is the butterfly effect.

"No one!"

"what happened?"

"I suddenly felt that the footprints should not belong to the staff. We didn't hear the sound of the plane, nor the sound of the ship. There is no other trace around here!"

This time, Kim Keun Suk's IQ finally came online.

Hearing his words, Han Junhao opened his mouth wide.

"Could it be the other players on the island?"

"But what about animal footprints?"

Han Junhao asked.

If it is other players, it should be two pairs of footprints, not a pair of human footprints, plus animal footprints.

Jin Genshuo thought hard.

In the end, he slapped his forehead and shouted frantically.

"I understand, it's another player with an animal!"

"Someone has captured the wild animals on the island!"

Hearing Kim Keun Suk's words, many people in the live broadcast room in the plastic surgery country were happy and excited.

"Great, Kim Keun Suk finally guessed it right!"

"Hahahaha, Zhang Haoran's conspiracy is about to be seen through, we people in plastic surgery country are born smart!"

"What am I talking about, the two players in our plastic surgery country were just talking about it for fun. This is creating a live broadcast effect!"

"Yes, now that the two of them know the truth, they will follow the footprints to find Zhang Haoran!"

"Nice job, Geunseok Oppa!"


The audience of plastic surgery country have regained their confidence.

Audiences from other countries, including those from China, were a little surprised.

Did these two guess right?

In fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you can think that there are huge loopholes in the previous speculation.

Just now, these two people should have been shocked by the scene after another, and they were uneasy.

First I saw the footprints, and then I saw the whales, how can I still think carefully?

"Then what should we do now?"

Han Junho looked at Kim Keun Suk and asked.

He now also feels that what Kim Keun Suk said is very right.

There are other players here, and looking at the footprints, it should have been a while ago.

"The program group has regulations that players cannot fight each other."

"I don't know which country's player this is. I'm wondering if I should follow the footprints."

Kim Keun Suk said.

In the end, the two discussed it and made a decision.

That is to follow the footprints to see.

According to the direction analysis of the footprints, it is to climb this hill.

The two of them planned to climb to the top of the hill and take a look.

This decision made everyone in the plastic surgery country breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as they climbed this hill, even if the whale exploded, it wouldn't have much effect on them either.

That means safety.

They all started to praise the two players, and the scene was very lively.

However, at this time.

When Kim Keun Suk and Han Jun Ho were about to take a step, they walked towards the hill.

They suddenly heard, and there seemed to be a sound behind them.

It seems to come from the body of the whale.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Han Junhao looked back.

"I heard it too."

"It should be the sound of the seabird, not the whale. The whale is dead."

"Its final destination is to rot completely, leaving only a pile of bones. We can come over and try to use whale bones to make tools, such as making a harpoon!"

Kim Keun Suk now feels that he is the Sherlock Holmes of the plastic surgery country.

One idea after another appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help admiring his own ingenuity.

But he had no idea that a dead whale could explode.

In fact, this is normal. Kim Keun Suk has never seen a whale, and he knows very little about whales.

Many viewers watching the live broadcast did not know about the whale explosion at first, but only after watching the live broadcast commentary.

"Let's go then."

Han Junhao said.

The two took another step, intending to leave.

Unfortunately, this time, luck was not on their side.

I just heard a deafening loud noise, like a thunderbolt from the blue, suddenly exploded!

The huge humpback whale behind the two had a whale explosion at this time!

Chapter 640 A Whale Exploding Everything Dies

Whale exploded! !

Under the watchful eyes of audiences all over the world, this humpback whale exploded at this moment!

Only heard a loud bang, like a thunder!

Everyone felt that the picture in front of them began to blur, no longer so clear!

For a time, the whole world was silent.

I saw that the belly of the humpback whale swelled and burst, and a large hole was opened, and a large amount of rotten internal organs, fat, and flesh were rushed out from it.

Some of them rose directly into the sky, and then fell down like rain.

A terrifying smell spread wildly, spreading in all directions, making people unable to breathe!

The terrifying impact spread, and Kim Keun Suk and Han Jun Ho were the first to bear the brunt!

In an instant, both of them felt that their bodies had been hit by a heavy hammer, as if an invisible giant hammer had slammed into them both.

Before they could feel the pain, the two flew straight ahead!

The loud explosion made the eardrums of the two of them burst directly, blood flowed from their ears, and their eyeballs protruded, as if they would explode in the next second!

Han Junhao's body rolled in the air, and his whole body seemed to be a piece of broken newspaper, messy in the wind!

The next moment, he only felt that there was no part of his body that was not in pain, as if there was a big hand in his body, gripping his internal organs fiercely.

After the extreme pain, followed by numbness, he felt that his body no longer belonged to him, became light and lost his senses.

The scene in front of me is spinning rapidly, the ocean, the beach, the sky, and the whales are constantly flipping.

Han Junhao understood that it was his own body that was constantly spinning.

Kim Keun Suk's situation is the same as him, but in the process of being blown away, the direction of the two is different.

Han Junhao was shocked and flew to the sea, while Jin Keunshuo flew to the position of the hill.

On the top of the hill, Zhang Haoran is located.

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