"The meat of the jackal is also edible!"

Bill was very happy.

Killing a jackal solves a danger, and also gets food and fur.

On the way to the rubber tree strip, Bill set up a lot of traps and checked them every day.

At this time, he took the jackal away with the fastest speed, and left here after rearranging the trap.

In the official live broadcast room, Master Bei nodded.

"At this rate, Bill will be able to handle this group of jackals soon."

"After solving this threat, he can last longer."

For Bill's performance, Lord Bei is very satisfied.

Later, he began to explain the situation in other live broadcast rooms.

In the past two days, he felt that his throat was smoking, there were too many things to explain, and he was very busy!

After a few words in a live broadcast room, it is necessary to quickly move to the next live broadcast room.

Bill said a few words here, and Lord Bei came to the live broadcast room of the Siamese players.

The two people from Siam are the closest to the whale explosion.

According to the satellite image provided by the program group, the two people can arrive at the seaside where the whale explosion is located by noon at the latest.

In fact, now the two have discovered some anomalies.

In the bushes, Ngawang smelled an increasingly strong stench, and had already vomited once.

Then he saw that there was a **** thing on the ground ahead.

The two became vigilant for the first time, this may be a piece of prey meat dropped by a beast around after hunting!

If this is the case, it means that there are dangerous beasts around, and you must be careful!

Afterwards, the two of them approached the thing and examined it carefully.

Ava frowned.

"The smell is from this thing, can it drift so far?"

"This looks like a kind of fish meat, with a fishy smell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Nga Wang next to him, his mouth wide open, looking like he was going to hell.

Following Ngawang's gaze, I saw that among the trees in front of me, on the ground, there were still a lot of such things, how could there be so many? !

[The author has something to say]

7 more done, good night everyone!

Chapter 650 Minefield

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two Siamese players were all stunned.

What is this thing, why is it all over the place, and there are many hanging on the tree?

Nga Wang stepped forward, picked up a piece of minced meat, checked it carefully, and even took the risk of sniffing it close to his nose.

"It stinks!"

"That's what it tastes like!"

He hurriedly threw the thing in his hand, and wiped his hands on the bark of a nearby tree.

But unfortunately, the smell has already got on his hands.

If you don't wash it carefully, you can't wash it off at all.

Ava is smarter. He used a branch to pick up a lot of things, and observed and identified them one by one.

"There is no doubt that this is the source of the stench."

"Can you see what this is?"

Ava asked.

Awang on the side shook his head, these are all fragments, how can you tell.

Can only be sure that this is some kind of animal.

"It must be an animal."

"The sound we heard should be that an animal suddenly exploded, causing the current situation."

Awang said.

Both of them were right, nothing was wrong.

But I don't know why, the audience always thought they were very happy and funny.

Maybe it's more fun for the two of them to look good.

There are some comedians in the state of Shenzhou, who are reputed to have written the word comedy on their faces.

Ngawang and Ava have this potential.

Especially after the audience gave them nicknames in order to save trouble, it was funny just talking about these two names.

At this point, they continued to discuss.

"What is it that explodes with such a big movement?"

"There are still a lot of body fragments ahead!"

Awang looked worried.

He thinks there is a great danger here.

It is indeed very dangerous, the two plastic surgery country players are gone.

Zhang Haoran was lucky and escaped.

Or die.

Now he is not dead, but he has also shed a layer of skin.

This is not a description, but it really peeled off a layer of skin, which he rubbed off himself.

"This animal must be huge, but what caused the explosion?"

"Could it be that there are bombs on the island?"

Ava made his own guess.

In fact, it is quite common for the players on the island to reason about various things.

For example, Leng Feng is now reasoning about the situation of Bill and Thomas.

Ye Han also came to the conclusion that his live broadcast room was very popular based on the attitude and tone of the program crew.

Don't forget there is another Wang Heng, he seems to be calculating something every day.

But now, the two Siamese players are obviously wrong.

How could there possibly be bombs on the island?

"You mean, minefield?"

Ah Wang took a deep breath.

What if there is a minefield on the island?

All over the world, there are some very dangerous places, which were left a long time ago, during the war years, and there are often a large number of landmines buried underground.

Now the two of them believe that there is a minefield on the island, and an animal accidentally stepped on the mine and was killed.

Hearing the two of them, the audience let out a series of boos.

"What are these two thinking!"

"How can there be landmines on this island?"

"They won't dare to go forward!"

"I think it's very possible, you see, Ava's legs are shaking."

"It's over, if they go straight home, there's nothing to see."

"It's very possible!"


The audience was almost speechless, how could these two think of going to the mine?

That is obviously a whale explosion, a whale explosion!

Of course, there were also people who spoke to them.

After all, ordinary people never see a whale explosion once in a lifetime, and few people have heard of it. They don't know, it's quite normal.

People all over the world win the lottery every day, but do whales explode every day?

The two stood there and began to discuss.

On the other side, there are two players from the beer country.

The two of them also followed the direction of the smell, looking for its source.

At this time, the two beer country players were walking in the mountains and forests, and as they continued to move forward, Buckhouse also smelled the stench.

"I smelled it too, it stinks!"

Backhouse covered his nose and said.

Before, because his long-term smoking affected his sense of smell, he did not smell it when the odor was very light.

He smelled it now at last, but he wished he hadn't.

Because it really stinks!

The whale explosion happened yesterday, and after a night of fermentation, the humpback whale carcasses scattered everywhere, and the stench became a little more intense.

"It doesn't look like it was created by a player. Which player can create something stinky?"

"Is there a player dead and rotten?"

Backhouse questioned.


"We are all wearing the live bracelet of the show team. Someone really died and was taken away by the show team. It can't be rotten on the island. Maybe some kind of animal died nearby, and then the body stinks. rot."

August said.

Then the two moved on, no matter what, they had to investigate and know the truth.

And as the two of them continued to move forward, finally, they also saw the fragments of corpses scattered in the jungle.

But unlike the two Siamese players, both of them recognized it as a fragment of a whale's corpse.

Because, there is a relatively large piece of whale meat with skin, and there is a barnacle on the whale skin.

They all know something about it, so they can recognize it.

"This is a barnacle that likes to parasitize on marine life, such as whales in the sea."

"This piece of skin also looks like the skin of a whale. It smells not only stinky, but also fishy!"

Backhouse exclaimed.

Apparently it was a fragment of a whale carcass.

"A dead whale exploded!"

August came to a conclusion.

These two people guessed right!

Immediately, many spectators in the beer country cheered.

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