"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, isn't this what we want to mess up?"

"It's not that I'm making things difficult for you, am I that bad?"

Ye Han said with a smile.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.


"You are the worst person I have ever met."

Su Xiaoqi said aggrievedly.

Ye Han raised his brows, revealing a wicked smile.

"Then you are miserable. You can't escape my clutches, you can only be bullied by me for the rest of your life."

Su Xiaoqi's face suddenly turned red, and a pair of small hands grabbed the corner of her clothes.

Smelly boss!

Next, the two packed up their things, took the four animals, and went out together, went to the West to learn scriptures, and went to the beach for a vacation.

When it comes to going out to play and relax, the first choice is naturally the seaside.

Some viewers thought that the seaside Ye Han went to was the same seaside as the seaside where the whale exploded?

Walking along the coastline, will you find the location of the whale explosion?

This speculation was immediately overturned by the cat detective.

Detective Cat appeared in the live broadcast room and gave a series of explanations. From the sun direction, wind direction and other factors, it can be proved that Ye Han and Whale Boom are at opposite ends of the island.

The distance is very far.

This dispelled the expectations of many viewers.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the scenery CP group, after continuous progress, finally made a discovery.

After Leng Feng and Li Guang set off, they have been on the road.

Leng Feng was very excited along the way, but Li Guang couldn't say that he was excited, nor was he too tired, he could only say that he was with Leng Feng.

If he was given a choice, he would actually prefer to stay at home.

Staying at home is the safest, who knows if there will be any accidents when you go out?

No one can tell this.

However, this journey was quite smooth, and there were no accidents.

But there was nothing else to gain.

Finally, Leng Feng's eyes saw that the trees in front were shadowy, and it seemed that a wooden house appeared in the field of vision!

"Aguang, get down!"

Leng Feng immediately fell down and lowered his voice, making Li Guang also lie on the ground.

Both of them are soldiers, and their movements are very standard.

At this time, Leng Feng's whole body was tense, and he stared at the front carefully.

As a special forces soldier, he is also good at sniping, and Leng Feng's eyesight is very strong.

However, because of the distance, he still can't see clearly.

Need to get closer.

For the time being, there is no trace of other human activities nearby, and the wooden house is also very quiet.

So, Leng Feng slowly stood up and hid behind a big tree.

He began to pick some leaves, branches, to hide himself.

Soon, the two had a pirated Geely suit on their bodies.


Leng Feng made a tactical gesture, and the two began to move forward slowly.

First of all, we have to see what the wooden house is like and which country it belongs to, and then make a decision.

Seeing the two of them being so nervous, the audience couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The reason is very simple. In fact, they don't need to be so careful at all. They just walk over there generously, because this is the second house that Bill has built!

Chapter 649 The Siamese Player Shocked by Cold Wind Playing Reasoning

For this result, in fact, the audience has long known.

Some even speculated how the cold wind would react when it found the house.

There is a high probability of being vigilant, and then cautiously approaching and observing.

It turns out they guessed right.

Leng Feng is very nervous now. He thinks that he has found the traces of other players, and he is excited.

So far in the game, Leng Feng has only encountered Thomas, a player, and killed Thomas.

So now, who will we meet again?

Will there be players from the Kingdom of China living here?

Or is it a player from Neon Country?

In fact, in Leng Feng's heart, he hopes that this is the house of the Neon Country players.

In that case, he will definitely think of a way to rectify the players in the Neon Kingdom.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Leng Feng took Li Guang forward cautiously, paying attention to concealment along the way.

But it wasn't until he got close to the wooden house that he realized something was wrong.

There were a lot of plants growing around the entire wooden house, and even grass grew at the door.

Looking at this, it doesn't look like someone lives!

Where is the builder of this log house?

However, Lengfeng still did not relax his vigilance, and only after he really checked it could he come to a conclusion.

After half an hour...

Leng Feng and Li Guang stood in this empty wooden house, all dumbfounded.

At a glance, you can tell that this wooden house has not been lived in for a while.

All kinds of bugs crawled around the house, and there was a litter of mice, all of which gave birth here, and there were a lot of spider webs.

Even the floor of the wooden house was originally more elaborate, and it was paved with wood, but now there are plants growing out of the gaps in the wood.

Man, there's almost nowhere to go!

Back then, Leng Feng and Li Guang, in order to get salt, went to the beach and went back and forth for several days.

But the house didn't turn out like that.

"Isn't there anyone who hasn't lived here for a month?"

"Brother Feng, when did you kill Thomas?"

Li Guang asked.

Cold wind thought for a while.

"The fifty-second day, I remember."

"This day was originally a special day, so I didn't forget it."

"Thomas died on the fifty-second day, and it's the ninety-first day."

Leng Feng's eyes lit up, he and Li Guang looked at each other, and they both nodded.

Case solved.

This house should be Thomas' house!

Thomas left the house and came to Leng Feng and Li Guang's place, and then was beaten to death by Leng Feng, and the house was naturally deserted.

There are nearly forty days in the middle, which is almost the time to make this house like it is now.

The audience in the live broadcast room also praised it one after another.

"Cold wind can not only fight, but also use your brain!"

"Yes, yes, I don't even remember the day Thomas died, Leng Feng remembers it clearly!"

"The cold wind is not trying to burn Thomas' head seven, so remember it so clearly?"

"This house can be taken care of. It can be developed as a second base. The resources in this place are also very rich!"

"Yes, this house will belong to the cold wind from now on, and Bill will not come back anyway."

The audience kept talking.

And Leng Feng and Li Guang did have such thoughts.

The owner of the house is dead, so naturally it belongs to them both.

But before that, there is an important question.

So, what about Thomas' teammates?

At this time, Leng Feng and Li Guang also began to discuss this issue.

"Thomas's teammate is the apprentice of Bei Ye, an international-level wilderness survival expert, called Bill."

"He and Thomas were a group of players who were considered to be very promising to win the championship. They were the favorites to win the championship, and their voices were even higher than the two of us."

"I killed Thomas, but where's Bill?"

Cold wind said suspiciously.

Li Guang is also thinking about this problem.

"I remember that Thomas came without any equipment in his hand."

"It's just a set of clothes."

Li Guang still cherishes this matter.

It would be perfect if Thomas could send a pot, a sapphire shovel, and a backpack!

Unfortunately, Thomas came empty-handed.

"It's possible that all of his tools were lost, but that's unlikely."

"Thomas and Bill are both powerful, so they won't lose all these things."

"let me think again..........."

Leng Feng had a feeling that a flash of light flashed in his mind, and there were a lot of threads, and he could immediately grab the one he wanted.

The answer to the question is sure to be found!

As a top-notch special forces soldier, Leng Feng is not only physically strong, but also has excellent combat power, and his brain is also very good.

Unlike Thomas, who has only brute strength, a simple mind and developed limbs.

Thomas died of his own stupidity and arrogance.

Leng Feng and Li Guang stood in this wooden house and played reasoning.

And Bill, the object of their reasoning, was overjoyed.

Because today, Bill came to see the trap he set.

He found that the trap had something to gain, and there was a jackal in it, which was dead!

"Catch a jackal!"

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