No way, the tiger is facing him now, he can only attack his butt.


The engineer shovel was in Zhang Haoran's hand, and he slashed out with all his strength, directly drawing a **** hole on the tiger's butt.

The tiger was in pain, furious, and roared.

Some people are watching the live broadcast with headphones on, and now they feel buzzing in their heads.

This terrifying impact seems to be able to directly impact people's brains through headphones. It's terrible!

It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure Zhang Haoran is facing now.

It turned around and attacked Zhang Haoran again.

The little ants dared to provoke themselves!

The tiger was completely enraged!

"God, what kind of live broadcast are we watching!"

"Shenzhou's Zhang Haoran was attacked by a fierce tiger. This is a fierce tiger in its heyday. It is only bigger and stronger than the one Ye Han encountered!"

"It's too dangerous, this is the real life on the line, can Zhang Haoran escape this disaster!"

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De were very excited, both of them stood up and explained the scene in front of them.


In the picture, the tiger ignores Sirius and attacks Zhang Haoran again.

Someone has discovered that Zhang Haoran is consciously guiding the tiger to the pit of the trap.

It's the smartest move, but can he actually get the Tigers to fall into the trap?

If he fails, he is afraid that it will end.

In a head-on battle, he is definitely not an opponent, even if the cold wind comes.

What a slippery shovel kills a tiger, that's just a joke on the Internet, it was imagined by netizens, and there is no one who can do this.

The tiger pursued Zhang Haoran and approached the trap pit.

But Sirius limped over, and was about to attack the tiger from behind.

There is a big difference in size between the two sides, but Sirius is not afraid at all, it just wants to help Zhang Haoran.

The guardian of Sirius has touched countless audiences.

The relationship between this man and the wolf is really too deep.


But the current state of Sirius is so poor, it is obviously impossible to be the opponent of the Tigers.

With a flick of the tiger's tail, it slammed directly on the head of Sirius, making a muffled sound.

Sirius fell directly to the ground, and after several rolls, he couldn't get up.


Zhang Haoran's eyes were about to split, and his heart was boiling with killing intent.

At this time, the tiger roared again and rushed towards Zhang Haoran again.

It's now!

Zhang Haoran became short and squatted down on the spot. The tiger's belly had already covered his forehead, and he had even seen the tiger's Jill.

A male tiger.

But now is not the time to worry about it, Zhang Haoran let out a roar, grabbed the tiger's belly with both hands, and propped up his arms hard to help him behind him.

He wants to make the tiger unable to hold back its strength, continue to move forward, and fall into the trap!

But at the same time, his own body followed the momentum of the tiger's advance and fell down together!


Chapter 808

This scene shocked the whole world.

Zhang Haoran was fighting with a peak tiger, and with this tiger, he fell into the trap together.

Professionals even analyze the battle frame by frame after the fact.

From any point of view, Zhang Haoran has almost no chance of winning.

It was extremely difficult even to persist until the rescue of the program team arrived.

His only life is this trap.

But other tigers have seen such a big pit, unless it has a pit in its brain, it will never jump into it.

The instinct of beasts to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage is stronger than that of human beings.

And Zhang Haoran still did it!

At this moment, his live broadcast room was completely boiling.

The eyes of countless people stared at this scene.

Sirius also ran to the trap side, very nervous.

In the picture, Zhang Haoran with the tiger fell into the pit of the trap, and bursts of noisy sounds sounded, making the scalp numb.

With the tiger's weight, a large number of wooden thorns in the trap snapped off instantly.

But the attack did work.

A lot of wooden thorns have been pierced into the body of the tiger, especially the back, almost turning into a hedgehog.

There was also a lot of blood splattered on the bottom of the big pit trap.

The tiger struggled violently, roaring, and in the pit, the voice seemed even more powerful.

And Zhang Haoran, who the audience cares about, is also injured!

He dragged the tiger and fell with him, almost exhausting his strength.

It's easy to say, but if you really want to do it, I'm afraid not many people can do it.

The weight of the tiger is right there. How much effort does it take to drive such a behemoth?

It's almost like pushing a small car!

It can be seen in some videos on the Internet that only a group of adults can lift a car, and it is difficult for a single person to do this.

Zhang Haoran had already lost his strength, but he still struggled to avoid the tiger.

This guy is not dead yet, and if he counterattacks at this time, Zhang Haoran will immediately cool down.

Therefore, Zhang Haoran didn't care about these thorns. He stepped on a wooden thorn and inserted the shovel in his hand into the inner wall of the pit. He quickly climbed up and fell to the ground.

Sirius had already come over and cradled Zhang Haoran with his head, for fear that he would die.

Zhang Haoran grinned and touched Sirius' head.

"Sirius, I'm fine."

"Let me see how you are."

Zhang Haoran twitched in pain, but he was still concerned about the situation of Sirius.

Just now, Sirius was kicked by the tiger's tail, and he almost didn't get up.

Zhang Haoran touched it and made sure that the bones were all right, so he was relieved.

If the bones on Sirius' head were broken, it would be dangerous enough to be fatal.

"My God! Zhang Haoran is injured!"

"His feet, and his arms, are bleeding!"

"It's too tragic, can he continue to play?"

"If it really doesn't work, just retire. That's the same sentence. It's fine to leave the matter of winning the championship to Ye Han. The other players don't have to stay on the island to suffer."

"Zhang Haoran's character, I am afraid that he will not retire from the competition. This kind of injury is probably nothing to him."

"That's nothing? I'm afraid the soles of his feet were pierced by wooden thorns!"

"I saw it clearly just now. When the tiger fell, its claws kept scratching, causing Zhang Haoran's arm to bleed!"


A large audience continued to discuss.

Zhang Haoran's appearance is extremely worrying.

But it's not over yet.

Tiger is not dead yet!

Zhang Haoran struggled to stand up and looked at the situation in this trap.

The tiger fell into the trap, and his body was bruised all over by wooden thorns, and his back became like a hedgehog.

But no fatal injuries.

These thorns were inserted into the tiger's body, but many were blocked by bones.

If it can hurt the internal organs, the tiger will definitely be finished.

Zhang Haoran is not sure whether he has hurt the tiger's internal organs.

The roar was still the same, but it was a little weaker. The tiger was at the bottom of the big pit and wanted to jump up and attack Zhang Haoran.

The tiger at this time was extremely angry. It is the king of the jungle. When has it suffered such a loss?

In front of this creature that looks like a monkey, it actually hurt it!

How can this be tolerated?

The tiger kept roaring, trying to jump out of the pit.

However, Zhang Haoran dug too deep and was covered with wood thorns, which made the Tigers a little constrained and could not use them at all.

In the process, its front paws were also stabbed by a wooden thorn, which made it even more angry.

"Great, this guy can't get out!"

"It has become a turtle in a urn. With the loss of blood and the consumption of physical strength, its death is only a matter of time!"

"But what should Zhang Haoran do, he's still bleeding!"

"It's so worrying, it's a lose-lose situation."

"Zhang Haoran is already very good at this step. I can't find any other words to describe him."

"There will definitely be someone who will analyze and explain the details after waiting. I just want to know if Zhang Haoran will be okay."

"Zhang Haoran has started to check his injuries, he has to deal with it quickly!"

The audience in the live room was very worried.

Zhang Haoran's arm was still bleeding, and wherever he walked, there would also be **** footprints.

In this case, it is estimated that the game will be retired.

At this time, Zhang Haoran first took off his shoes.

At the center of the sole of his right foot, a hole was pierced by a wooden thorn, and the flesh was blurred, and it hurt to look at.

Usually, if someone has blisters on the soles of their feet, they don't dare to walk, let alone Zhang Haoran. Just imagining it will make the scalp tingle.

But Zhang Haoran did not change his face, and pinched his right foot.

Then he turned to look at the condition of his right arm.

The upper part of the right arm was scratched by the tiger.

It was also a blur of blood and blood, but fortunately, no bones or muscles were injured, it was all flesh wounds.

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