"Time flies too fast, one hundred and thirteen days are coming to an end!"

"In the blink of an eye, it's the 365th day!"

"Hahaha, it's not that fast, I also want to see the results soon, it's really tormenting!"

"While watching this game, I got married and my wife got pregnant."

"I broke my leg at the start of the game, and now I'm fine, hahaha!"

"There's nothing wrong, it takes a hundred days for a broken muscle, a broken leg, and a hundred days is enough to recover."

"Are you sure it was a broken leg, not a riot?"

The audience in the live broadcast room is always chatting.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were here, after having dinner, they tidied up briefly, and started to sleep and rest.

Not to mention, it was quite tiring to walk this way twice a day. Not long after lying down, both of them fell asleep.

The only person on the island who hasn't rested yet is Zhang Haoran.

He ate something in the evening and went back to work.

Now finally the wood thorn pit trap is done.

Seeing this trap, many viewers were stunned.

Good guy, Zhang Haoran is a very ruthless trap!

The trap that Bill set up at the beginning was already quite ruthless. If it weren't for Leng Feng's skill, he and Li Guang would have already received the lunch.

But now, Zhang Haoran's trap is even more powerful.

The entire pit was larger and deeper, and the thorns were sharper and denser.

If the tiger fell into it, it would be seriously injured even if it didn't die.

Standing on the edge of the pit and looking at this trap, Zhang Haoran was very satisfied and clapped the dust on his hands.

"Finally done."

"If the tiger comes, lure it into it."

"If you don't come, wait for Sirius to recover from his injuries and bring him here."

Zhang Haoran planned very well.

But don't forget, there is a saying that the plan will never keep up with the changes.

Just when Zhang Haoran was going to cover up this trap with some weeds, a dramatic scene appeared.

I saw Sirius suddenly growl in a low voice, and he was about to explode. He was very vigilant, and his eyes were fixed in one direction.

Zhang Haoran immediately noticed the abnormality and looked up.

Following his gaze, audiences all over the world also saw the scene ahead.

Among the dense trees, heavy footsteps could be heard, stepping on the ground.

Then I saw two eyes, glowing with a faint murderous light.

Zhang Haoran was numb.

No way!


The next moment, a roar spread, and the tiger's roar shook the forest!

Zhang Haoran clearly felt a gust of wind, the fallen leaves on the ground moved, and a sense of fear shrouded his heart!

A fierce tiger strode forward and rushed towards Zhang Haoran!

The audiences all over the world were shocked. This sudden change shocked everyone!

Zhang Haoran has not had time to cover up this trap, and the fierce tigers have come to the door!

This guy is not blind. Of course, he saw a big pit there. In this case, unless you are mentally retarded, you will jump into it.

I saw this fierce tiger bypassing the big pit and running towards Zhang Haoran.

This trap is in vain!

For a time, a large number of the audience were extremely nervous, subconsciously holding their breath, and their heartbeats accelerated.

How to do? !

The tiger rushed towards Zhang Haoran, he was very dangerous!

The program team immediately dispatched staff to the island. If Zhang Haoran lost to the Tigers, they could rescue him in time.

But whether it can be done in time or not, that's two things to say.

At Detective Cat's house, he had already stood up and looked at the live broadcast.

According to his calculations, the probability of Zhang Haoran wanting to defeat this tiger without injury is extremely low.

In the best case, Zhang Haoran will also be injured.

Unless he can skillfully use this trap.

"This tiger came too fast. If it was a little later, then Zhang Haoran would have a big advantage."

"But now it knows that there is a big hole there and will never jump into it."

Detective Cat couldn't help but sighed.

Just a while!

It only took less than ten minutes for Zhang Haoran to cover up this big pit trap, but the Tigers did not give Zhang Haoran this time.

The situation was very dangerous. Zhang Haoran gritted his teeth and clenched the engineer shovel in his hand. He was highly concentrated, his whole body was tense, and there was a ruthless look in his eyes.



Chapter 807: The Fighting Power of the Peak Tiger

The wolf's bones are very ruthless, ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself.

Zhang Haoran inherited this wolf-like nature perfectly. He clenched the engineer shovel in his hand and wanted to fight this fierce tiger recklessly!

At this time, the tiger had bypassed his big pit wood thorn trap and came straight to Zhang Hao!

Countless viewers were heartbroken.

This fierce tiger was bigger than the one Ye Han had encountered before, and it was not injured much, and was almost at its peak.

You must know that when Ye Han encountered the fierce tiger, it was already injured by the big girl, and the fighting strength and physical strength were not very strong, which gave Ye Han a chance.

But now Zhang Haoran encountered this one, but there was basically no problem.

The body was bitten twice by Sirius before, but both were skin injuries.

This battle is probably over.

Even people who were very optimistic about Zhang Haoran before now feel that he should be finished.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Run, little wolf dog!"

"It's definitely impossible to beat, this thing hits like a car, how to stop it!"

"Even if the cold wind comes, you have to retreat!"

"When I watched the live broadcast, I had a feeling that this tiger seemed to be rushing towards me, it was terrible!"

"This is very different from the tigers in the zoo. I even took pictures with the tigers when I went to the zoo. The tigers are very docile, like a big cat!"

"I saw on the Internet that the staff of the zoo were broadcasting live and petting the little tiger. I thought it was very cute. Now I know that I am too naive!"


A large number of barrages emerged in the live broadcast room for discussion.

Of course, there are also naysayers who gloat over misfortune, most of which are foreign audiences.

No one cares about them now.

At this time, the tiger had already arrived in front of Zhang Haoran, and was about to pounce on Zhang Haoran.

Zhang Haoran is not stupid, he knows that he can't be matched, so he can only outsmart it!

Dodge this blow first, then you must find a way to lure this guy into the trap, so that you can survive!

Otherwise, even if you choose to withdraw from the competition for help now, you will never wait for the rescue of the program team to arrive!

There is a type of people in this world, the more dangerous situations they face, the more calm they will be, the faster their brains will run, and the stronger their control over their bodies will be.

For example, Ye Han is this kind of person, and Leng Feng is also this kind of person, so this kind of person's life is very hard, and it is difficult to die.

Zhang Haoran is naturally such a person.

Otherwise, even with the protection of the wolves, he would have already died.


The tiger brought the wind and also brought great deterrence.

But Zhang Haoran quickly dodged, first rolled on the spot, and avoided the first blow.

At the same time, the tiger's tail swung over, bringing a strong wind again.

If it gets hit by its tail, it will break at least two ribs.

Zhang Haoran continued to dodge, looking for opportunities to attack.

Some viewers were so nervous that they forgot to breathe, and their faces turned purple!

As long as there is the slightest mistake here, Zhang Haoran is afraid that he will be killed on the spot.

Sirius also acted.

Its injury has not recovered, and it is limping when walking, but seeing Zhang Haoran being attacked, how could it sit idly by?

There's always something more important than life, isn't it?

Sirius let out a howl, which also attracted Tiger's attention and bought time for Zhang Haoran.


Zhang Haoran's heart trembled and looked at Sirius.

With the current situation of Sirius, it is absolutely impossible to fight.

The inconvenience is an extremely fatal point. Zhang Haoran can still dodge the tiger's attack quickly, but Sirius probably can't.

Once the tiger is close, Sirius is afraid that he will not be able to survive.

At this time, the tiger was ready to attack Xiang Tianlang, and Zhang Haoran was completely anxious.

This time the Tigers are here, and the main target is Sirius!

Before it met Sirius in the forest, the reason was for the same prey, which was a small wild boar.

Sirius wants this little wild boar, and so does the tiger.

The two sides naturally tore and fought, and in the end, Sirius obviously lost to Tiger and was injured and fled.

The tiger continued to chase the little wild boar and successfully ate it, making it a meal on the plate.

But the enemy of Sirius, it does not intend to let go.

A wolf, dare to provoke a tiger?

Who is the king of beasts?

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

The tiger immediately abandoned Zhang Haoran, turned and ran towards Sirius.

Zhang Haoran pulled out, hurried to the tiger, waved the engineer shovel in his hand, and slashed at the tiger's buttocks.

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