Su Xiaoqi glanced at Ye Han.

This guy makes fun of her all day.

"Where did Da Huang go?"

Ye Han looked around, but saw no rhubarb.

When the two of them started building new equipment, Rhubarb was still very curious, leaned over to watch, and played with the bamboo sticks made by Ye Han.

But he was chased away by Ye Han, and then he didn't know where he went.

"Rhubarb won't go out to hunt for treasure again, will he?"

Su Xiaoqi said.

But Rhubarb just helped them find some supplies and a pistol, which made a great contribution.

Could it be that Rhubarb tasted the sweetness and wanted to continue the treasure hunt for Ye Han?

Hearing this, the audience also discussed it.

"Rhubarb continued to hunt for treasures and found the treasure left by One Piece!"

"Don't say it, it's really possible. I've seen it a lot. The protagonist found the treasure of pirates on the island."

"The pattern is open, Rhubarb found a pistol last time, this time it should be a cannon, or a tank."

"Go directly to the nuclear weapon, Rhubarb came back with the nuclear warhead."

"This has to be the Battle Saint Monkey!"

The more you say it, the more unethical.

Rhubarb has been played badly by netizens.

I have to say that this guy, Rhubarb, has indeed brought a lot of joy to the audience.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's live broadcast room has a magical power, which belongs to the Healing Department's live broadcast room.

Someone watched their live broadcast, cured anorexia, and was happy to eat every meal.

Someone watched their live broadcast, cured their depression, always had a smile on their face, and remained optimistic.

Some people watched their live broadcast, cured their autism, and were willing to communicate with others.

Positive energy irons!

Rhubarb has also become the pistachio of many people, and they come to see rhubarb every day.

But this time, rhubarb was not on a treasure hunt.

It is playing by itself nearby, catching a bug and playing with it, and then picking up two leaves and chewing two bites or something.

And it's not playing by himself, Jiutian is also there.

Rhubarb jumped up and down in the woods, and Jiutian flew while observing, looking for prey.

I haven't had any good harvests to dedicate to Ye Han recently, and Jiutian also wanted to perform well.

This is rolled up!

Nine days to offer prey, offer diamonds.

Rhubarb offered supplies and pistols.

Ye Han was also hailed by the audience as the most successful capitalist in the 21st century. Not only did Su Xiaoqi start working for him from Paramecia, but even the animals under him were included.

When it was time for lunch, Rhubarb and Jiutian came back.

This time, Jiutian brought back a badger, which was praised and encouraged by Ye Han.

Rhubarb, on the other hand, was criticized.

"Da Huang, you are floating."

"You weren't there when you were cooking. Isn't that range hood your job?"

Ye Han pointed to the range hood and said.

Rhubarb lowered its head, it really forgot, and was happy to play outside.

"Well, sure enough, dogs can't be overfed."

Ye Han shook his head and said.

Everyone was amused, man, Rhubarb has really become a dog.

It's only been two good days, so there's no meat to eat again, right?

Many viewers felt that this was actually Ye Han's deliberate excuse for not wanting to eat rhubarb meat.

However, at lunch, rhubarb still got meat, but the amount was not as much as before.

The reward has to be rewarded, but you can't give Rhubarb so much meat forever!

After lunch, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi rested for a while, drank some tea, and then continued to work.

Get your new gear completely done today!

[The author has something to say]

Hahaha, eight hundred chapters! Goodnight everybody!

Chapter 801 Sirius Injured

In the live broadcast room, the audience is also looking forward to it.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are both very efficient. The new equipment can be done in one day.

And once you have new equipment, the process of collecting bat feces will be more convenient and faster.

This will also speed up the rate of obtaining saltpeter.

The audience watched with relish.

In the afternoon, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi continued to stay at home to make equipment.

Ye Han's hundred-toothed rake has reached the final stage.

Su Xiaoqi's second animal skin protective suit is about to be completed.

"Ye Han is so fast!"

"Your words are ambiguous, so be careful when you speak."

"You think it wrong, hahaha, what are you thinking about?"

"Xiao Qi not only knows how to cook, but also does needlework in a decent way, without poking the needle!"

"There are still many players on the island who can do needlework. For example, Guangma does very well."

"I saw a statistic before that there are nearly ten groups of players on the island who have started needlework. Except for Ye Han, who used the needles in the Swiss Army Knife for hanging on the wall, everyone else's needles were Made of wood or bone spurs."

"The exploration tour of the Bat Cave will continue tomorrow. What will Ye Han find in the cave, please look forward to it!"

The audience chatted in the live room.

It is worth mentioning that there have been quite a few barrages of this host style recently.

Each and every one of them is the same as possessed by a playwright.

Meanwhile, on Leng Feng and Lee Kwang's side.

They are charging for natural latex.

This third base, to be honest, is not as good as the other two bases.

The hometown is the most comfortable one. Lengfeng and Li Guang have worked hard to create it. It is spacious, safe and comfortable.

For the second base, Bill and Thomas built it together. The house is not small and strong, and the resources there are relatively rich.

And this third base, built by Bill himself, is obviously not as good as the other two houses.

How does a house built by one person compare to a house built by two people together?

There will definitely be differences.

So, after the rubber thing was settled, the two of them planned to return to their hometown and fix it for a while.

At this time, there is another person in a state of repair, that is Zhang Haoran.

A lot of spectators were waiting for him to do something big and muddy the water on the island.

It's better to take down a few more teams, he definitely has the strength, and may even end the game early.

But unfortunately, Zhang Haoran lies at home every day, completely in a state of salted fish.

All hunting is done by Sirius. When Sirius goes out, he can always bring back food to eat. Zhang Haoran is in charge of the barbecue.

Some viewers think that maybe the combination of Li Guang and Zhang Haoran will be very good.

They will lie at home every day as salted fish, the absolute king of salted fish.

But some viewers believe that the combination of Leng Feng and Zhang Haoran can definitely make the whole island restless.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Haoran is quite versatile!

Could it be that this is the legendary salty and sweet?

Suddenly, a lot of emojis came out.

For example, Zhang Haoran's face was posted on a panda emoji. He said, Brother Feng, who are you going to beat today?

Next to it is Leng Feng's face, who was also p-pushed on the panda's face. Leng Feng said that there seems to be a group of sticks on the island, **** him!

There is also a set of emojis that show Zhang Haoran and Li Guang lying there together, paralyzed in the posture of Uncle Ge.

Zhang Haoran never imagined that even lying at home, he could be ruined by the audience.

However, it was at this time that an accident happened.

Zhang Haoran was lying at home, his whole state was very empty.

In fact, for many people, this state is more luxurious, because there is no time to lie there in a daze.

Even seeing him in such a daze makes me feel more relaxed.

Some people in the live broadcast room said that Zhang Haoran was lazy, but this is not the case.

He is not a lazy person at all, but the reason why he does this is also related to his experience and personality.

A child who grew up with wolves from a young age, after returning to human society, is treated as an alien everywhere, and there is definitely a psychological problem.

Emily, who had already retired at this time, was watching his situation and analyzing it.

He also said some more professional terms, which made Jon confused. How can he understand it?

"In general, Zhang Haoran is a poor person."

"He was always a human, but his best friend was a wolf."

Emily shook her head.

Perhaps, Zhang Haoran needs someone who can walk into his heart to change this situation.

And this time, Sirius came back.

This also allowed Zhang Haoran to get out of that empty state, and his eyes returned to focus.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he saw that Sirius was injured!


Zhang Haoran let out an exclamation and quickly began to check the situation of Sirius.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all nervous and worried.

Zhang Haoran regards Sirius as a partner, living together, eating together, and sleeping together.

The audience also likes Sirius very much, and some viewers who were originally afraid of wild beasts will feel more cordial when they see Sirius.

Think of it as China's own player.

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