"Rhubarb can't do anything when he comes, let it play."

"Rhubarb, let's go and play."

Ye Han shook his hand at Da Huang.

Da Huang first glanced at Su Xiaoqi cautiously, and when he saw that Su Xiaoqi had nothing to say, he suddenly regained his spirits.

It quickly escaped from here, daring not to appear in Su Xiaoqi's field of vision.

"Hahahaha, poor rhubarb!"

"Oops, Xiao Qi turned black, she followed Ye Han and became a capitalist!"

"Actually, Rhubarb can perform a bicycle ride, or lock his throat with a golden gun, so that Ye Han and Xiao Qi can relax."

"Rhubarb: I still have these skills, why don't I know?"

"When will this house be built, I am anxious to see the exploration of Bisheng Mountain!"

"Wait, they will go back to their hometown tomorrow, and they have to collect bat dung to eat ice cream. If they want to explore Bisheng Mountain, they will have to wait another three or four days!"

"Brother, don't omit it like this. Collecting bat dung to eat ice cream means several things. People who don't know think that Ye Han wants to eat bat dung!"


At present, the state of all players is relatively stable, and there is no intense picture.

A large number of viewers gathered on Ye Han's side to chat.

With the efforts of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, most of the time has passed, and the four walls belonging to the wooden house have been completely completed!

The size of this wooden house can be said to be the largest building Ye Han has built so far.

This also represents Ye Han's extremely high expectations for Bisheng Mountain.

He believed that the materials obtained in the process of exploring Bisheng Mountain in the future will definitely fill this wooden house!

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for the reminder and the good luck koi for the reward! Thank you for this huge reward!

Chapter 874 Ivanov's Wound

"All four walls are done."

"Come here today!"

Ye Han clapped his hands and let out a long breath.

The open space in front of the two has erected four walls, which are completely constructed of wood.

In order to prevent the wall from collapsing, Ye Han also used a lot of wood for support, leaning against the wall and inserting the other end into the soil.

He also tried to kick a few times, but he couldn't move at all, so you can rest assured.

"There should be no way to get it done tomorrow."

Su Xiaoqi said.

Ye Han nodded.

"It won't be done at all tomorrow, get up in the morning and pack up and go home."

"Go back to see the situation at home, and then get the saltpeter, and then come here again."

Ye Han had already thought of a plan.

Speaking of saltpeter, Su Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, and she suddenly felt that she was not tired after a day's work.

If it is more important to explore Bisheng Mountain or eat ice cream, it is of course eating ice cream!

"Well, I'm going to cook!"

Su Xiaoqi was very motivated and started to cook for Ye Han.

This time, Kung Fu Rhubarb is also back.

After a day in the wild, Rhubarb was finally willing to come back.

Some viewers believe that rhubarb came back after meal time.

This guy is very cunning, as soon as he came back, he approached Su Xiaoqi, holding a fruit in his hand, as if offering a treasure.

"Ha ha."

Su Xiaoqi responded with a sneer.

She was clear in her heart that Rhubarb came here on purpose to please him, just wanting to eat meat.

"You want to change a piece of meat for a piece of fruit?"

"Rhubarb, what you think is so beautiful, you can chew on your bones!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoqi had a bad attitude, Rhubarb came over again and offered the fruit to Ye Han.

In the end, Ye Han didn't give it a face either.

"Why don't you give it to me first?"

"Da Huang, you have to figure out who is the master of this family, who is the head of the family and has the right to speak."

"You bring me the fruit that Xiao Qi doesn't want. You are looking down on me. Don't eat the bones, just smell it."

Ye Han didn't want this fruit either, and criticized rhubarb.

The big yellow monkey is stupid, what can we do?

Su Xiaoqi rolled her eyes at Ye Han while cooking.

"The head of what family?"

"Who is your family, shameless!"

Having said that, Su Xiaoqi felt sweet in her heart.

"The Duplicitous Woman".

Afterwards, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had a big meal and ended the day perfectly.

In the end, rhubarb still ate some bones, but there was no meat to eat, which made rhubarb unhappy.

The audience laughed silly, rhubarb is simply too interesting!

"Ye Han went to bed with Xiao Qi in his arms, I went to sleep after playing games, good night everyone!"

"It's been a long night, and I don't want to sleep. I decided to go to the foot wash city to play."

"Walk up mahjong all night, look at my Tianhu Thirteen!"

"Why are you all so energetic, I'm going to hand in the public food, bye."

"Good Fortune Zhong Shenxiu! Your conscience won't hurt, I have to stay up all night to do my homework!"

"Hey, I beat up the teacher, and now I have dropped out of school, let's see how I can make a mess of society!"


The audience continued to chat. Even if Ye Han's live broadcast room was on a black screen, there was still no shortage of audiences.

The one hundred and twenty-fifth day ends.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to the one hundred and twenty-sixth day.

Early in the morning, many viewers appeared in the live broadcast room with dark circles under their eyes.

It is said that the one who played mahjong all night lost more than 1,000 yuan, and now the whole person is numb.

And the one who went to the foot washing city, there was a man who claimed to be his friend and said he was taken away...

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi woke up, packed up, had breakfast, and started to walk back.

go back home!

There were quite a few players on the road during this time. In addition to the current Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, there were also several groups of players, all of whom kept walking.

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De were explaining passionately.

"Right now player Andre is having breakfast, the meat of this anaconda looks very good!"

Bei said.

"Yeah, I've never eaten it!"

Dean nodded.

The two of them survive in the wilderness and rarely eat particularly good things.

At present, in Andre's live broadcast room, there is always a lot of scolding.

That is, Andre couldn't see it, otherwise his mentality would have collapsed long ago.

To be honest, it was indeed Andre who killed his teammate Adam, who should be scolded.

Now that Adam has been buried, it is still difficult for his relatives and friends to accept this cruel fact.

A good person, went to participate in the competition, and when he came back, he was already a corpse.

The world is impermanent!

For the time being, there was no way to get Andre off the island.

He himself may not dare to retire at all, and everyone can only wait and see what happens.

Those who were looking forward to Andre's death were also helpless.

It is said that a member of the rescue team was scolded for going out to buy food, which made him dare not go out at all.

It is because of the omission that he said at the beginning, and now he has become a street rat.

Really miserable!

Later, the director screen of the official live broadcast room came to the alcoholic team of Maoxiong Country.

"During this period of time, Ivanov's injury has been gradually improving, and his physique is also very good."

"As you can see, his wound has scabbed over, and it's not a big problem."

Bei Ye explained.

At this time, Eva was fishing in the sea, and Ivanov was waiting on the shore.

No way, he has wounds, it is best not to touch the water.

These things can only be done by Eva.

At this time, Ivanov was sitting on the beach, scratching his right arm with his left hand.

He actually didn't want to scratch it, but it was so itchy that he couldn't help it.

And it got more and more itchy, and finally Ivanov gave up and started to slap.

clap clap clap!

"Ivanov, is the wound itchy again?"

Eva came ashore with a lot of fish and other seafood, sea vegetables, and saw that Ivanov was slapping the wound, she hurried over.


Ivanov frowned.

It is not that he has not been injured before, but there has never been a time when the wound will be so itchy.

How is this going?

Eva also felt that something was wrong. Just as she was about to take a closer look, Ivanov spoke up.

"You are hurt?"

Ivanov looked at Eva, and he saw that Eva's feet were bleeding.

"It's okay, I was scratched by the reef on the bottom of the sea, and there was a hole."

Eva waved her hand, this is a minor injury, nothing to do.

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