Tang Hongxiao uses affection, and moves with reason.

Finally persuaded Yang Qingqing.

She is older and more mature.

Don't forget, Yang Qingqing is still a college student, when he is young and in his prime.

It's easy to understand that after staying in such a place for more than 100 days, I can't stay a little bit longer.

The audience in the live broadcast room also sighed with emotion.

"It's really hard for Yang Qingqing, alas!"

"Qingqing is still in school. When she was most young and beautiful, she was surviving on a desert island."

"I'm also a student, and I have to check my phone every ten minutes or so, otherwise I'll feel sick all over."

"Why do people still criticize Yang Qingqing for being ignorant? You take a taxi and get out of here, Yang Qingqing has already won a gold medal for our Shenzhou Kingdom. Which Internet cafe are you spending the night in at your age, where do you get your face?"

"Qingqing didn't show her temper. After Tang Hong persuaded her a little, she gave up this risky idea."

"Life on this island is not ordinary, we feel that time passes quickly, but for the players, how long they stay on the island, how long they are out of touch with the outside world!"

"I was in prison for two months, and I felt a little uncomfortable after coming out, let alone surviving in the wilderness on the island for so long!"


The audience in the live broadcast room was talking.

Some people also think that Yang Qingqing is ignorant, and is directly scolded for autism.

He is standing and talking without back pain. If he really wants to try it on the island, he may not be able to stay for a day.

At this time, Tang Hong was continuing to chat with Yang Qingqing.

It's normal to not be able to stay. In fact, Tang Hong is also uncomfortable. She also wants to go home, how comfortable it is.

But in order to achieve better results, you must persevere.

"Well, Qingqing, let's expand the scope of our activities."

"Recently, I also discovered that the difficulty of obtaining prey near where we live is gradually increasing, and there are fewer birds."

"It's time to expand the scope, otherwise our food reserves will be insufficient."

Tang Hong said.

Yang Qingqing nodded.

"Okay, Sister Hong, I will listen to you."

The person who can win the gold medal at this age is still the one who went to Qing University, that is absolutely self-disciplined and sensible.

Yang Qingqing did not mention this matter again.

On the other side, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had arrived at the Bat Cave.

As in the morning, the two quickly collected a large amount of bat droppings and took them away.

This time, Ye Han took a closer look and knew more about the cave in his heart.

"This bat cave is very big, it goes deep into the mountain and extends underground."

"There is also a snake slough over there. There are obviously snakes living in the depths. It is estimated that bats are used as food."

"It's a bit like a horror scene!"

Ye Han didn't dare to go deep.

Who knows what else is dangerous inside?

A snake emerges from the darkness and bites you. Who are you going to reason with?

"The cave is absolutely connected to the groundwater veins on the island."

"It's better not to go deep."

Detective Cat watched the live broadcast at home and came to the same conclusion.

Creatures living in dark and humid areas such as caves are not the same as the beasts outside.

The beast bites, kills, and has powerful attack power.

And the poisonous snakes and scorpions in the cave, including bats, all carry viruses and bacteria, which are also deadly.

And the depths of the cave are too dark, even with torches, the visibility is very low.

Ye Han was standing at the entrance of the cave and was processing bat feces. Together with Su Xiaoqi, they packed the bat feces for easy transportation.

"We can continue to carry two more trips tomorrow."

"The bat droppings in the outer area of ​​the cave will be almost exhausted by then."

"I don't plan to go deeper. The depths of the cave give me an uneasy feeling, there must be danger, and I can smell a fishy smell. I don't know what is hidden."

"Just get the bat dung on hand first, extract the saltpeter, and try to see if it is enough."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi basically would not object to Ye Han's decision, and nodded immediately.

She looked into the depths of the cave and felt panicked.

And the further you go inside, the more unpleasant the smell becomes.

If you stay in such an environment for a long time, it will also affect your body.

Not as scary as the caves of the small volcanoes, but not much better.

Next, the two began to lead the team back.

Today is the day to collect bat feces, and if there are no accidents, it will still be the same day tomorrow.

But until the day after tomorrow, there is no need to come again.

At that time, Ye Han intends to take Su Xiaoqi to relax. He can go to the beach or go to other places to have fun.

This will be kung fu, and Zhang Haoran has also made good progress.

He had dug a large hole and started making sharp wood thorns.

I have to say that Zhang Haoran is a good hand at work. He moves quickly and has a lot of strength.

Although Sirius was injured, he was always by his side with Zhang Haoran, and was very alert to the movement around him.

The threat of the tiger was still there, so Sirius was always watching.

As long as the tiger chases over, it will warn in time.

At the same time, it was time for lunch.

Some viewers found that there was a new situation on the Datang team.

Di Tian and Xue Liang were both very happy.

The reason is very simple, Brother Flathead returned from hunting again, but this time it brought back a pheasant instead of a snake!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for reluctant to give a reward for the reminder, and thank Changshan Zhao Zilong for the reward! Thank you two huge rewards for your support!

Chapter 806 The trap was discovered by the tiger

When they saw this pheasant, Di Tian and Xue Liang were both stunned.

"Brother, from now on, you are my brother!"

Di Tian took the pheasant and held it in his hand, his face full of joy.

Xue Liang also laughed, he was considering whether to build a shrine for Brother Pingtou.

"Brother, in the future, if you let me go east, I will never go west!"

Exaggerated, too exaggerated.

The reaction of the two made the audience burst into laughter.

Of course, everyone knows that they are joking around here.

Happy is really happy, there is no need to eat snakes today, and there are pheasants to eat.

Good luck, eat chicken tonight!

Looking at the reaction of the two, Brother Pingtou seemed to understand something.

It turns out that these two little brothers like to eat this stuff.

Say it early!

Brother Pingtou has also encountered pheasants before, but he is too lazy to care about pheasants.

The ferocious poisonous snake can even arouse the interest of Brother Flathead.

The pheasant is too weak in comparison.

And there is a relatively important reason, that is, snakes can only crawl, but pheasants can fly.

Catching pheasants, you can't enjoy the joy of fighting, and you have to keep trying to catch up, it's not interesting.

However, for the sake of these two younger brothers' liking, Brother Pingtou intends to catch the pheasant when he sees it.

In its heart, Di Tian and Xue Liang were already regarded as younger brothers.

At this point, they had already started to deal with the pheasant.

"It's not easy, Brother Pingtou is finally going to improve the meals for the two younger brothers!"

"Look at how happy the two of them are, the generals who promised to be the descendants, but bowed down for a chicken!"

"This pheasant is fat and big, and it looks delicious. If anyone gives me such a pheasant, I will call him brother too."

"I would like to call Daddy!"

"This can also be rolled up? Those of you who play inside rolls will not end well!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were talking.

Of course, Di Tian and Xue Liang were not without the ability to hunt.

Just kidding, they are all strange people with skills.

Even without this flat-headed brother, the two of them never went hungry.

It's just that now with the help of Brother Pingtou, I don't have to worry about food.

After a while, the two of them had already started roasting the chicken.

The aroma of chicken wafted out, and Brother Pingtou was also greedy.

Di Tian and Xue Liang were also very kind, and they didn't give up, but gave Brother Pingtou a big drumstick, which was not enough.

This chicken was caught by someone else, so it can't be swallowed by them, right?

Two people, plus a flat-headed brother, shared this roast chicken.

To be honest, it’s a little hard to get enough to eat, but it’s about 70% full, and that’s enough.

It is worth mentioning that there are very few players who want to eat and support on the island.

It seems that only Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are the ones who often eat up...

Everyone else eats in a planned way, and they don't dare to eat too much in one meal. After all, they need to maintain their food reserves.

Good guy, when they arrived at Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's place, they were afraid that the food would be spoiled if they couldn't finish it!

Now some of the crocodile meat can no longer be eaten, and it has been left for too long!

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also returned home and started to eat dinner.

The bat feces brought back in the past two days, Ye Han has mixed with soil to make nitrate, waiting for follow-up processing.

"It's the end of the day again!"

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