Now that Sirius was injured, everyone was very worried and nervous.


Sirius let out a whimper and rubbed Zhang Haoran with his head.

Zhang Haoran's face was ashen.

There are three wounds on Sirius' body, all of which were bitten out, leaving deep tooth marks and a lot of hair loss.

And there is a wound on the front leg, which makes Sirius limping when he walks.

Zhang Haoran quickly checked carefully to make sure that no bones were injured, and he was relieved.

It looks serious, but it's all flesh wounds.

And as long as it's a flesh wound, it won't be too difficult to recover, just take care of it slowly.

If it is a problem like a broken bone, then it is troublesome, it will be more difficult.

Zhang Haoran also has no way to ensure that Sirius can completely recover. In that case, he may retire directly and ask the rescuers of the program team to take action to save Sirius.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, I took a look, Sirius is a flesh wound, just take good care of it."

"Judging from Zhang Haoran's reaction, it should be right."

"Yes, if Sirius is seriously injured, Zhang Haoran will definitely retire to find a way to save Sirius."

"But what was it that attacked Sirius?"

"Zhang Haoran is angry, no matter what it is, it will be bad luck!"

"Fuck him! Dare to bully Sirius, **** it!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

There are more professional people who can analyze it according to the wound.

Others looked more closely, and found some hairs around Sirius' mouth, which were obviously bitten off from the opponent's body.

Judging from the color of these hairs, the opponent may be a creature such as a tiger or a leopard.

More powerful people, such as those in the rank of cat detective, can already make accurate judgments.

Should be a tiger.

Sitting at home watching the live broadcast, Detective Cat's mood is complicated.

Ye Han has encountered a tiger, and now Zhang Haoran will encounter a tiger too.

And Leng Feng, who has always wanted to complete the feat of fighting tigers, is now squatting there doing rubber...

It is estimated that after the end of the game, Leng Feng will be autistic after learning about these things!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you Ah Fei for the reward reminder (thanks for the long comment, it's very good, it's very helpful to me, thank you!) Thank you Mr.zhang for the reward reminder, thank you for the reminder that I don't want to give a reward! Thank you to these great supporters!

Chapter 802 Tiger Threat Equipment Completed

At this time, Zhang Haoran was very distressed and was helping Sirius deal with the wound.

Clean first, then apply medicine.

"Sirius, bear with me."

Zhang Haoran touched the head of Sirius and said.

Sirius' body was dirty with blood and mud, but Zhang Haoran didn't dislike it at all, and hugged Sirius to comfort him.

The relationship between them is very pure, not utilitarian at all.

In human-to-human relationships, perhaps only when we were playing with each other when we were children would we have such feelings and simply treat each other as partners.

And the friendship between children today may not be so pure.

For example, you give me a pack of spicy sticks, I give you an Ultraman card or something, this is a deal...

Oh, you don't have spicy strips or Ultraman cards, so I won't play with you.

While Zhang Haoran was treating the wound to Sirius, Sirius twitched twice from time to time, which was painful.

But Sirius just didn't say a word, very strong.

Zhang Haoran felt more distressed the more he looked at it, and even more angry in his heart.

Whatever it is, there is a price to pay for it!

"Sirius, where did you encounter danger?"

Zhang Haoran asked.

Sirius looked in one direction and wanted to take Zhang Haoran there.

But Zhang Haoran thought about it and decided to forget it first.

Sirius cannot fight in his current state and needs to rest for a while.

"Let's rest first."

Zhang Haoran started to light a fire and grilled some meat for Sirius.

Living with Zhang Haoran, Sirius is not so afraid of fire anymore.

As long as Zhang Haoran is there, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Snuggling up beside Zhang Haoran, Sirius felt much better, and there was a cool feeling from the wound.

It was Zhang Haoran who gave it some herbs to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation.

All over the world, discussions have also started on this matter.

And the cat detective also ended up saying that it was the hair of a tiger.

This means that Sirius has encountered a tiger!

"I'll be darling, Sirius is so powerful, he escaped from the tiger's mouth!"

"There are tigers on the island again, hurry up, hurry up and call the cold wind!"

"Lengfeng wants to fight tigers in his dreams. If he can meet a tiger, I'm afraid he will be able to laugh on the spot."

"That's what life is like, what you've been looking for will be delivered to someone else's door, like my girlfriend, alas!"

"Don't cry, brother, you've turned green, but you've also become stronger. Women will only affect the speed at which you draw your sword!"

"Don't make trouble, I think the situation is a little dangerous! I'm afraid this tiger won't let it go. What if it comes after him?"

"There is indeed a possibility. I didn't expect that there is a tiger living nearby, or else run away!"

"Zhang Haoran won't run away, he will definitely deal with the tiger and avenge Sirius."


The audience expressed their opinions.

In countries such as Neon Country and Plastic Surgery Country, many people are excited.

"Yo Xi! Zhang Haoran is finally finished!"

"The tiger will come to the door soon, bite Zhang Haoran to death, and eat him!"

"The tiger is coming down the mountain, how can Zhang Haoran be an opponent?"

"This Sirius is not dead, if it were dead, Zhang Haoran would definitely kneel on the ground and cry."

"Hey hey, wait for Zhang Haoran to be finished. The cancer on this island has killed the players in our plastic surgery country. Damn it!"

There have always been such remarks, especially the neon country is more exaggerated.

Their players have all been wiped out, but they are still very embarrassed.

Looking forward to the death of more people in China as soon as possible.

Now the audiences of Shenzhou Kingdom deal with these people according to their mood.

It's like mosquitoes in summer. If you're in a good mood or you're busy, you don't have time to take care of them.

If you are in a bad mood, slap him to death.


"There's actually a tiger near here."

"But I think with Zhang Haoran's fighting power, he might be able to compete with the Tigers."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye said.

He didn't dare to speak to death, he could only speak vaguely.

He didn't know much about Zhang Haoran's fighting power.

It can only be said that it is definitely not weak, but it is hard to say whether it can kill a tiger.

This is the attitude of most people.

Even Zhang Haoran's fans can't guarantee that Zhang Haoran can kill a tiger.

At present, it seems that there are not many people on the island with this strength, Leng Feng must be counted as one, his combat power is too strong.

Ye Han can only count as half, he killed the tiger, and the luck factor is too high.

First of all, the tiger was injured, and then he also had Su Xiaoqi and the big girl to help him, and then he killed the tiger.

In addition, some people think that Zhou Yan can also kill the tiger. This guy is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he has a strange strength. Some people believe that he can tear the tiger alive.

At this time, Zhang Haoran and Sirius began to eat.

Sirius needs to eat more meat and make up for it.

On Ye Han's side, he was gradually perfecting the hundred-toothed rake in his hand.

"Boss, I got it!"

At this time, Su Xiaoqi let out a long breath, and finally finished the production of the animal skin protective suit.

With this thing, you are not afraid of being bitten by bats.

The whole body can be wrapped tightly, and there is a hat to protect the head.

Even the face, Su Xiaoqi has also done treatment, after putting on the hood, it can hang down, which is the effect of the headgear.

After wearing it, no one will recognize it if you rob a bank directly.

Su Xiaoqi had already put on her own outfit and came to Ye Han, startling Ye Han.

"Ouch I'm going!"

"You scared me to death, hahahaha, it would be nice to have a mirror at this time."

Ye Han couldn't help but laugh.

Su Xiaoqi now looks like a monster in a movie, not a person anyway.

"It's the same when you wear it, and laugh at me!"

"Okay, do it well, I'll make dinner."

Su Xiaoqi felt so hot that she took off the animal skin protective suit and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Rhubarb followed behind her **** and entered the kitchen.

This guy can feel that the meat he has eaten at noon has become less, at most, he is full.

So it sensed a crisis and had to act quickly.

On Ye Han's side, after another twenty minutes, he finally got this nail rake completely done.

The principle of this thing is very simple, but it is a hassle to get started.

The fixation of the nail teeth is a difficulty.

If you use it a few times and it falls off one after another, it's better not to do this stuff.

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